It was impossible to read the article, even after the link.

It WAS the NY Times, and they're like a stopped clock, right twice a day. I have no evidence to disprove the idea, but see little evidence to prove it either. It's difficult to ascertain which came first: the mutinies or the armistice.

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I just clicked on the link below and it worked for me. I was able to read the article. What link were you having trouble with?


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That link worked fine. I meant the link to read the articles from the NYT. The headline was inconclusive as to the chronological order of events.

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Thanks. I never went into that kind of detail to try to read the articles from the NYT. The chronological order of events is important. But the powerful control many things and can rewrite His Story. Skepticism is a great thing. There is evidence that the mutinies were on all sides, not just in Germany? In some ways I am surprised that our enemy did not completely rewrite history and insert a fake NYT story. It did many things like that with COVID. Thanks again.

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There were also purportedly mutinies in the armies fighting the Germans too? This search appears to support that point? https://duckduckgo.com/?hps=1&q=1917+half+of+the+french+army+routinely+refusing+to+follow+orders&ia=web

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I'm not surprised. As wars go, WWI was about as stupid as they get. Even now looking back, it's murky how that mess was every sold as being righteous enough for anyone to fight for. Look at the extent our government has went to convince us that we need to spend our blood and treasure in hell holes around the world. 9/11 anyone?

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I agree. The purpose of this article is to see if mutinies by the rank and file are viable and possible TODAY. Further, if they are possible, maybe the military might can be used against our root cause enemy, Warren Buffet's class and the puppets they install to harm humanity as leaders of almost every country and organization world wide? If this could happen world wide, each military could "take out the garbage" on their own territory and many lives might be saved when compared to things like a possible nuclear war with Russia, China, etc. Our billionaire masters and the puppets they install to lead most or all countries and organizations world wide are escalating their long term class war against humanity and the planet. Perhaps it is either us or them? They extorted money and resources to build these powerful militaries and maybe those militaries should be put to use by saving humanity and fighting our real mutual root cause enemy?

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Here is another search with interesting results? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mutinies+during+world+war+1&ia=web

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Not surprised to see this. I've known for 50 years that we've been lied to. I quit the indoctrination system that most people call public school in 11th grade because of all of the lies being pushed on students. I ignore the propaganda pushers (MSM) for the same reason. Tired of the lies.

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This is great. Thank you. I agree and have done similar things. Do you have any ideas how we might leverage off what this article purports and turn the tide against our enemy? Thanks again.

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The entire story of the ALL wars and their players; is that there was always a plan, it was always choreographed.

The very short summary of this from Firestarter on Lawful pathforums thread is that the Austrian-born Adolf Hitler was a puppet for the Zionist Ashkenazi elite, who wanted to establish Israel, the UN and World Bank/IMF, and aimed to destroy Germany.

1880 – 1919 – preparing for WW II

1880 - Rothschild agents begin fomenting a series of pogroms predominantly in Russia, but also in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. These pogroms result in the slaughter of thousands of Jews, causing approximately two million to flee, mainly to the USA, but some settle in Palestine.

1897 - The first Zionist congress, founded by the De Rothschild family after first staging the Dreyfus affair, takes place in August 1897 in Basel. The leader of the Zionist Congress Theodor Herzl wrote in his diary that Zionism is founded on anti-Semitism:

It is essential that the sufferings of Jews (…) become worse (…) this will assist in realization of our plans. (…)

I have an excellent idea (…) I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. (...)

The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.

1913 - Jacob Schiff sets up the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), for the purpose of identifying anyone who challenges Rothschild’s New World Order as “anti-Semitic”.

1914 - The start of World War I, where the German Rothschilds loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds finance the British, and the French Rothschilds loan money to the French.

1916 - Germany offers to end WW I to the British. Rothschild agent Louis Brandeis sends a delegation from the US to Britain and promises to bring the USA into the war on the side of the British if the British agree to give Palestine to the Rothschilds.

The British agree to the deal and the Zionists in London inform their counterparts in the USA. Suddenly all the major newspapers in the USA run propaganda against the Germans, including: German soldiers are killing Red Cross Nurses and German soldiers are cutting off babies hands.

1917 – On 2 November 1917 the “Balfour Declaration” is sent to Lord Rothschild:

His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

1919 - On 18 January, the “Versailles peace conference” starts, chaired by Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Impossible reparation payments are forced upon the Germans. A delegation of 117 Jews is headed by Bernard Baruch. Palestine was here already confirmed as a Jewish homeland.

On 30 May another meeting, chaired by Edmond de Rothschild, takes place, which leads to the the British Royal Institute Of International Affairs (RIIA) in 1920, and its American counterpart the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921: http://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/sy ... 1878-1919/

(archived here: http://archive.is/lyPFk)

[I wonder just whose "People's Revolution it was?"]

1903 and 1937 “predictions” of World Wars

1903 - In August at the 6th Zionist Congress in Basel, a discussion takes place regarding a British offer to provide Uganda for a future Jewish Zionist state. Max Nordau predicts how the “future World War” will help the Jews get Palestine.

On 19 September 1919, Litman Rosenthal described the speech by Max Nordau in the American Jewish News under the title as “WHEN PROPHETS SPEAK”

There is a lot of re-reading that is necessary for us to see the patterns of history lost to most of us because of a corrupt education system.

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Of course, every problem in the world is the fault of the Jews, I’m sure you are very upset that Hitlers final solution wasn’t carried out. And Christianity is sinless in this world. The Crusades never happened. Priests don’t molest altar boys & Nuns. This substack isn’t about solution seeking, it’s about creating more hate.

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This was from a thread describing the fact that these wars were choreographed and played per plan. The Jewish were definitely victims here, of monsters who were pulling the strings to make it all happen. The solution is always to pay attention to details, if you read the whole insert, you would see that.

The establishment of the Weimar Republic was likely a temporary franchise of the Rothschilds, Walbergs and others in London. The point of the comment was not to divide and buy into hate, but to show various elements of the time-line in which things occurred.

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I read the insert. I was reacting to YOUR COMMENT.

