The Class War Waged By The Root Cause Enemy Of Humanity - Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars – Attempt At Full Scope Discussion And Some Solution Suggestions
Version 1 written January 7, 2023. Updates and corrections ongoing. This article is part of a think tank effort to find solutions and is intended as a dynamic document.
Many years ago, Warren Buffet purportedly said “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”. My best guess is that there is a 95% chance that Mr. Buffet is being quoted very accurately. What do you think of this quote? Some links, that work as of today, January 7, 2023, are given below.
My personal opinion is that it is more of a class slaughter than a class war. The 1% have mostly prospered at unprecedented levels since they launched COVID and the subsequent assaults against humanity (lies in mainstream media, bio weapon forced injections, discrimination against those refusing injections, destruction of businesses, destruction of lives, supply chain breakdowns, inflation, increased real taxes, massive gifts to themselves at the expense of everybody else, etc.). Please considering offering corrections or adding to this list? And, if this is a war, what exactly have the 99% done to fight back? Perhaps the following, but it is not clear. If you think that real things to fight back have been done, are being done, or will be done, please share them in the comments below.
As of right now, the following URL is one of several online sources for the document being discussed here. It is a fascinating read, and purportedly contains very sophisticated and well thought out plans of covert weaponry to be used on citizens. Please provide comments, corrections and other related information in the comments and I will do my best to include it here.
The first page of the document is shown below.
My best guess is that there is a 95% chance that this document is somewhat legitimate. I further guess that it might have been purposely leaked by the enemy to divert our attention (fool us) by presenting false truths, or maybe it was actually somehow left in the photocopier by mistake)? What do you think? Is it relevant to what happened before it was purportedly published, and what came after that time? Does it reveal some of the sophisticated planning techniques used by the 1% to steer the world to where it is now?
What are some silent weapons for quiet wars that were used before 1980? Here is a list that I can come up with right now. Please feel free to offer corrections, additions, or comments. Fluoride, EMF (electro magnetic field) poisoning, cigarette addiction (while using the media to lie about how healthy and safe smoking was), many injection poisons, many bad vaccines (with the media lying about them being safe and effective), etc. The list is massive. Please suggest additions and references as comments. The point is that the 1% have been using invisible poisons or poisons it lies to us about to harm us for a long time.
And what happened since 1980? Here is a partial list: (RoundUp-Glyphosate, microwaves, food additives, GMOs in food, chem trails, quantum dots, 1G-5G+, WIFI at the most damaging possible frequencies, un-licensing the 60GHz frequency so anybody can put a transmitter anywhere so the EMFs can interact with oxygen, IoT, more wireless devices like Bluetooth, microwave ovens, so-called COVID vaccinations, quantum dots, self organizing nano technology put into everything everywhere, wireless satellites, cell towers planned for the deepest oceans, etc.). Please comment on this list, offer corrections, and/or add to it.
All of these things are crimes against humanity and acts of war.
It is not only the psychological and physical harm that might be considered. It is also the spying the enemy has got us to accept. Edward Snowden has shown us that the cell phone collects everything always. So do all communication devices, even Ham radios. But most underestimate the harm EMF radiation causes.
Please review this short video by Barrie Trower, UK EMF weapons specialist whistleblower (available when I write this, Jan. 7 2023.
Please review this informational interview with Dr. Mercola interviewing EMF harm remediation expert Dr. Klinghardt about the harm EMFs cause and ways to protect yourself.
There is more. The following is, for me, a dire prediction, and an explanation for why most are now seemingly incapable of thinking like they did years or decades ago. In June 2019 EMF expert Dr. Martin Pall was asked to estimate how long it would take for EMF brain damage to cause society’s collective brain function to crash. Dr. Pall predicted 4-6 months at 4G levels, 4-6 months at 5G levels. As of Jan. 7 2023. the full transcript of the interview is available at the following link.
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You can make some . . . and my guess that I made about a year ago was that
we probably had something like five to seven years until our brain function
would absolutely crash. In that case we would go into utter chaos. And I have
to say, given what’s happened over the last year, I think that’s probably a
reasonable estimate. I mean I think we’re going down that route. That’s based
on the exposures we already have.
I’m not talking about 5G. I’m not talking about further expansion of 4G. I’m
not talking about putting radar in cars. We have every expectation that our
collective brain function will crash. I’d guess now that it’s something like four
to six years from now. And again, that’s completely apart from 5G. 5G might
make if four to six months.
Further, it is easy to do a self investigation of this in the US. This CDC website can be used. You can easily zoom in county by county and see jab rates. As of Jan 7, 2023, the URL below works.
Now use whatever tool you want (or your knowledge) to determine the population density of the low jab rate and high jab rate counties. There is a significant correlation between jab rate and population density. Higher population density counties have higher jab rates. But, I have used my EMF meter to measure the levels of EMF radiation in places I visit. Unless the rural location is right under a cell tower, the EMF levels at most urban places are at least 1,000 times higher than in rural areas. There are other factors here and I am not claiming this proves a causal connection. But I further considered friends and acquaintances. Heavy cell phone users versus lighter cell phone users. When did their heavy cell phone use start? What is their likely EMF exposure in the past years, or even decades? For me, the probable causal relationships are striking, saddening, maddening. This provides additional incentive for me to do my best here no matter what the consequences.
My belief is that we need to treat all people [except Buffet’s class and the minion puppets they (s)elect and install to harm humanity] with kindness, respect, and compassion. We are all victims, and we should not allow the enemy to divide and conquer us anymore. Rather, we should start learning together how to fight back against the enemy, perhaps for the first time recently, maybe perhaps for the first time in hundreds or more years, and win this class war.
Please comment, criticize, offer your perspective, add more information, etc. The more, the sooner, the better. There are many threads in this article. Please feel free to return to this later and make comments. The hope is that this does not become old news but, rather, continues to evolve and adapt, based on your comments, suggestions for improvements, and the changing situation.
The comments to these think tank posts are important. Thanks to all who make reasonable comments in good faith.
Thank you for reading this.
What EMF reader do you use? I need to get one. I waited as long as I could but had to get a new phone but I try to keep the 5G off, unless I can’t get wifi. Still probably doesn’t help much but better than having the 5G zapping me 24/7. I know wifi is probably just as bad. I’ll check out some of your links. Thanks and stay strong!
I like this solution but it takes time and is being opposed all the way....