The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed - BY MOLLY KINGSLEY - Human history is a story of forgotten lessons. Despite the catastrophic collapse of European democracy in the 1930s, it appears that the tale of the twentieth century – in which citizens, cowed by existential threats, acquiesced in the rejection of liberty and truth in favour of obedience and propaganda, whilst allowing despotic leaders to seize ever more absolutist powers – is perilously close to being forgotten. -
[This is great news? But, HOW did this happen? Are there things we can learn from HOW it happened? Or is it just an enemy game, where the enemy decided, for whatever reasons, to order the puppets it installed into government and control institutions to do this as a diversion or something else? What is the REAL story behind this?] SWITZERLAND COMES TO ITS SENSES - Withdraws Covid Vax Recommendations - Len Kinder -
BREAKING NEWS - LIVE FROM GENEVA WITH PASCAL NAJADI - MAR 29, 2023 - [He knows his life has been shortened because of his injections. He discusses indicting criminal government puppets who are working to give The WHO dictatorial control over governments.] -
Biden rescinding Trump-Biden Proclamation 9994 under 1976 National Emergencies Act does not terminate Azar-Becerra’s Public Health Emergency authorities under 1983 PHE amendment to the 1944 PHSA.
Did your doctor recommend the COVID shot after it was known it did not prevent catching or transmitting the illness? - Maybe this financial boon had something to do with that recommendation - Meryl Nass - "To incentivize medical providers, the Biden administration in early 2021 doubled the fee that Medicare paid to administer a COVID shot, from $20 to $40 per dose. Later, as demand dropped, there were other valuable perks for medical providers. Here is one: $50 extra per jab from the insurance company to the medical provider for every Kentucky Anthem member given a poison shot. Who incentivized Anthem to do this? Most likely a federal grant did the trick."
FOIAed email from FDA's #2 vaccine regulator to the FDA Commissioner reiterates that the Commissioner (and/or the #1 vax regulator) believed mandates of EUA vaccines were illegal - This is the proof that a bait and switch took place: FDA improperly issued a COVID vax license in order to impose mandates. This needs to be part of the litigation - Meryl Nass -
QUEST FOR COMMUNITY (AND RISE OF THE STATE) - PART 2, FURTHER ARCHEOLOGY OF EARLY FEDERAL POPULIST SCHOLARSHIP - The Evolved Psyche - “The transition of an oppressed nation to democracy is like the effort by which nature arose from nothingness to existence. You must entirely refashion a people whom you wish to make free, destroy its prejudices, alter its habits, limit its necessities, root up its vices, purify its desires.” -
Design of a Weapon: Targeting the Human Microbiome - "Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology" -
Sasha Latypova - In this article I am using excerpts from the textbook: “Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology” published by the NIH in 2018. - National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Life Sciences; Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology; Committee on Strategies for Identifying and Addressing Potential Biodefense Vulnerabilities Posed by Synthetic Biology. -
The french don't mess around - I like the quote from Brad Pitt in the Big Short...when investors ask him what the next big thing is, he says " seeds." Books, applying knowledge, and seeds will be the currency of the day I believe. Best case: silver and crypto
It's going to be interesting if the globalists give themselves away again, as they did during the truckers' protests in Canada. At least, people know what to expect.
What do you mean , they have repeatedly given themselves away , announced what they intend to do to everyone, double down on all lies when caught, and virtually no one DOING anything about it . They could care less about peaceful protests, they do care if it gets violent and people start burning their infrastructure down. Check out what happened in Kazakhstan, and why you never hear about it now .
During the Canadian truckers' protest, Turdeau (spelled properly) and his gang froze contributors' bank accounts, introduced what is basically martial law, and are still keeping the leaders in prison.