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This religious based discussion and associated divide and conquer are not what we are looking for here. We are seeking innovative new ideas about how to solve the world's problems. I invite all to read the guidelines for this group that have been published here. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/about

The enemy has succeeded in setting up all kinds of diversions to prevent us from going beyond things based on religion and seeking real root cause understanding and answers,. The enemy has infested most or all GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS world wide by capturing the associated puppet leaders. No religion based solution has ever worked and it is doubtful that any religious based solution will ever work. No religion is to blame and no enemy puppet criminal should be able to hide behind any religion.

I invite readers to look at the FIRST publication of this article several months ago to get an idea of the kinds of comments that are wanted here. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/did-world-war-1-end-due-to-military/comments.

Those who need to focus on defending or attacking any religion are hereby asked to kindly cancel their free subscription and take those efforts elsewhere. This site is not going to be sidetracked by defending religions or attacking them. This is not a site about religions and discussion of religions has taken up far too much time so far. We will not be distracted from our goals and will do what we need to do to retain that focus and minimize the distractions and diversions.

Thank you.

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Why are you sending this to me? I was responding to a comment that started it.

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This Substack is not going to be about defending or attacking any religion. Those who must focus on doing that will be asked to adjust their behavior or leave. I am asking you and the person you responded to to adjust your behavior or leave (unsubscribe). That is why I am sending it to both participants in this comment thread. Thank you.

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I replied to you because you were the last person to comment on this thread. My understanding is that this comment will go to you and to Nefahotep. That is what is meant. If I need to copy and paste it to Nefahotep to make sure they get it too I will do that. Let's see what happens now.

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In other pages in this Substack the enemy is defined without using religion. The enemy are Warren Buffet's class and above (Buffet admitted they have been waging class war on humanity for a long time) and all the puppets they install to lead most or all governments and organizations world wide. This non religious based definition avoids all of the issues in this comment thread. It is simple and complete. Anything based on religion or otherwise is not as simple or as complete. If this definition is incomplete or inadequate, then let's work to improve it WITHOUT BRINGING RELIGION INTO IT IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER? If you sense frustration at these recurring religion focused discussions diverting this Substack from its true purpose, you are correct. Please take anything that attacks or defends any religion elsewhere. Thank you.

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My apologies; it was NOT my goal to offend anyone.

I agree with you, Larry

To clarify, the whole body of the original posted comment was not my own; it was an excerpt from Lawful Path Forums. There is a historian who goes by "Firestarter," and is very accurate in his detailing and documentation of things not commonly discussed in main stream contexts. I sometimes do need to filter what he says; however, if I had done that in this case, it would have been more difficult to show his time line summary.

All the major actors from behind the scenes in the major wars were Individuals working together to cause our world to be what it is today; they are clearly not finished yet. Hopefully, if enough people can see what has happened and how it happened, our next generations can steer themselves away from the current direction. Unless we change directions, we are likely to end up where we are going, and that doesn't look like a good place.

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Nefahotep. Thank you for this reply. We have learned to avoid things like this in Solution Seeking and we have concluded that there are ways of making some of the same points that avoid identifying groups in ways that might be hurtful to some. One suggestion is the way we have learned to describe our root cause enemy as discussed in my responses. Another suggestion is to avoid religion altogether, do not support or attack any religion, religion is for other places, not here, for it is a diversion that distracts and destroys our processes. IE. Try to find the simplest and most general way of classifying our enemy and how it operates so we can identify its weaknesses and take it down. This is not easy. I will state that nothing Einstein ever attempted was anywhere near as challenging or important as what we are attempting here. Hopefully we can all trade constructive criticisms, learn, adapt, improve, and continue. Despite the enemy's power, success, and many new attacks, there is always hope, but we probably need much more than hope to turn the tide. The purpose here is to figure out how to turn the tide and avoid the enemy's divide and conquer traps, and that is extremely challenging.

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Excellent information. Thank you.

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You're welcome. We are at war with the most powerful enemy in human history. HOW do we win? This is discussed in detail elsewhere in solution seeking but the answers are incomplete and your all help is appreciated.

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For starters, investigate and probably dismantle The Society of Jesus, Freemasonry. and The Tavistock Institute and the like.

Abolish The BIS, The IMF, The WEF, The WHO and The UN. Re structure banking so community banks can flourish along with local, small businesses.

Bring back free speech and a democratic system that works as intended. Abolish lobbying of politicians by big money.

Investigate organised crime and remove tax havens such as in Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. Get rid of the CIA in its present form. And the BBC!

Investigate the Vatican and remove their special status along with the City of London and Washington DC.

Abolish corporations.

Reform the Health Service so doctors can help their patients improve their health. Take out constant testing in schools and allow teachers to teach a rounded education.

Debate constitutional monarchies and consider whether they should be abolished. Open up their finances for the world to see.

Stop building on green field sites and consider how we can use clean energy. Stop pushing junk food and gambling on the masses. Encourage exercise by making it possible to walk or cycle or run to work or play if that is the individual's choice.

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Thank you. The actions you suggest are great. The key question that we have worked on in the pages of solution seeking is HOW. Usually to make something viable one needs to work out who, what, when, where, why and HOW.

Logically, one answer of HOW is to someHOW take the militaries and use their full force to eliminate the enemy. The HOW to so that is incredibly challenging. If this could be achieved, what you discuss and MORE could be possible.

Several answers to HOW are discussed elsewhere in the solution seeking articles and comments. Two of the many places are given in the following links.



Refinements on the ideas there or new ideas are welcome discussions.

Thanks again.

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This goes in my "Wouldn't it be nice if..." basket.

I have been trying wake up any existing patriotic Australian soldiers for two years now. Not a sausage. They have all gone woke or beddy-byes.

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Thanks for your comment. It would be insightful to discover what you have done in trying to wake the soldiers up and how they responded. Do you think that the soldiers have changed recently? If they have changed, how have they changed? The more details you provide, the better. Thanks again.

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OK, you asked for it. LOL. In 1984, they (Australian soldiers) were patriots, and that year I was approached by Military Intelligence to join them in a military coup d'etat in Australia. They were furious at betrayal by our own politicians and by the US. I declined, having very young children at the time. But they maintained contact for another decade, even meeting me on my Safari visits to a favoured waterfall. The officer from London who trained the three service wings over three years, came on my safari twice. But I lost contact when I worked in NZ in 1997-98. I tried to re-establish contact on military websites but got nowhere. I established my own "patriot Aussie soldier" website and got nothing. After a year I scrapped it.

