An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems
First Published on January 3, 2023. Addendum Posted on January 27, 2023.
Please consider completing the short story below. Maybe the solution is within you, maybe individually, maybe it comes out or is enhanced with sharing?
It is at least a few years into the future. A mother is talking to her young child about the beautiful world they enjoy. The world is egalitarian, there are no concentrations of extreme wealth and power over others, there are no militaries, and all resources are dedicated to creating the most peaceful, healthy, harmonious, coherent planet for all humans (and all life). The child asks: “Mommy, was it always like this?” Mom answers: “No dear. At one time, a small group of selfish parasitic people gained too much power and almost destroyed the world, they almost turned it into a toxic planet where they enslaved everybody and all life. But in the nick of time some people figured out how to save the planet and work towards the best possible world we now enjoy.” The child asks: “How did they do that”.
Now the hard, important part. Please rewrite or finish the story. Share, discuss, constructively criticize, etc. Please keep in mind that you are also writing for the NSA and other security state readers (I recommend reviewing the link below before posting).
Solution Seeking Introduction - Please Start Here
Here is my best guess at how I would finish this story at this time. Please share this if you think it has merit. Please write your own versions, offer constructive criticisms, discuss, comment, etc. Thank you.
"Well, my dear, it was not easy. The cabal enemy of humanity had succeeded in taking control over almost every institution on the planet and had installed puppets to harm people. The cabal enemy succeeded in frightening people so they fought each other and harmed themselves due to the clever lies the cabal enemy told them. The cabal enemy had succeeded in planting its double agents in the controlled opposition, who tricked the people into doing things that were guaranteed to fail. The cabal enemy had succeeded in hypnotizing and brainwashing people to not seek the solutions that were needed. Some realized this and tried to get people to start thinking of innovative real solutions again. It was not easy. They discovered that no one solution worked, but, rather, the process of working together or alone to seek solutions was what was needed. There were many people all doing the HOW you ask about in their own ways. The cabal enemy could not handle all of the different solutions the people came up with and eventually lost the war. Then the people worked together to ensure that all life on the planet existed in a transparent, egalitarian way where nobody had power over others, and people continued to improve and refine the world we currently have. Power Over Others was not allowed anymore. With this system in place and improving, we got to the beautiful world we now enjoy."
Here are two answers to: "HOW did they do that?". Answering to a young child as "dear". A child that loves learning new adult words.
1. A child appropriate version of what is presented here:
2. "Well, my dear, it was not easy. The cabal enemy of humanity had succeeded in taking control over almost every institution on the planet and had installed puppets to harm people. The cabal enemy succeeded in frightening people so they fought each other and harmed themselves due to the clever lies the cabal enemy told them. The cabal enemy had succeeded in planting its double agents in the controlled opposition, who tricked the people into doing things that were guaranteed to fail. The cabal enemy had succeeded in hypnotizing and brainwashing people to not seek the solutions that were needed. Some realized this and tried to get people to start thinking of innovative real solutions again. It was not easy. They discovered that no one solution worked, but, rather, the process of working together or alone to seek solutions was what was needed. There were many people all doing the HOW you ask about in their own ways. The cabal enemy could not handle all of the different solutions the people came up with and eventually lost the war. Then the people worked together to ensure that all life on the planet existed in a transparent, egalitarian way where nobody had power over others, and people continued to improve. Power Over Others was not allowed anymore. With this system in place and improving, we got to the beautiful world we now enjoy."
Return to Matriarchy. This is not women ruling over anyone. It is Natural Law which places the Grandmothers in their Natural Seat of authority, since all Children are the Children of Grandmothers. Men return to their Natural role of Protector not predator of life. Women return to Natural role of Life giver and wise women. All return to Nature's teachings of how to live in balance and harmony with Earth. For more info: SOCIETIES OF PEACE: matriarchies, past, present and future. Edited by Heidi Goettner-Abendroth. Even the dick tionary lies about the true definition of matriarchy, of course. Patriarchy is the top down hierarchy of the Pyramid held in place by fear and force; violence and lies. Matrirchy is the Circle. Nobody can climb a Circle. It is totally egalitarian and the most valuable members are the children, not the men with the biggest guns.