Violence will only empower them to use their overwhelming technology:
Yes and has been my message for decades as a preparedness consultant and off grid living person. ADD TO THAT LIST, gold and silver coin, natural remedies and medicines, enough food , clothing and shelter for at least 3 years, fuels , batteries, tools for security and protection and ALL that goes with that, water storage, and team up on land that is high ground , defensible, with water that does not require electricity to pump or have solar, tools of basic trades and self sufficiency. I not now, or ever have been a fan or recommend crypto look at what has happened with that. I warned them all they did not listen.
Hi Larry Druhall, I’m here via your comment on a recent ‘Courageous Discourse’ post by John Leake. Must admit I’m somewhat overwhelmed by the breadth and depth of what you present; and I’ve only scratched the surface. That, it seems to me, is a problem in itself needing solving. All strength to your arm. But thank you.
Thank you for your comment. I agree with what you say. Many people are busier than ever before just trying to do what is needed to get by. This will not be easy or convenient. I think of it this way... What we are attempting here is more important, urgent, and challenging than anything Einstein ever did? I am open to suggestions about how we might improve. And, if you can do better, please do, and I hope you invite me and others. We learn by doing. There are no roadmaps, no templates, at least not that I know of, if you know of any please share.
I will offer my best guess suggestion about where you might start, in order, below. This has a very preliminary and crude analysis that attempts to include the full range of all solutions I have seen and understood. It needs to be improved and written for a wider audience. I, like you, have significant time challenges, and I am not sure how to do that.
We are all overwhelmed by the reality upon us ALL now , but that is the test, we are here NOW , we chose to be, and either we pass this test , or they will kill us all, and our species will joining the at least 11 other known humanoid species that went extinct on Earth. Start with PREPAREDNESS, and teaming up , and in dialogue HERE with great minds actively working on solutions.
How would you resolve the problem of navigating the breadth and depth of what is being discussed here? All ideas are welcome! Eg an index or table of contents?
That is a good question... Perhaps we work together to create a group publication soliciting input from participants? If so, how would we set that up so it isn't a totally chaotic disaster? In the engineering think tanks questions like this were resolved in long face to face meetings where possibilities were brainstormed and developed, analyzed, compared, critiqued, and then the path forward was chosen. Then the work was distributed among several people. Substack is not designed for this, is there a way to make it work here?
Also, this publication was a crude attempt to summarize and evaluate what has been done so far. It attempted to classify the solutions seen into 6 categories. Then it compared the categories with 9 cases being run for each case. It was really an experiment, not a well written publication for a diverse audience. Another possible answer to your question is to work together. We create another publication that solicits group participation in creating the best possible publication of that analysis. Then we publish a great article, with several participating in proof reading, optimization, etc. After that is done, we then work on how to implement the best solution. - 9 Or More Crystal Balls To Select The Best Future? - How To Predict The Future, Improve Life, Make Better Choices, And Improve Solution Seeking – How To Respond To A Troll - ADDENDUM - ANALYSIS OF 6 SOLUTIONS -
I’m still mixed up about the so called future multipolar world that the WEF predicted and so many warn will come about with de-dollarisation via BRICS.
I thought prior to 2020 there was already a multipolar world with spheres of influence from China, Russia and Anglo-America. We had sophisticated supply chains, mutually beneficial trade, and all within still acknowledging national sovereignty (except EU nations).
From what appears to be a takeover or rather slow infiltration into the West by Chinese influencers, it looks more like the warning would be not of multi-polar but bipolar world: China and Russia. With the US and West entirely hollowed our and bankrupt. Covid and our WEF, IMF, CCP friendly leaders have helped immensely. Wouldn’t have been possible without their treason and malfeasance.
And tbh hasn’t Russia retained their communism simply by cloaking it in capitalism much like China? One Church allowed with others suppressed. Or in China the capitalism is only ok as long as the billionaire remains subservient to CCP ideals. See Jack Ma. Get too big and off to the re-education camps. In Russia they deal with problem individuals their own historic way. As there seems to be more accidents off balconies or high rise windows than any other country.
I mentioned to Matthew Ehret that I wondered if Ukraine is really about vying to be the top nation to control the future CBDC, one health, digital ID future. With China and Russia working on mutually benefitting each other for this aim. He said I was way wrong and that the BRI is really benign and helpful.