Yet, it is obvious to me that we civilians require professionals to train us as a militia to restore democracy and prosperity. I have now concluded I will have to do the military gig myself. I have just read Andrei Martyanov's "Losing Military Supremacy" and this confirmed what I believed about Russian missile superiority (ie 25 mach scramjet hypersonic Zircon), the obsolesence of aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, and now the refusal of America's military families to recommend that career for their kids.

The average age of US war planes is 27 years.

What are my prospects? I myself, seventy years later, can still precision march and shocked one of the young fellas here who just returned from reserve training. And I suppose I am still a crack shot, and can outhunt anyone in the Top End bush. Which suggests I might still retain the basics. I still do 30+ pushups a day.

A couple of years ago I had a chat with the US Marines here and they devoted an hour to explaining the engineering miracle of the MV22 Osprey and these were guys I can get along with, which is kinda awkward as the US is technically the enemy. America has eight installations in the Northern Territory alone, one of these a Ratheon missile launching platform. When the Chinese evntually wipe it out, which they will, the region I live in will be blanketed by a cloud of Chlorine-laced with heavy metals. 14,000 will die.

If I talk to Aussie soldiers they clam up. They are basically hostile and see me as the enemy. Yet I know from the Americans that the oz military are making great strides in missile design, which is what I favour for our defence.

My new strategy is to once again meet the Marines and ask them how they see all of this. How do they view me as an Aussie patriot wanting America out of my country? How do they view themselves, betraying an ally? How do they view Aussie soldiers, taking orders from the Pentagon?

That kind of thing.

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Fascinating. Thank you. There is a lot of information here. I will specify what I am thinking of.

In the other Solution Seeking pages, we have at times considered the possibility that we need to eliminate the enemy or it will eliminate us. We have determined that the enemy is Warren Buffet's class and above, along with the puppets they install to lead almost every country and organization on the planet. We have determined that the enemy is escalating its long term class war against humanity and all life on the planet. The enemy's power and reach was clearly demonstrated in the COVID lock step world wide tyranny, there were a few holdout countries, and some of the associated African heads of state had the predictable deadly "accidents" and got replaced with enemy WEF puppets, etc. This is a radical departure from old school military thinking where countries are defined as friendly or hostile. It clearly defines a class of [d]elites (I refuse to call them elites) as the root cause enemy of humanity and it appears that either we eliminate them or they will eliminate us. Each military could take out the garbage within their borders.

Please let me know what you think of this concept. It is way outside the box. At times it seems insane, but maybe we need to do something insane to really turn the tide? How close to 0% are the chances of anything like this happening?

Thanks again.

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Thank you Larry. You and me, both.

I have been trying to tell people for a year that this is WWIII. It is now Law of the Jungle: the Predators and The People. The 'elite' of course are the predators and they are insane because genetics tells us there are no genes for elite. They are delusional. They are in fact psychopaths.

There is only one rule now: Kill or be killed. So that is two of us saying the same thing. Others who realise this are propably not big on communication so we need to think of ways to catch their attention.

The only thing we need debate is who do we kill first? The financiers or the enforcers. Buffet is a financier, who portrays himself as a nice guy. I dug up stuff that shows he is as bad as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

Here is where I have the advantage over pretty much everybody. In 1964, I realised an unknown entity was running the world but it was not until 1985 that I understood how they were doing it. And, again, it was not until 2005 that I could even name the leaders. I tried to warn the world with a book, in 2007, and only 70 people read it. In 2010 I created the website oziz4oziz.com/ and this was a little more successful. But by this time I knew where in history to research and what names to observe. From this I discovered that the NWO strategy orchestrator was David Rockefeller (who followed on from UN architect Nelson Rockefelller) and, in 1973, he anointed Rupert Murdoch to be his successor.

When David died in March 2017, Murdoch took over and launched the scamdemic, got the WEF moving into the open, and created several major distractions that prevented anyone realising his true role. Thus, he played the grumpy old man with his eye off the NWO ball, and with his media empire elevated Fauci, Gates, Tedros, Harari, Bourlis, Schwarb, and their national acolytes, high into public awareness. These are his canaries in the mine cages. When they begin to be assassinated he knows to launch Plan B. As it happens, I have identifed his Plan B personnel too. The whole thing. There is also a Plan C and Plan D, but more on that another day.

Basically, every move we could conceivably make has been anticipated and countered. But he does not know anybody has figured out how to bring him down. Once you realise that everybody presented the scamdemic with an identical vocabulary, you have the first clue as to who are the NWO commanders. It was the media from the get-go. Actually, the role of propaganda has been known for five thousand years but we foolishly believe we are too well educated today to be fooled. In fact, the "best-educated" are the most indoctrinated, which is very evident when you observe the relationship between the Jab and AGW, and academics and doctors. They are the most suckered sector.

Where am I going with this? The media managers and editors have been runing these campaigns on a national level. Particularly News Corp, but always remmembereing they have captured the managememnts of other mediums, including government. A major key will be coordination between the US and Australia. Why, because oz is the only country that can make itself sanction and invasion-proof; and the US is ground zero for most of the NWO commandants, including Murdoch himself. Europe is now irrelevant, China is on a collision course with its own catastrophiic planning, and Russia has always been its own fortress. We have a clear run. Larry.

We need to identify the names of all media managers and editors and eliminate them. Once they are gone the whole editface falls apart. How to do this? We now need to continue the conversation encrypted on protonmail.com

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First, some language for our NSA and 5 Eyes type partners, who are likely looking at this. "Thank you for reading this. As you are aware, we are only discussing this here so we can show that we should not do anything like this but, instead, follow a Gandhi type of peaceful and lawful only model. Please refer to the following Substacks for why this type of violence is not preferred and should be avoided." The following is meant for Tony Ryan, the NSA, and any others who are storing and/or reading this...

