HOW To Improve YOUR Life (and the Lives of Approximately 99% of the World’s Population)
HOW to stop our root cause enemy from harming humanity and the planet
This is a powerful and simple concept that all of us can put into practice immediately. We can do that by understanding what is written here, adapting to our situation, implementing, learning from challenges, improving, and spreading the concepts in our own best ways. The basis of this is what approximately 99% of the world already knows (there is no need to educate)… Since January 2020, approximately 1% have benefitted while approximately 99% have suffered. Your life, and the lives of almost everybody else, can only be improved at the expense of the 1%, not at the expense of others in the 99%.
Richest 1% bag nearly twice as much wealth as the rest of the world put together over the past two years - Published: 16th January 2023 -
After successful implementation of this concept, the ability of the 1% to harm humanity and the planet will decrease. When this proceeds to a certain stage, the ability of the 99% to harm humanity and the planet will be eliminated. This is critical in saving humanity and the planet. It is simple, complete, and easy to implement by anybody. It avoids the enemy’s divide and conquer, triggers that have been conditioned to subvert critical thought, needless complexity, relying on one leader, relying on any religion, having to wake anybody up to your ideas, the enemy’s weaponization of all languages, etc.
Your life, and the lives of almost everybody else, can only be improved at the expense of the 1%, not at the expense of others in the 99%.
Hereafter in this article, the Occupy Wall Street terms 99% and 1% to mean the following. Please feel free to discuss the details. This is used because these terms are already understood by and familiar to most. Maybe it is 2%. Maybe it is 0.0001%. Maybe something else. Some of us are working on creating a more meaningful and detailed breakdown. That discussion is important but, if done here in this article, it will distract from the main points that need to be made.
1%: The [d]elites and those who they install to lead most or all countries and organizations world wide.
99%: Everybody else.
[d]elites: The wealthy class Warren Buffet admitted has been waging a class war for a long time now, as described here: The [d] is an attempt to provide an explicit definition, with the implication that they might they might delete us if don’t act soon to stop their ability to harm humanity. Further, after the fortunes they have stolen from us are returned to their rightful owners, their power will decrease, and their ability to harm humanity will be deleted.
Currently, the 1%, through their propaganda and conditioning, have divided the 99% into groups, and convinced these groups that others in the 99% are responsible for their problems, and the solutions of those problems are only possible at the expense of other groups in the 99%. One example is the war in the Ukraine. Other examples are: left versus right, religion A versus religion B, jabbed versus un-jabbed, etc.
Discover your own best ways to discuss and implement ways to improve YOUR life, the lives of ALL you talk to (yes, ALL, every person in the 99%). At the expense of the 1%, NOT at the expense of others in the 99%. Think about this. Discuss it. Find a way to include it in almost all discussions with almost everybody, speaking THEIR LANGUAGE, avoiding their triggers, avoid things they might identify as a conspiracy theory, avoiding things that might cause them to identify you as belonging to a group they have been conditioned to dislike, avoiding needless complexity that might divert from the main points, etc.
EG. Two minute conversation at a busy grocery checkout… Hello sir/m’an, how are you today? Fine, and you? Fine. Is it my imagination, or, since 2020, have prices kept rising while selection kept falling? Yes, that is correct. It is getting harder to afford the basics? Yes, I know the feeling. It is not just me, but almost everybody I know. I agree. [Show them you really care about THEM just because they are a valuable human being no matter what the differences between them and you might be. Try to get to know them better, quickly. Adapt the conversation to them in the ways you think they might best understand it.] Then say a context appropriate statement like the following. “The wealthy just keep getting richer while the rest of us continue to suffer?”. Gage their response. Then the hard part. It will vary with each person and situation. One crude suggestion follows. Please offer other suggestions in the comments. We learn together… “What if we each gave ourselves a nice raise at the expense of the wealthy instead of at the expense of each another? What if all our friends did this too? What if most of the world did this too?”
Please note the enemy’s sophisticated step by step breakdown of propaganda strategies to deceive people in almost any situation in almost any type of conversation. Do we need to do something similar, so we are ready to deal with all people and situations?
Please do this kind of thing in your own best ways. Improve it, discuss it, and act on your own better ideas.
Please consider the ideas in this post. I hereby officially release any and all claims to everything in this post and put it into the public domain, to be used by anybody in any ways they choose. Please consider ways of improving on this and sharing your better ideas as widely as possible. Anything that gets people thinking of HOW to improve the world should be helpful.
Your life, and the lives of almost everybody else, can only be improved at the expense of the 1%, not at the expense of others in the 99%.
Please criticize, improve, add to, change, and otherwise consider what has been attempted here in your own best ways. Please attempt to share you own better versions of this and attempt to get it to go viral. Please do this with an appropriate priority and urgency. Please try your own best versions of this with as many as possible, learn from challenges, improve, adapt, and consider sharing what you discover, with us, here, in the comments, or elsewhere. Thank you.
Brilliantly written. One of their best weapons is coercive action against those in the 99% with moral skeletons in their closet. Live like Christ or any of the saints. This will reduce the leverage they have over you.
Suggestion. There is a huge problem of the trauma bonding many people might have with their abusers and may even exhibit a type of Stockholm syndrome. So providing the abused with contradictory information can immediately blow up in your face and they end up attacking or hating you. The term "It's not the messenger, it's the message", has validity as they often killed the messenger bearing bad news in ancient times. I can only suggest that one must understand this phenomenon very well before trying to approach those you want to help. Tread lightly. Meredith Miller explains this extremely well and how one might proceed cautiously