I think he’s being a bit too naive with his rose coloured spectacles.
Hello. It is great to see you here. Thank you for your comment. What you say makes sense to me. What you say Matthew Ehret says is more challenging for me, but I think there is a probability that he is also correct. These things are complex and impossible for me to know. So I try to assign probabilities to the different possibilities and explanations, and work through them all. That is how I worked in the engineering solution seeking think tanks and that is what I am trying to do here as hesitant author facilitator and equal partner. But there are many others here who look at things in other, diverse ways. There is strength in that kind of diversity.
The complexity of the challenges we face is beyond my comprehension. The web links of interest offered above and in other Solution Seeking articles are the tip of the iceberg. Humanity is being threatened, assaulted, poisoned, lied to, murdered, enslaved, etc. in multiple ways. And it looks like our enemy is busy setting up its end game, where it can hit us from even more angles in even more ways. Some of those ways are WW3, total economic collapse, civil wars, new plandemics, Cyber Polygon, WHO World Dictatorship, etc.
My focus is how to stop the enemy from harming humanity and the planet. Several things have been examined. I invite you to please consider browsing these articles and sharing your thoughts...
It looks like Solution Seeking is stuck. I do not want to just keep publishing new Web Links Of Interest pages, but I am thankful for the many people who supply article suggestions. Right now we don't know where to go from here.
I think that a better explanation of "9 Or More Crystal Balls To Select The Best Future? " might be a good place to start. With a better explanation of how it attempts to analyze and rate 6 classifications of solutions. My goal was to include all solutions of HOW to stop the enemy from harming humanity and the planet in 6 classifications. Like on a multiple choice test, the best answer was ALL OF THE ABOVE? Is that a cop out, is it in line with what was discovered in "An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems", or something else?
Please consider sharing your suggestions on how this site may be improved, and where we might go from here.
Future web links of interest will be placed in this pinned comment.
A Warning to Humanity: Historical Context Of Environmental Bio- and Geoengineering and the C19 Injection Era - Findings Of Synthetic Biology Polymer Filaments In Human Blood - ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD - 4/11/2023 -
"Pandemic Situation" - The European Union has created and defined a new term, "Pandemic Situation" as part of their 20+ page addition to the Zero Draft of the proposed "Pandemic Treaty." Things just keep getting crazier! - James Roguski -
The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed - BY MOLLY KINGSLEY - Human history is a story of forgotten lessons. Despite the catastrophic collapse of European democracy in the 1930s, it appears that the tale of the twentieth century – in which citizens, cowed by existential threats, acquiesced in the rejection of liberty and truth in favour of obedience and propaganda, whilst allowing despotic leaders to seize ever more absolutist powers – is perilously close to being forgotten. -
Several web links of Interest from Activist Post.
Several web links of interest - Switzerland/Confusion/Canada/Obama/DEI - Truth Bomb -
Pentagon vows to investigate after classified U.S., NATO plans to build up Ukrainian military leak online -
Archive of Revealing News Articles - Arranged by Date Posted to -
Brighteon Broadcast News, Apr 10, 2023 - ASSUME CRASH POSITIONS because it's all coming down -
Why H.G. Wells' World Brain and Yuval Harari's Hackable Human Will Not Succeed - A Study on the Abolition of Man - CYNTHIA CHUNG - The following is the transcript of a lecture I delivered this past March in Basel, Switzerland as part of the Kernpunkte Kongress. -
Surprise! The COVID vaccines were never tested for safety - There were 31% higher deaths in the vax group in the "gold standard" Phase 3 clinical trials. How do we know that none of those deaths were caused by the vaccine? Because Pfizer didn't think so! - Steve Kirsch -
NEWS - End Times Headline News - April 10 2023 -
Analysis of Mortality Among Transgender Individuals - British Study Reveals Alarming Risks of Suicide and Homicide - Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ -
[If a Canadian shares something like the link above, this could happen?] - Canada: A New Bill to CRIMINALIZE Anyone Who Speaks Out Against the Transgender Agenda With a Penalty of $25,000 -
[This is great news? But, HOW did this happen? Are there things we can learn from HOW it happened? Or is it just an enemy game, where the enemy decided, for whatever reasons, to order the puppets it installed into government and control institutions to do this as a diversion or something else? What is the REAL story behind this?] SWITZERLAND COMES TO ITS SENSES - Withdraws Covid Vax Recommendations - Len Kinder -
BREAKING NEWS - LIVE FROM GENEVA WITH PASCAL NAJADI - MAR 29, 2023 - [He knows his life has been shortened because of his injections. He discusses indicting criminal government puppets who are working to give The WHO dictatorial control over governments.] -
Biden rescinding Trump-Biden Proclamation 9994 under 1976 National Emergencies Act does not terminate Azar-Becerra’s Public Health Emergency authorities under 1983 PHE amendment to the 1944 PHSA.