1. The ADDENDUM HERE. Note that a Bayesian Decision Tree type of analysis of all known classes of solutions clearly shows that violent solutions cause more harm than good. The Many Solutions solution is the best solution discovered so far. That requires a critical mass doing everything possible to concentrate on, prioritize, and solve this. A critical mass can be a very small but effective group. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/9-or-more-crystal-balls-to-select

2. I invite Tony Ryan to confirm that we are not advocating for violence here, we are not planning and/or inciting violence or anything illegal here, we are discussing it so we can agree clearly in front of ALL READING EYES that there are better options. This Substack does not advocate for, plan, or incite violence. We do not allow entrapment here. I will do whatever I need to do to ensure that does not happen in this Substack. These guidelines govern everything written here. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/about

3. If you, are trusted intelligence agency partners, fail to do your job and work to save humanity, as described here and elsewhere in Solution Seeking, you may expect the kinds of things that Tony Ryan discusses here as a consequance of our root cause enemy further escalating its harm of humanity. You should target our mutual root cause enemy in your own best ways. Yes,, YOU, NSA, 5 Eyes, others, the rank and file, not your corrupt sellout enemy vetted and controlled commanders. The root cause enemy of humanity is Warren Buffet's class and above, along with the sellout vetted and controlled puppets they install to head all governments and institutions world wide, including the 5 Eyes intelligence agencies, and anybody reading, storing, and acting on what is written here.

4. NSA and 5 Eyes, if you continued failures continue to contribute to a worsening of this situation, you will not be spared from the enemy backstabbing of your loved ones and yourself after you have performed your role as Bezmenov useful idiots, as described here and elsewhere. https://www.bitchute.com/video/NuMfQEax4Din/ We trust that you will do the right things. Thank you.

5. NSA and 5 Eyes... Many others are considering the kinds of activities being discussed here. Lone wolf. No tech. Ninja style. At viable targets. Striking fear into the sellout scum enemy agents at all levels, some concentrating on the local level of easier targets, others concentrating on the upper levels in innovative ways you cannot imagine. Their plans are made out of the range of your "spy on the wall" ubiquitous cell phone and other spying methods. The plans will not be discussed on the Protonmail you set up to entrap, except as diversions to you. Their plans are agile, adaptable, and intelligent. If you fail to act, your loved ones and you may become targets. We are thankful for the rumors that you are really working behind the scenes to solve this with us in more peaceful and powerful ways. Some of us can think of some of those ways, but we won't share them here, for YOUR PROTECTION, NSA AND 5 EYES.

OK, Tony Ryan, maybe we have accomplished something here. Maybe the chances of our doors being kicked in by cowardly enemy scum have dropped a little. But, if we disappear, the NSA and 5 Eyes should know that will only strengthen the resolve of those who have already developed well formed plans like what we are discussing here in the hope to avoid that exploding, Those with the real plans are not writing about them here on the enemy's enslavement trap bait internet.

The enemy collects, analyzes, and stores everything on ITS INTERNET forever. We understand that, and we thank the NSA and 5 Eyes for reading this, really investigating it, and doing the right things.

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Agree with all.

Being old-school, adhering to national patriotism, honour, and the requirement to defend our families, I have never precipitated violent action in my life; only fighting when forced to by aggression inflicted on me or on those weaker than the aggressor aka bullies/ psychopaths, etc

Now that may sound a tad melodramatic but in fact, local police at one time relied on me to deal with armed offenders thus obviating the need to do it their way. And, as their officer noted gratefully, it cut out the paperwork.

But on opposite sides ofthe world today, Adelaide Australia and San Francisco, US; citizens are begining to ask why military soldiers are inflicting violence on innocent citizens.

Lines are becoming blurred and roles confused. We are hopeing for clarity and peace. It's a shame that not one soldier in either country is questionning unlawful orders.

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Others, with insights into the deep state(s), told me years ago that the enemy prioritizes anything using encryption and has cracked all the encryption it allows us to use. Further, they informed me that the enemy set up Protonmail as a sheep herding pen to attract those who think they can avoid the enemy collecting everything, so the enemy could prioritize them. Because I believe that some or most of this is likely true, I reserve Protonmail for the emails I REALLY WANT THE ENEMY TO COLLECT AND PRIORITIZE. My guess is that there are few better ways to get NSA and 5 Eyes attention than using Protonmail. Because I want this 5 Eyes and other intelligence agency attention, I have a Protonmail account and I am open to using it.

Yes, email contact would be great. I just subscribed to your great Substack. You should have a record of my gmail address in your Substack Dashboard Subscribers list, and you can search by name. Please feel free to send me a "hello" email to my gmail and, if you prefer Protommail, we can continue there.

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Now we need the armies of the gullible to wake up and revolt!

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Thanks, I knew a little about the divisive ending of the war for Germany but good to get the Expose link. I do not think we can put much hope in the military of any nation to defect, the obedience to authority is too strongly programmed. I put all my efforts towards Peaceful Parenting as I consider Lloyd deMause and his Psychohistory have the best understanding of the cause of human violence including wars and sex trafficking, etc: child abuse/neglect.

“The history of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to awaken. The further back in history one goes, the lower the level of child care. The source of most human violence and suffering has been a hidden children's holocaust throughout history, whereby billions of innocent human beings have been routinely murdered, bound, starved, raped, mutilated, battered, and tortured by their parents and other caregivers, so that they grow up as emotionally crippled adults and become vengeful time bombs who periodically restage their early traumas in sacrificial rites called wars. The evolution of the psyche is first of all accomplished by removing terrible abuses of children and their resulting developmental distortions, allowing the psyche to produce historical novelty and achieve its own inherent human growth path. Culture evolves through the increase of love and freedom for children. Can we afford not to teach parenting? What more important task can we devote our resources to? History is now a race between too slowly improving childrearing and too fast evolving destructive technology. The crucial task of future generations will be to raise loved children who grow up to be peaceful, rather than walking time bombs. Self-mastery must replace the mastery of others. Global suicide must not continue to be our goal.” Lloyd deMause www.psychohistory.com

Get free then stay safe.

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Excellent reply. Thank you for sharing. I understand that you think that military mutinies are not viable because the obedience to authority is too strongly programmed. The evidence appears to support what you state. I further understand that you are working on something that have a better chance of influencing and changing, improving parenting. This makes sense and I fully support it.

