Thank you for visiting.  This is Solution Seeking, a discussion forum exploring think tank type modeling and solutions for urgent world wide problems.

All who respectfully engage as equals in reasonable sharing of comments, ideas, constructive criticisms, brainstorming, relevant information, etc., are welcome here as described below.

The world faces unprecedented problems. All life on the planet may be at risk. So far, attempts to solve these problems using peaceful and legal remedies have not yielded significant positive results. There is a lack of think tank type explorations of the widest range of descriptive models and innovative solutions. If you know of a place where a wide range of models for how the world works and a wide range of possible innovative solutions are objectively described and analyzed, please let us know. Working as diverse equals, participants will be invited to discuss all possible reasonable models and solutions. As conditions worsen world wide for more people, violence and illegal activities may erupt. This site will explore all possibilities, including violent and illegal activities, but only in legal ways, with a goal of coming up with better, legal, and peaceful options and clearly showing why those options are better. 

The security agencies are expected here. This site will not accept or engage in planning and/or inciting anything illegal or violent, but it will discuss these things in an effort to fully understand how they might erupt and grow, in an effort to prevent them and work towards better, lawful, and peaceful options. No entrapment attempts will be accepted. We will learn from challenges, adapt, and improve.

This is a free site. I will not accept any form of money for what is done here. Doing my best to create the best possible world is all the incentive and reward I will accept. I am new to this and apologize for what Substack may present as a payment option, if you know how to turn that off so it is clear I do not want payment, please let me know.

My experience and professional success in think tank based discussion like what is being attempted here resulted in accomplishing things the best experts in the field said were not possible. We discovered that diverse inputs from all kinds of interested well meaning people was better than just having technical people involved. Specifically, we worked to understand all possible ways of modeling a complex system, how to best predict the future, how to use AI to create several simulated predictions of the future, how to present the results to strategic planning meetings, and how to invite constructive criticism to adapt and improve. While this experience might be useful, the issues we face in today’s world are significantly more important and challenging. I will do my best to facilitate this but really could use some help. I am an engineer, not a writer, and cannot seem to write anything online without making some strange grammatical and other errors. 

Please comment, suggest models, topics, offer constructive criticisms, suggest changes, offer corrections, offer guidance, etc. If some of you decide to do this independently in ways you think might be better, please let us know, I would welcome the opportunity to support you. I did not want to do this, but it now appears to be a moral imperative.

I recommend looking at the articles in the archive shown below, starting from the bottom and working up from there.

Thank you for reading this.


This is an attempt at a think tank. The comments are critical. The posts are intended as guidelines. The solutions will be discovered in the comments. Please comment.

Please always keep in mind that this is the enemy’s internet. It stores everything here and knows your real name and identity no matter what pseudonym you use. I recommend thinking of how a corrupt enemy minion judge would read your comment before posting it.


We have been severely trolled. The trolls went off topic, abused commenters, wasted time on off topic agendas, misrepresented the meaning of comments, etc. Some valued participating subscribers said that we either adopt a ban policy or they will leave this group. The vast majority of subscriber participants expressed support for a ban policy. We worked together to adopt the following ban policy. We did not like having to do this, but in this case, we believe it is required.

Policy for banning includes: 

- We are urgently trying to focus on preventing our enemy’s ability to harm humanity and destroy the planet. Persistent commenting that prevents our efficient ability to do this might be banned if participants suggest it. Some, but not all, of the types of things are given below.
- Off topic Trolling.
- Abuse (name calling, not treating commenters with respect, making false generalizations about commenters, misrepresenting comments, attempting to control the agenda and go off topic, etc.).
- Complaining about non related (but possibly serious) issues or concerns.
- Political, religious, race, gender, etc. partisanship (this is a non partisan blog). 
- Attempts to divide and conquer commenters based on any issue (EG gender differences, religion, political beliefs, etc.). We value diversity and treat each other with respect.

Thank you.

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Wide range think tank type modeling and solutions for urgent world wide problems.


Complex System Analysis and Optimization, Engineer Programmer, Simulations, SCADA, Optimizations, Predictive Analysis, Model Tuning, Development Projects, Music. Seeking collaboration with others to develop solutions to the world's problems.