Becerra and his successors will extend the PHE until they no longer need it to kill people with pseudo-legal impunity. Or until Congress, federal judges or states repeal or nullify the enabling acts. -
Did your doctor recommend the COVID shot after it was known it did not prevent catching or transmitting the illness? - Maybe this financial boon had something to do with that recommendation - Meryl Nass - "To incentivize medical providers, the Biden administration in early 2021 doubled the fee that Medicare paid to administer a COVID shot, from $20 to $40 per dose. Later, as demand dropped, there were other valuable perks for medical providers. Here is one: $50 extra per jab from the insurance company to the medical provider for every Kentucky Anthem member given a poison shot. Who incentivized Anthem to do this? Most likely a federal grant did the trick."
The incentives for doctors got much higher for a) recalcitrant patients and b) higher percentages taking a COVID shot--up to $250 per patient!! - Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this - Meryl Nass -
US Court of Appeal throws out Biden mandates for fed employees - Court document: - Article:
FOIAed email from FDA's #2 vaccine regulator to the FDA Commissioner reiterates that the Commissioner (and/or the #1 vax regulator) believed mandates of EUA vaccines were illegal - This is the proof that a bait and switch took place: FDA improperly issued a COVID vax license in order to impose mandates. This needs to be part of the litigation - Meryl Nass -
Embracing The Abundance Of Spring - This article is intended to help you unlock the springtime bounty of the forest and garden providing info on 23 Springtime foods to harvest in 2023 and beyond! - Gavin Mounsey -
The Trans Nazis: How to Use Saul Alinsky Tactics Against Them - Christian rocker Larry Norman once said "Why should the devil have all the good music?" Same thing here with ideas - Blaise -
Why I don’t believe there ever was a Covid virus By Dr Mike Yeadon -
QUEST FOR COMMUNITY (AND RISE OF THE STATE) - PART 2, FURTHER ARCHEOLOGY OF EARLY FEDERAL POPULIST SCHOLARSHIP - The Evolved Psyche - “The transition of an oppressed nation to democracy is like the effort by which nature arose from nothingness to existence. You must entirely refashion a people whom you wish to make free, destroy its prejudices, alter its habits, limit its necessities, root up its vices, purify its desires.” -
Design of a Weapon: Targeting the Human Microbiome - "Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology" -
Sasha Latypova - In this article I am using excerpts from the textbook: “Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology” published by the NIH in 2018. - National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Life Sciences; Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology; Committee on Strategies for Identifying and Addressing Potential Biodefense Vulnerabilities Posed by Synthetic Biology. -
How to treat EMF radiation - Part 1 - How to heal safely with daytime melatonin -
Is Everything Fake? - Maybe not everything: Agenda 2030 is real. - RAY HORVATH, "THE SOURCE" :) -
Lions and tigers and bears (and many other animals) are "dying suddenly" in zoos worldwide
See how many of those creatures have died "unexpectedly" since January, 2023, after they were "vaccinated" (for no reason) - MARK CRISPIN MILLER -
An Honest Doctor's Experiences on the Front Lines During COVID-19 -
This is an important testimony to add to the historical record. - A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR -
The french don't mess around - I like the quote from Brad Pitt in the Big Short...when investors ask him what the next big thing is, he says " seeds." Books, applying knowledge, and seeds will be the currency of the day I believe. Best case: silver and crypto
It's going to be interesting if the globalists give themselves away again, as they did during the truckers' protests in Canada. At least, people know what to expect.