Elsewhere in the Solution Seeking Substack pages, there is evidence that our enemy is intent on either murdering or mutating all of humanity into remotely controlled robot slaves. Evidence exists that our predatory enemy will not allow any exceptions and has the ability to hunt down every last human who holds out. If what I write here in this paragraph is false, then working on things we can influence and improve makes more sense. But if what I write in this paragraph is true, then maybe we should also consider real physical actions to eliminate our enemy's ability to harm humanity and the planet? It is a complex topic and the answers are not clear. That is why these comments and discussions are so important.

Thanks again.

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Larry, unfortunately, (in)human history shows us there has always been “predatory enemies” relative to the individual who does no harm and wishes to be responsibly free. Since I was 14 and thinking mainly for/by myself, I concluded along with Stefan Zweig: “All the problems of the man who fears for his humanity come down to the same question: how to remain free?” I consider the “real physical actions to eliminate our enemy's ability to harm humanity and the planet” are, and should be, Voluntaryism, since The “Legitimate” State (ALL governments democracies to dictatorships) is the MAIN cause of death and suffering in the world today.

Here is a quick definition of Voluntaryism from The Voluntaryist:

“Voluntaryists are advocates of non-political, non-violent strategies to achieve a free society. We reject electoral politics, in theory and in practice, as incompatible with libertarian principles. Governments must cloak their actions in an aura of moral legitimacy in order to sustain their power, and political methods invariably strengthen that legitimacy. Voluntaryists seek instead to delegitimize the State through education, and we advocate withdrawal of the cooperation and tacit consent on which State power ultimately depends.” https://voluntaryist.com/

Get free, then safe.

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I love this concept. But does it work against an enemy that has a stated goal of absolute dominance over all life on the planet?

Please consider the case of Gadaffi. You may want to research and read his Green Book if you haven't already done so. You may want to do real research into what he stood for, accomplished, and created for his country and people. You may want to study what the enemy did to him and his country. You may want to compare his concepts to the concepts in Voluntaryism. There are differences, but both sought to empower the people and free them from the control of our enemy.

Do peaceful and lawful strategies work against an enemy that does not follow the rule of law itself, an enemy that lies about and uses the law as cover to murder and harm anybody and anything it wishes, a predatory enemy that does not like powerful independent parallel societies flourishing?

You may also want to study the ancient societies of the Indus Valley. Some say they were far more advanced in many ways than the Egyptians, there is no Rosetta Stone allowing for translation of their sophisticated language, and they were egalitarian. Absent from their ruins is evidence of a ruling class. There are no palaces, massive temples, pyramids for exclusive use of the rulers, etc. And somehow they apparently met a quick end, with evidence of nuclear radiation and sudden terror gripping their entire society just before it disappeared. Our enemy wants us to believe that human dysfunction requires a leader, a chief, a master, a ruler. Our enemy can rewrite His Story to suit its needs. I remain very skeptical of the enemy's His Story.

Another small comment that might be significant, or maybe not. It is not really the governments that are the problem? It is the enemy that is the root cause of the problem? The government is one of many tools the enemy has captured and uses to harm us? The enemy has captured all the false leaders in most or all countries, governments, and organizations world wide, and placed its well vetted, trained, bribed, and threatened puppets in those leadership roles? If those leaders were replaced by moral people who actually served the people instead of the enemy things could be very different quickly, then one could look at re designing all of society along Voluntaryst and other similar lines?

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I applaud your attempts to find solutions; it's noteworthy. However, I'm unsure if you recognize the real enemy. The normal citizen out numbers the "elite" class by probably a million to one. It's been that way for hundreds of years.

In my humble opinion the real enemy of freedom are all those who can't be bothered and a system that promotes and funds that mindset. Many of them recognize the problems, but think elections will solve the problem, as one example.

They know the public schools are terrible, but they can't be bothered to homeschool.

They know universities are the harbors for Marxism, but they send their children there anyway.

They know the medical industrial complex is corrupt, but they delegate their health problems to the "experts". So much easier than adopting a healthy life style.

They complain about Washington corruption, but fail to acknowledge their own shortcomings. Divorce, broken families, alcoholism, and drug abuse points to lack of integrity and character. It's so much easier to be a victim than be responsible for ones decisions and choices.

Alexis deToqueville wrote years ago that America was great because America was good. America doesn't appear to be good anymore, starting from top to bottom. Unless we start facing some fundamental truths, I don't think we will find solutions. And it all starts by looking in the mirror - at the only person you can change.

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Excellent points. Thank you. This is a complex topic. The viewpoint exists that the enemy I have identified, Warren Buffet's class and above, and the puppets they install to lead most or all countries and organizations world wide, have committed incredible crimes for decades to condition humanity into what you describe.

Some of the many ways that this criminal, covert, slow, and cowardly conditioning has been achieved are covered in two Solution Seeking publications and the associated comments.

The Class War Waged By The Root Cause Enemy Of Humanity - Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars – Attempt At Full Scope Discussion And Some Solution Suggestions


EMF Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars (5G+, Cell Phones, WIFI, Bluetooth, Etc.) – Facts, Solutions, and Ongoing Discussion


Elsewhere in the volumes of comments in this Solution Seeking, strategic analysis and planning have been discussed. The enemy excels at divide and conquer, getting groups to attack each other. Perhaps one strategy is convincing the victims that the root cause enemy is their real enemy so they quit fighting each other and destroy the [d]elites and their puppet leaders instead? This strategy can use the real attributes of the groups, speak their language, avoid trigger words that cause them to reject concepts, etc. As the enemy continues to escalate its harm and things get worse for everybody except the [d]elites and their puppet leaders, perhaps it makes sense to fight the enemy instead of fighting other victims in ways the enemy orchestrates?

One factor that should always be kept in mind is discussed in this simple post. "Your life, and the lives of everybody but the enemy and the power puppets it installed to control most or all of the world's organizations, can not be improve at the expense of other victims. The only way to improve lives is at the expense of the enemy and its puppets. There are ways to communicate this to anybody. I have had great success with all kinds of people. It is simple.

HOW To Improve YOUR Life (and the Lives of Approximately 99% of the World’s Population)


All of these things might be useful but, at this stage, it is incomplete. The enemy is winning and we are losing. We need understanding of these concepts, constructive criticisms, improvements, and new ideas about how to solve this nightmare.

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Edward Snowden may not be what he appears to be to you.

