My Current Best Guess At The Best Way To Solve The World's Major Problems
Written Tuesday January 3, 2023. Addendum Added And Updated January 26, 2023.
At first I did not want to provide my best guess for the overall solution so soon. Rather, I had hoped others would come up with something better. But, after discussions, and careful consideration, I want to provide it here. I know there are all kinds of issues with what I will write here. Hopefully some have better ideas and share them. For me everything is a probability and this is not the only possibility I am considering. This is raw, from the heart, and may have some technical flaws that I hope you will point out, please help me to improve it and correct it. There are many things about this solution I do not like and that is one reason I started this Solution Seeking Substack. My hope is that we, or somebody, can come up with a better way. But, after considering as wide a spectrum of solutions personally possible, this is the best I can come up with at this time. For me, everything is a probability, and many of the things discussed below might not be the most probable descriptions of what is happening. But, here it is, your comments are welcome. If nobody but the NSA and security agencies responds to this, that still makes it worthwhile.
The root cause of almost every major problem we face in today’s world is that a small, covert, largely undisclosed, selfish, parasitic entity has taken control of most of the power institutions of our entire planet. Through carefully vetted and heavily surveilled puppets it has projected its power in many ways. This is not new, as so eloquently and courageously described here by JFK. For example, not one nation said and sustained anything like THIS COVID IS A MISTAKE. WE WILL NOT LOCK DOWN. WE WILL NOT TEST. WE WILL NOT INJECT THE BIO WEAPONS FALSELY ADVERTISED AS VACCINES. WE WILL HAVE REAL SCIENTISTS ANLYZE IT AND PROVIDE THE TRUTH. Some had “accidents”, like this.. Some did something like this much, much later. There are rumors of some places in Mexico where local lockdown and restriction happy bureaucrats ended up beheaded, tied and pulled through the streets attached to pickup trucks, etc., but even that was rare.
Most of the institutions followed orders given by their controlled puppets. Loosely speaking, the order givers are generally the agents of the enemy of humanity, I will just call it the enemy for brevity. Usually most of their subordinates either follow the orders or face severe consequences. For brevity I will refer to these puppets as the 1%. There are exceptions and in some cases it might be 5%, in other cases maybe 0.1%.
Edward Snowden and others have stated that one of their fears is that people will steer clear from places like this post. The NSA and world’s security agencies record everything, and they know who you are, you cannot hide behind your pseudonyms. Most are smart enough to prioritize, many have families who depend on them, obligations, etc. There is nothing they can do to me that compares to pain of not doing my best to solve this. If you get hassled for visiting here and falsely accused of doing something illegal, rightfully blame it on me. But, really, I, and we, are only doing this to avoid violence and solve this in the most peaceful and lawful way possible. The military and security agencies should be working for US, not whatever is at the top of their command chain, and this fear of them is unacceptable.
My model of the relevant aspects of the world follows. The militaries of the world are extremely powerful. They can purportedly destroy the world and all humans many times over using a wide spectrum of resources that we paid for with our tax dollars. The militaries are under strict dictatorial control. Violate an order and you are severely punished. Mutiny is usually even more severely punished.
Some might say that order violations and mutinies are no longer possible, and they never really happened en masse. There are validated accounts that mutinies on all sides triggered mass demonstrations that ended World War 1.. More on that is available here.
Given the crude model presented above, at this time, my best guess for the best root cause solution for the world’s problems is peaceful. The damage this would cause would be far less than what is happening in Ukraine and world wide and it could be over with quickly.
This solution consists of the 99% in the military and security agencies reading this or otherwise reaching similar conclusions, doing the right things, peacefully eliminating the power of their 1% puppets, and putting the entire 1% in jail awaiting trials for their crimes against humanity. Some of the 1% might be exceptions and those should be readily obvious. Rooting out and bringing the cowardly elusive covert very top of the 1% to justice may require the full resources of the militaries and security agencies.
I had considered sending this directly to the NSA on their disclosure website. But, instead, others got me to reconsider, and I am now convinced doing it this way is much better. My hope is that they fully read this and understand it. They might want to recall the personal harm that they must know of, friends, people they spy on, relatives, etc., who have been harmed by the bio weapons. They might realize that it is clear that the WEF and related organizations intend to turn the entire planet into a toxic electrosmog soup of wireless poison so the undisclosed entity at the very top of their command chain can enslave all life.
International Barcode Of Life (Planetary Biodiversity Mission)
Cell Towers on the Ocean Floor
World Economic Forum - Strategic Intelligence
The NSA and other intelligence agencies might want to consider that they, and all life, will become wireless SCADA Slaves unless this is stopped. I therefore thank the security agencies of the world for reading this and for their courage in considering the entire situation. And they might want to review the concept of the Useful Idiot, found here. They may have been told they will be well taken care of, but that is not the nature of what is at the very top of their command chain.
The article and the video link within (linked below) shows much about how the enemy works. For some of us it is a moral imperative to understand this and strategically plan how to counter it. One of many possible strategic plans is to remove the 1% from their puppet power positions and freeze the entire thing while the military and intelligence communities work to root out the entire 1%, all the way to its undisclosed, cowardly top? What? When? How?
My best guess solution remains what has been discussed above. If the NSA, other intelligence agencies, and military are not ready, willing, and/or able to do the right things in a timely manner and soon, then my best guess at Plan B is given below. This has been posted to several Substacks in a slightly different and context appropriate form.
It is war?
It is time to consider all the options in a controlled manner so strategic analysis and planning can be conducted offline in the most meaningful ways? The limits of what can be done online have been reached by this Substack think tank experiment? Nothing seems to work to stop the harm done by the cabal enemy of humanity through its criminally insane puppets installed at the top of most power institutions world wide? I invite you to look at what was done in the Substack solution thinking think tank experiment and start planning where to go next. The NSA and others have been invited to wake up and do the right things for their loved ones, themselves, their families, etc. and so far, no response?