What do you mean , they have repeatedly given themselves away , announced what they intend to do to everyone, double down on all lies when caught, and virtually no one DOING anything about it . They could care less about peaceful protests, they do care if it gets violent and people start burning their infrastructure down. Check out what happened in Kazakhstan, and why you never hear about it now .
During the Canadian truckers' protest, Turdeau (spelled properly) and his gang froze contributors' bank accounts, introduced what is basically martial law, and are still keeping the leaders in prison.
Violence will only empower them to use their overwhelming technology:
Inciting violence is a trap:
Forgot to mention that the funds from crowdfunding were also stolen...
Yes and has been my message for decades as a preparedness consultant and off grid living person. ADD TO THAT LIST, gold and silver coin, natural remedies and medicines, enough food , clothing and shelter for at least 3 years, fuels , batteries, tools for security and protection and ALL that goes with that, water storage, and team up on land that is high ground , defensible, with water that does not require electricity to pump or have solar, tools of basic trades and self sufficiency. I not now, or ever have been a fan or recommend crypto look at what has happened with that. I warned them all they did not listen.
Hi Larry Druhall, I’m here via your comment on a recent ‘Courageous Discourse’ post by John Leake. Must admit I’m somewhat overwhelmed by the breadth and depth of what you present; and I’ve only scratched the surface. That, it seems to me, is a problem in itself needing solving. All strength to your arm. But thank you.
Thank you for your comment. I agree with what you say. Many people are busier than ever before just trying to do what is needed to get by. This will not be easy or convenient. I think of it this way... What we are attempting here is more important, urgent, and challenging than anything Einstein ever did? I am open to suggestions about how we might improve. And, if you can do better, please do, and I hope you invite me and others. We learn by doing. There are no roadmaps, no templates, at least not that I know of, if you know of any please share.
I will offer my best guess suggestion about where you might start, in order, below. This has a very preliminary and crude analysis that attempts to include the full range of all solutions I have seen and understood. It needs to be improved and written for a wider audience. I, like you, have significant time challenges, and I am not sure how to do that.
1. An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems -
2. 9 Or More Crystal Balls To Select The Best Future? - How To Predict The Future, Improve Life, Make Better Choices, And Improve Solution Seeking – How To Respond To A Troll - ADDENDUM - ANALYSIS OF 6 SOLUTIONS -
Thanks again.
We are all overwhelmed by the reality upon us ALL now , but that is the test, we are here NOW , we chose to be, and either we pass this test , or they will kill us all, and our species will joining the at least 11 other known humanoid species that went extinct on Earth. Start with PREPAREDNESS, and teaming up , and in dialogue HERE with great minds actively working on solutions.
How would you resolve the problem of navigating the breadth and depth of what is being discussed here? All ideas are welcome! Eg an index or table of contents?
That is a good question... Perhaps we work together to create a group publication soliciting input from participants? If so, how would we set that up so it isn't a totally chaotic disaster? In the engineering think tanks questions like this were resolved in long face to face meetings where possibilities were brainstormed and developed, analyzed, compared, critiqued, and then the path forward was chosen. Then the work was distributed among several people. Substack is not designed for this, is there a way to make it work here?