I suggest abolishing The BIS, the UN, The WEF, The WHO, The Tavistock Institute, Freemasonry, The Society of Jesus, lobbying of politicians and allowing small, local banks to flourish.

Give teachers the freedom to teach and doctors the freedom to heal.

Free speech to be restored. That is vital.

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Thanks MUNCHY. Great comment. I agree with what you write and could not bring myself to believe how the Oliver Stone Snowden movie shows the NSA data being snuck out in a Rubik's Cube. I have always thought that the enemy could have set up the entire Snowden incident to fool people into thinking that the encryption methods used by Snowden and others work when they don't work. There are many possibilities.

The actions you suggest are great. The key question that we have worked on in the pages of solution seeking is HOW. Usually to make something viable one needs to work out who, what, when, where, why and HOW.

Logically, one answer of HOW is to someHOW take the militaries and use their full force to eliminate the enemy. The HOW to so that is incredibly challenging. If this could be achieved, what you discuss and MORE could be possible.

Several answers to HOW are discussed elsewhere in the solution seeking articles and comments. Two of the many places are given in the following links.



Refinements on the ideas there or new ideas are welcome discussions.

Thanks again.

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I don't think they will agree to being abolished, even though the idea is wonderful. We all have ideas of what's wrong and what needs to change, but absolutely few ways to accomplish even one goal. We can only change ourselves, and that's not easy.

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They rely on the masses obeying their orders, so if we get enough people to stop complying, their world begins to crumble. It is especially important to get their bureaucrats and middle managers to stop obeying orders before they are replaced with machines.

One thing we can do is get involved in local politics and spread the word. Communicate with your local law enforcement people and anyone in the community who will listen. Support any politicians who put their heads above the parapet. Change yourself too, that is fine but that may include reaching out to others and speaking up in a calm, kind way.

Dismantle the infrastructure of their 15 minute cities.

Do not feed them with data.

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My point exactly. Changing yourself would include doing what you can to enlighten others in the nicest way possible. If we act like rabid idiots we will scare people away and possibly anger them as well.

I've done the local politics thing, and found it wasn't for me. Most seem more interested in their "team" rather than society as a whole; principles are often thrown under the bus for political expediency. My party right or wrong is just as dangerous as my country right or wrong.

Stopping them from complying is a big order. Most people comply because of either fear or ingrained obedient nature. Until we can encourage them to see reality, they are not likely to change. And I haven't had too much luck on that score, but I still try. Sometimes I know I have hit a nerve when they quickly change the subject. Most people are not so firm in their values, and are ill-equipped to argue their point of view. That point of view is often based on emotions rather than facts. Because of that, it's never a bad idea to appeal to their feelings. Sometimes anecdotal stories will touch them, and encourage them to consider another point of view.

The main thing, I think, is to chip away at their illusions. I saw the light when ONE narrative was shown to be a whopping lie; then I begin to be curious and found lie after lie. Now I don't believe anything the media or government says. I doubt that my trust in either will ever return.

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Larry, I suggest you read 180 degrees by Feargus O'Connor Greenwood. I haven't finished it yet, but you will unlearn the lies you've been taught to believe. I thought I was awake, but the rot goes deeper than I imagined. The book is referenced well, plus QR codes you cab access sources. It's well written and thoughtful. You can thank me later.😊

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Thank you for informing me of this book. Upon initial review, it looks like a great read. Unfortunately, my life is so full now that there is no way I could possibly tackle a book like that. Maybe later. Maybe you could help me or others out by providing context relevant information from that book or other sources. My understanding is that the book asks the reader to question everything and analyze how things do not add up. I have been doing that in my own ways my entire life. The book also appears to analyze history in complex ways, is this true? I am skeptical of His Story, it has merit, but our enemy can rewrite any or all of it, and many things simply have never added up for me. I use Occam's razor and open minded discussions with others to attempt to derive the simplest possible and most general explanation of how things work, and then I use my experience in simulation engineering to predict all possible futures, assign probabilities, and evaluate them. I make predictions and if they fail, I go back and adapt my modeling to the greatest extent possible. Does this book have a better process than what I am using for handling what is happening? If so, can you please explain it to me in as simple terms as possible?

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I'll try. I'm only on page 73 and have already read several things that I didn't know. I can say that I don't find his analysis of history complex; he just connects the dots. It's fascinating how the author doesn't write in chronological order of events, but the reader can see quickly how events of 50 years ago pave the path for current events. Many events have quotes from people who had inside knowledge or were directly involved. It's fair to say (and I'm sure you are aware) that most people are inclined to tell someone about their secrets, especially if they weigh heavily on their conscience.

I hesitate to put some of the information in print here, as I know how some will either attack me or twist the information to suit their agenda. However, here's a little teaser. History is strewn with false flags. (It's been said that the first false flag event occurred around 2000BC.). Look up the US Liberty attack, and think about who could have benefited.

I subscribed to your Substack. Are you privy to my email address? I would be willing to have a more thorough conversation with you privately, but am uncomfortable about putting this information into an open format. I hope you can understand my hesitation.

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Thank you Nancy in NC. I really appreciate the book suggestion and hope to get to it as soon as possible. But, at some point, knowledge of too many details can detract from one's abilities to see the forest for the trees? We realized this in the successful engineering think tanks and handled it by having people become experts in certain categories of details, experts who shared with the others as appropriate. It would have been impossible and inefficient for all of us to try to learn all the details and still identify, create, constructively criticize, refine, select, and pursue the best solutions too. By not learning all of the favorite details of each but rather honoring those for sharing, we optimized the efficiency and effectiveness of our groups. I am seeking to do something similar here.

I think I have found your email address and sent you a short connection email. We can continue there if you wish, just let me know how you would like to proceed.

Thanks again. This is sincerely appreciated.

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I made a short reply. I'm with you in not overloading ourselves with superfluous information. I don't think 180 does that. He just gives you information about different events and lets the reader decide, but only an idiot would believe the official narrative with the supporting evidence.

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Often additional and overwhelming evidence is needed to convince those who will listen. Sadly, other minds are closed like a vault and facts, regardless of number, will fail to shake a firmly entrenched belief system.