Now what? Just continue to gather information and complain about it? Continue to do things that have failed so far and continue to fail to correct the problems?
Please consider exploring real innovative solution possibilities in your own best ways, offline, with cell phones off and far away, out of the reach of technology, only with trusted friends or, if required, alone.
Additional ideas for possible consideration will be added to the pinned comment below.
ADDITIONAL IDEAS - LAWFUL DISCUSSION OF IDEAS ONLY PLEASE - WE ARE DOING OUR BEST TO DISCOVER SOLUTIONS THAT AVOID VIOLENCE AND UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES HERE, AND DOING THAT REQUIRES THAT WE CONSIDER EVERYTHING. IE. Please keep all discussions lawful and peaceful. Never incite or plan violence here. Never allow enemy agents to entrap here. I recommend considering how a corrupt enemy puppet judge might view your comment in a kangaroo court before posting it. Thank you.
1. PUBLISH ENEMY PERSONAL INFORMATION? Publish personal information of enemy agents and those the enemy might use to harm people. EG. Addresses of residences, vehicle information (license plate numbers, make of vehicles, pictures of the vehicle, etc.). Some examples might be police, military, intelligence agency employees, rubber stamping puppet (s)elected representatives and bureaucrats, etc. This should be done in a gentle, lawful way. As a reminder for them to carefully think twice before blindly following orders to harm humanity. Perhaps publish this information both online and in paper, posters strategically placed, etc.?
2. OPTIMIZE RESOURCES AND AVOID MOBS? Avoid the mob demonstrations and violence Schwab said he was planning for. Instead, question the leaders of the mobs. Could they be controlled opposition installed by and working for the enemy? Instead of useless failure prone massive mobs at public places, consider strategically redistributing the resources to places like the personal residences of the enemy, etc. IE. All those truckers, tractors, etc. in Canada, Holland, the US, etc. And what was accomplished? Who were the leaders? Why did the leaders never respond to my invitations to discuss strategic analysis and planning?
3. BE SKEPTICAL OF LEADERS AND DEMAND A VOICE? Always question any leader, and question their ideas. Perhaps split into smaller offline (no cell phones and no electronics nearby) groups of trusted people who participate in discussing the widest range of possible actions. Perhaps avoid leaders and pre packaged plans altogether? Brainstorm, innovate, adapt, improve. Strive to honor all in the group and not follow any leader, but, rather, all become leaders.
4. POSSIBLY WORK LONE WOLF, NO TECH OR MINIMAL TECH, NINJA STYLE? This comment will be kept lawful. There are many possibilities here, many are best explored offline, no cell phones nearby, alone or only in the presence of those who can be trusted. I will again repeat that we are doing everything possible here to avoid violence and this is not inciting or planning violence. It is a suggestion to try thinking of this and seeing how that shows that violence should be avoided at all costs. We will not allow enemy entrapment here.
5. LAWFULLY OCCUPY THE WEALTHY RESIDENCES OF THE ENEMY? Occupy Wall Street got forcefully shut down shortly after it started occupying the wealthy personal residences of the enemy. There are growing tent cities of the victims of the planned economic devastation caused by the enemy, filled with homeless people who a few short years ago had jobs, a place to live, etc. All "processed" into areas the enemy wants them to go. Maybe they might want to consider the merits of relocating to the closest viable mansions? Maybe the wealthy who are doing the bidding of the enemy might think twice if the occupation of their opulent residences continues to grow? Consider strategic analysis and planning and distribute the resources in the best possible way and avoid mobs. If/When the banks shut down and steal money, do not visit the bank buildings, but, rather, visit the residences of the criminals responsible?
6. OTHER IDEAS? This pinned comment will be updated as new ideas that can be lawfully placed here appear.
[Reply 1 to: TaxDonkey "Hi Larry and others"]
Good point. Thank you. I had similar misgivings about using the term 1%. I used it so it would correlate with Occupy and show up on search engines, because I want to do my best to get the NSA, intelligence agencies, Russian equivalent, etc. to look at what we are doing here. I hope we can critique everything I hurriedly spewed out here, we can create better things, and work as a team so oversights and incomplete descriptions like what you point out are avoided when we complete our analysis of the entire range of root cause explanations, models, and solutions.
I love your point about the difference between a problem and a predicament and think we should discuss that. Maybe you could write up a post that we can publish on this Substack, I will credit you if and as you wish, and we publish it and open it up for discussion?
Too bleak? Not at all.
Perhaps the enemy has brainwashed some of us into believing that merely thinking about something negative causes it to happen? Perhaps it has succeeded in a clever shell game subconscious manipulation doing that? The inventor invents the airplane and takes risks. But before the airplane is rolled out for more widespread use, people need to make it safer by planning for and ensuring that the worst things do not happen? Did those who saw the iceberg on the Titanic and tried to warn the others cause the ship to sink? I doubt it. If somebody with influence had spoke up like you have maybe the Titanic would have taken more care to avoid icebergs, had enough lifeboats, etc.?
As an engineer, I learned to consider the entire range of possibilities. Work for the best. Work to anticipate and prevent the worst. Plan for the entire range with the most focus on the most likely. Try to move the most likely toward the best. This task we are trying to accomplish is much more urgent, important, and challenging than anything I faced in engineering. I am doing my best to try to translate what I learned to this, but hope you will help out with more suggestions.
Thank you again.
NOTE: The sporadic Substack comment placement error occurred with this comment. For me, no matter how I sort, this appears in the wrong place in the comment tree. Can others please reply and tell us what you see? Thanks.