Also, this publication was a crude attempt to summarize and evaluate what has been done so far. It attempted to classify the solutions seen into 6 categories. Then it compared the categories with 9 cases being run for each case. It was really an experiment, not a well written publication for a diverse audience. Another possible answer to your question is to work together. We create another publication that solicits group participation in creating the best possible publication of that analysis. Then we publish a great article, with several participating in proof reading, optimization, etc. After that is done, we then work on how to implement the best solution. - 9 Or More Crystal Balls To Select The Best Future? - How To Predict The Future, Improve Life, Make Better Choices, And Improve Solution Seeking – How To Respond To A Troll - ADDENDUM - ANALYSIS OF 6 SOLUTIONS -
Please share other ideas. Thanks.
I’m still mixed up about the so called future multipolar world that the WEF predicted and so many warn will come about with de-dollarisation via BRICS.
I thought prior to 2020 there was already a multipolar world with spheres of influence from China, Russia and Anglo-America. We had sophisticated supply chains, mutually beneficial trade, and all within still acknowledging national sovereignty (except EU nations).
From what appears to be a takeover or rather slow infiltration into the West by Chinese influencers, it looks more like the warning would be not of multi-polar but bipolar world: China and Russia. With the US and West entirely hollowed our and bankrupt. Covid and our WEF, IMF, CCP friendly leaders have helped immensely. Wouldn’t have been possible without their treason and malfeasance.
And tbh hasn’t Russia retained their communism simply by cloaking it in capitalism much like China? One Church allowed with others suppressed. Or in China the capitalism is only ok as long as the billionaire remains subservient to CCP ideals. See Jack Ma. Get too big and off to the re-education camps. In Russia they deal with problem individuals their own historic way. As there seems to be more accidents off balconies or high rise windows than any other country.
I mentioned to Matthew Ehret that I wondered if Ukraine is really about vying to be the top nation to control the future CBDC, one health, digital ID future. With China and Russia working on mutually benefitting each other for this aim. He said I was way wrong and that the BRI is really benign and helpful.
I think he’s being a bit too naive with his rose coloured spectacles.
What say you?
Hello. It is great to see you here. Thank you for your comment. What you say makes sense to me. What you say Matthew Ehret says is more challenging for me, but I think there is a probability that he is also correct. These things are complex and impossible for me to know. So I try to assign probabilities to the different possibilities and explanations, and work through them all. That is how I worked in the engineering solution seeking think tanks and that is what I am trying to do here as hesitant author facilitator and equal partner. But there are many others here who look at things in other, diverse ways. There is strength in that kind of diversity.
The complexity of the challenges we face is beyond my comprehension. The web links of interest offered above and in other Solution Seeking articles are the tip of the iceberg. Humanity is being threatened, assaulted, poisoned, lied to, murdered, enslaved, etc. in multiple ways. And it looks like our enemy is busy setting up its end game, where it can hit us from even more angles in even more ways. Some of those ways are WW3, total economic collapse, civil wars, new plandemics, Cyber Polygon, WHO World Dictatorship, etc.
My focus is how to stop the enemy from harming humanity and the planet. Several things have been examined. I invite you to please consider browsing these articles and sharing your thoughts...
Did World War 1 End Due To Military Mutinies And People's Revolutions? -
My Current Best Guess At The Best Way To Solve The World's Major Problems -
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems -
9 Or More Crystal Balls To Select The Best Future? - How To Predict The Future, Improve Life, Make Better Choices, And Improve Solution Seeking – How To Respond To A Troll - ADDENDUM - ANALYSIS OF 6 SOLUTIONS -
It looks like Solution Seeking is stuck. I do not want to just keep publishing new Web Links Of Interest pages, but I am thankful for the many people who supply article suggestions. Right now we don't know where to go from here.
I think that a better explanation of "9 Or More Crystal Balls To Select The Best Future? " might be a good place to start. With a better explanation of how it attempts to analyze and rate 6 classifications of solutions. My goal was to include all solutions of HOW to stop the enemy from harming humanity and the planet in 6 classifications. Like on a multiple choice test, the best answer was ALL OF THE ABOVE? Is that a cop out, is it in line with what was discovered in "An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems", or something else?
Please consider sharing your suggestions on how this site may be improved, and where we might go from here.
Thanks again.