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True. The enemy did not invest billions into MKULTRA and other mind control programs without expecting to use them. We now see the evidence of the effects of the multiple modalities used to victimize people through complex mind control conditioning. Still, these people are possible assets. The enemy probably plans to use them in divide and conquer strategies where they are split into groups and kill each other. If we can convince all groups that their real root cause enemy if more worthy of their rage than what the enemy is convincing them, we might be able to win. I have had tremendous face to face success with all kinds of people doing this in person, but online it does not get through. This short article discusses it in more detail. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/how-to-improve-your-life-and-the Substack no longer puts that article into the Solution Seeking archives. Curious...

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If a critical mass cannot understand the simple concepts in that article, repeated here again, https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/how-to-improve-your-life-and-the, perhaps there is probably no hope. It is less than a 10 minute read, does not require buying any books, does not require any additional study, can be done by one person in almost all interactions within seconds, and each can adapt it to their personalities and situations. This might be where to start with the military. Build from this slowly to the taboo idea of mutiny. I have enjoyed a tremendous success rate with this compared to anything tried online.

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Many people have been killed or seriously injured for trying to bring illumination to the normies; knowledge of any kind.

We are now living in the 15th century, wherein a wrong word can get you burned at the stake.

I am waiting until the population has collapsed by 35%, and even then, I will only talk to those who clearly seek enlightenment. 60% are now braindead. that is two entire generations we can write off.

The good news is that when we fight back, they will not interfere. Their enui will cause them to hide in the house until its all over. And after that, they will refuse to talk about it. Even seeing executions of traitors and doctors on TV, will be met with "Who are they? What did they do?" as they rock backwards and forwards on their settees.

See if I'm wrong.

I occasionally receive reproaches by some of these, for making them feel disturbed. It hurts them, which makes me cruel.

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Nice comment. Very astute reasoning. Thank you. Let's explore some of this a bit further.

Why has the enemy not killed these victims already? Perhaps the enemy has plans for them? Perhaps the enemy wants to get off on what it has always done, turn people against each other? So, perhaps the enemy want to turn these so called normies against the others, or split them into two roughly equal groups, so they fight and destroy each other? Look at the Ukraine war. Look at Black Lives Matter in the US. Is it futile?

I pondered this and discussed with many others, online and offline. Face to face is always best for me. We decided that one strategy has hope. Convince the victims on all sides that their real root cause number one enemy is the billionaires and the puppets they install to harm everybody. There is no need to go further. Convince people on all sides, perhaps slowly, that they hate the billionaires and their puppets more than they hate anybody else. Then, perhaps, when the enemy makes things worse for all of us, its tactics might fail. Desperation tends to cure complacency. There is nothing like the real threat of being homeless and starving to death to incite anger in people, even brain damaged people. I would prefer that these victims are focus their anger on the billionaires and their puppets to having to fight in some kind of idiotic civil war. I realize Australia is different from the US, and civil war may not be what the enemy has planned there, you may more likely face hordes of Chinese invaders who have had the red carpet rolled out for them by your cowardly sellout government puppets? Either way, everybody but the billionaires and their key puppets are being victimized by our mutual root cause enemy. We need to plant seeds, starting slowly, to show the 99% that they hate the billionaires and their puppets more than they hate anything else?

That is really what this post is all about. It has many problems and issues. My hope is that others smarter than me, like you, may consider what it attempts and offer ideas for how it might be improved. 7 degrees of separation works both online and offline? I can't give up on trying to win this war.


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Kinda outa the blue, a gift from the gods landed in our collective lap. For the first time, we now have a destiny's-own litmus test to show the real calibre of our enemy. And it is laughable. it is a joke. Read on Larry. Just a warning, it wil be going on my substack when I get a spare moment.

An Australian WEF world leader bureaucrat, O’Neil, sneered at Donald Trump Junior, calling him an unpopular baby, and the Resistance hooted at her quite stupid recklessness. I too commented, but took it much further, partly answering your questions.

This lady is pushing massive fines for truth-tellers.

My guess is that when they hang O'Neil there will be a large and cheering audience. But I think everyone is missing the flashing neon statement just switched on for us, which has massive implications for the future of mankind.

Schwab has implied his global leaders were picked for their superior intelligence, among other attributes, and this qualifies them as part of the elite.

We sorta wondered about the intelligence of Jacinda Adern, and gaped at the evident vacuousness of Trudeau, and we really suspected that the Brit's Boris was a bumbling buffoon, but now we have the first undeniable evidence that O'Neil is outright stupid. To insult the child of a former US President is stupid at a personal level. But to insult the child of a former US President who may well be President again, is beyond stupid. It is suicidally moronic, and with national implications. Donald senior will not forget and Donald carries a grudge.

That much I realised instantly, but then it dawned on me that Schwarb has made a monumental error. His criteria for intelligence are off this planet. Clearly, he has mistaken psychopathy for intelligence and, on our realising this the entire behaviour pattern of WEF Global Leaders becomes clear. Their primary qualification is that they are psychopaths. Some may be intelligent but most are not.

This means we have an incompetent army levelled against us. And at least half of the 15% who are gradually assuming leadership of the Global Resistance reveal themselves to be well above average in intelligence, and massively above average in integrity and courage.

The inescapable conclusion is that the odds to win this war are now in our favour. Just a glance at what is happening in Netherlands, Germany and France strongly suggests their leaders are now beyond their level of competence. This applies equally in Australia. Our national leaders not only lack intelligence, they are bereft of political vision.

Their only qualification is that they are corrupt and compliant, That tells us Schwarb made a second serious error. Their blind compliance is a direct outcome of the CIA and Rupert Murdoch coup of 1975. Get it? We are led by puppets. Not intelligent cronies or disciples of a great leader, but just dumbarse puppets.

For the first time we now have irrefutable evidence that we are stronger than the tyrants. When we rise up, they will crumble because they have no idea what to do next. They can just follow the orders of a Schwarb looney who also no longer grasps what is going on. No wonder half the Davos crowd did not turn up. They saw the writing on the wall.

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Only arrogant and stupid people believe there own BS. Most smart people realize how much they really don't know.

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This response it to Tony Ryan and Nancy in NC, and open to all others who want to look at it.

Nancy in NC states: "Only arrogant and stupid people believe there own BS. Most smart people realize how much they really don't know.". My response... That is why we engage in respectful dialogue here that includes being nice to those who participate and engaging in constructive criticism that hopefully leads to meaningful breakthroughs.

My Response to Nancy in NC and Tony Ryan...

Our enemy apparently installs mentally challenged actors in many of its puppet positions who carry out their scripts in lock step. But just because the puppets are retarded does not mean that the enemy's planning to create those scripts is retarded. His Story indicates that the enemy's plans are indeed extremely clever and well thought out, and the enemy almost always wins. When the enemy faces a setback, it regroups, learns from it, and comes back in different ways to overcome the associated obstacles. In my engineering I ran predictive models for a complex system that looked every future possibility we could imagine. Then in meetings we discussed the different options and made decisions based on real evidence. If more evidence became available, we were able to adapt and change our plans. We had a control system, a SCADA System. It had a SCADA Master, which was the central control room. That gave the commands to the SCADA Slaves, computers, controllers, across the country. I envision that our enemy's command structure works in ways similar to this, with the top of the enemy being the Master, and its puppet actors installed in its leadership positions as the Slave-SubMasters. There can be several levels to this. One can sketch it out and determine from evidence how power really flows in any institution and the world. I invite you to sketch it out for any government or organization. And maybe share a picture of your sketch with me via email. Substack does not allow for diagrams in these comments, so I will email you the basic sketch that can be extended to any organization or any complex spider web of organizations.

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Another pivotal comment, Larry.

There may be more NWO Thinkers, and Bill Gate's Father was one. But the elite and aristocrats and Rothschilds, bypassed intelligence many decades ago. They rely on the cerebral abilities of others, and the first of these was Nelson Rockefeller, who was the architect of the UN and all its agencioes in 1933-36. He was followed by David Rockefeller; but then the Rocklefellers suffered the fate of all dynasties and, in 1973, David appointed outsider and Australian media baron, Rupert Murdoch as his sucessor. And by successor, I mean global emperor. Covert global emperor.

When David died, in March 2017, Murdoch assumed leadership of the NWO campaign and he used his by now global media empire as his medium of orchestration; which is how all NWO phraseolology became identical, so evident with the Scamdemic.

The AGW scam was designed and launched by Maurice Strong (IPCC), a Rothschild protege, as was Soros. In Australia, it is run by Ross Garnaut, who was appointed by David and who continues to work from the David's Trilateral Commission. All universities, science institutes and think tanks in Australia are controlled by Frank Lowy. Murdoch is the el Supremo.

The most significant element of this is that the key to defeating the NWO is terminating Murdoch. Forget Fauci, Gates, Tedros, Schwarb, and the various World Leaders, they are flunkies. Patsies. Exposed deliberately as the canaries in the mine cage.

Murdoch must go down first. The global media is the action administration. Our first task is to take down all managers, editors and lead journalists. Without them, the NWO cannot function, at all. Some of these are online (Mintpress News, Consortium News, etc).

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Thank you for another intelligent and well documented reply Tony. What you have presented is one of the likely explanations I have considered. Taking down the enemy's media is a high priority. I am not sure it is the highest priority. My best guess at this time is that it is best that a critical mass work on what they choose to work on, somewhat independently. This is the Many Solutions solution I have already discussed.

Here are some other possibilities of how power flows in this world.

1. His Story has lied to us about what happened after the Mongols destroyed the only armies of Europe in Hungary that stood between the Mongols and all the countries of mainland Europe. It does not add up to me that the Mongols went back Mongolia to select a new leader and never returned. One possibility is that Kahn faked his death and continued to rule covertly, dead men are not targeted. After defeating the European armies in Hungary, the Mongols did what they always did, sent out messengers to all the power holders in Europe, the monarchs, the Pope, etc., and said IF YOU SURRENDER TO US WE WILL ALLOW YOU TO KEEP YOUR CIVILIZATION AND YOUR OPULENT LIFESTYLES BUT YOU WILL HAVE OUR COVERT ASSASINS IN YOU PALACE AND IF YOU GET OUT OF LINE YOU WILL DIE. IF YOU REFUSE WE WILL DESTROY YOU AND YOUR CULTURE. With this possibility, the rulers of Europe capitulated and the heir of Kahn continues to rule in complete secrecy, setting up front men like Rockefeller and Murdoch as targets.

2. Prison planet earth is essentially a lab experiment for a technologically advanced alien race. It is experimenting with what happens if it gifts a selfish group of inbred retards the technology and whatever else it takes to rule the planet. At one time the ancient more advanced and egalitarian societies like the Ancient Indus were destroyed for whatever reasons and the selfish inbred leader masters over slaves societies like Egypt were all that were allowed. For some reason, consideration of this is kept from the slaves like us. Our enemy prefers to fool us into thinking we live in democracies and have freedom for multiple reasons.

3. Other. There are countless other theories about how power flows in the world. EG. The Black Pope is the top.

To me, the only way to even get close to discovering the truth would be to get the NSA and other intelligence agencies world wide to do what their real job should be, and investigate this for the good of all, not just follow the orders their puppet leaders feed them to harm humanity.

Murcoch is not an easy target. If he is somehow taken down I will celebrate. I certainly do not have the inclination myself. The discussions here are peaceful and lawful, but we are discussing all things so we can learn about them, and show that the peaceful and lawful are best. It is likely that there are many who share your views about Murdoch. But, if he goes, won't another enemy puppet just take over and continue? And another, and another, etc.?

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That makes perfect sense to me, Tony. And wasn't it clever of him to start Fox News, a "conservative site"?

But doesn't he have sons? What do we do with them? Aren't these people perpetual like cockroaches?

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I hope you or anyone else didn't think I was making a personal reference. I was referring to the powers that think they are IT.

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Thanks for the clarification. It was not clear to me. Online communication is challenging. My experience, and that of others, shows it is inferior in many ways to face to face, or even video conferencing like Zoom, Skype, or perhaps better yet, Jami https://jami.net.

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A pivotal comment, Nancy. They day we realise this is our first in the age of wisdom.

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I've been around the square a few times...75 years to be exact. The more I learn, the more ignorant I feel. But I am, by nature, a seeker. Curiosity killed the cat? By the way, I just signed up for your newsletter. It looks like my cup of tea.

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