My Current Best Guess At The Best Way To Solve The World's Major Problems


Some thoughts that arose after writing this article are given in this pinned comment.

Judging from the drop in the participation in the comments, Solution Seeking here has stalled. There is one big associated factor that stands out at this time (Jan. 24, 2023).

1. Avoidance of discussing violent solution options so that violence can be avoided by coming up with better alternatives.

Here is an attempt to explain why I started and persist in solution seeking. It is an attempt to explain why I will go on alone if required. Maybe we should be seeking the PROCESS and not one solution? Maybe the process is required so that people can engage and develop their own best solutions? Maybe that is the best solution we can discover here, doing something(s) that result in more people seeking new, better, solutions? I recently made the comment below to a Solution Seeking subscriber in another article written by another author.


I will be even more explicit. Anger is exploding. Violence is being considered. Just avoiding discussing the violence people are considering will not, in my opinion, avoid it. My feeling is that, by giving the anger a voice, and exploring it, better, innovative, peaceful solutions might be uncovered, as a group, together, in a think tank type environment, or, maybe, in personal, more private, discussions, for even in personal creative visualizations, etc. I grew up with the original Captain Kirk not being satisfied with the options they knew of and attempting to get people together to continue seeking a better alternative. So, I continue to seek that alternative. If I seek it alone, so be it. I will not lead nor follow, so I am not trying to be Captain Kirk in some way. My hope is to seek a better alternative with others as an equal diverse partner. But this idea and spirit of this still lives on within me. https://youtu.be/2S-0vIBIp4Y?t=175


Several martial arts masters explained to me that a major reason for studying martial arts is the avoidance of violence. By studying violence, and how to handle it, and becoming proficient, you can avoid violence by showing aggressors that they might get hurt if they do not refrain from violence. Our enemy understands this and is using those who require that violence not be discussed to its advantage? Avoidance of discussing violent solutions may be inviting the explosion of violence by allowing the emotions to build up, never given a voice, never discussed? And our enemy has planned for that.

I have had conversations with some talented authors who will avoid any discussion of violent solutions. Some of these authors even suggest going with the flow of the great reset and seeing how wonderful it might be? I note that the discussions with these authors ended when I asked the to address what we know about the undisclosed unaudited entity that will become world wide wireless master of everything in this Trans Humanist SCADA Slave system. I conclude that the avoidance of the discussion of violence is a major part of the problem.

Violence need to be discussed so it can be avoided? Where and how? One can always think about it themselves? Perhaps in small groups where all are known and trusted, with no cell phones, away from all spying electronics, and see how that changes the conversation? Perhaps online here, with some daring to take the known risks?

We may decide to split into groups and share the load? I can no longer keep up with everything. My apologies for that. For now, my hope is that we can learn much through our participation, dialogues, and explorations. But I sense we need to move quickly and it is not yet clear to me, and maybe others, where the best balances are.

For now, I recommend that you discuss Solution Seeking with as many people as possible. I submit that the cabal WENEMY has succeeded in preventing most people from even considering evaluating solutions and it might have cooked up its own solutions that are guaranteed to fail and distributed them. I recommend evaluating more than one solution and actively trying to invent your own. Who knows. Maybe a child, not yet hypnotized, brainwashed, mind controlled, etc. might solve it for us. EG "HOW ABOUT THIS SOLUTION...?"

Thank you in advance for your participation.

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Jan 24, 2023
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I agree. Perhaps this reply is related? A transparent, open, completely audited EDD Electronic Direct Democracy is possible only if the idiotic private vote is eliminated. Once that is eliminated and the EDD is properly set up, I can see how my neighbors voted, audit it to see if it adds up, and others can do something similar. If we disagree, then we discuss it, face to face. If properly designed, it could eliminate the government puppets and POWER OVER that is one of the root cause problems the world has long struggled under. But the brainwashing and defending of the sacred private vote has religious fervor in many, who fiercely defend it and would NEVER even start to consider anything like this? If humanity cannot solve the root cause issues we face then the most likely futures are not good?

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Some things should remain private? Like intimate moments. Like things that don't hurt and/or effect others.

Concentrations of extreme wealth and power need to be eliminated? Those who are in power positions should be paid well but should sacrifice their privacy to ensure that they never cut any private deals that effect others?

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Jan 24, 2023
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Amazing comment. I will study it and hope to return to it later. Right now I am overwhelmed in complexity. Thank you.

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Jan 24, 2023
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Thank you so much for your participation. There is so much information. A challenge is making that manageable. How to prioritize time and still seek solutions. One big question comes to mind after browsing the many meaningful and relevant comments you have made here...

Do you believe, as I do, we should prioritize finding the best way(s) to stop the enemy cabal from continue to escalate the harm it is causing humanity and all life on the planet? My belief is that we do not have time to try to protect ourselves, it only buys time, but the enemy plans to destroy or create mutated wirelessly monitored and controlled SCADA Slaves for all humanity, and all life on the planet. Defensive strategies may buy time, may be a moral imperative for those with partners, families, or dependents, but are they what we should be prioritizing at this time while the cabal enemy continues to set up and execute its end games? If what I write here has any merit, then how to consider the broad range of possible solutions, INCLUDING the violent ones that are so risky on this internet? I will note that, when I was a PHD candidate in university decades ago, we had some diverse Indian PHD candidates who informed me that they thought Gandhi was a cabal enemy agent set up because the cabal knew that a violent class war was about to erupt in ways that cabal would not be able to handle. They told me that the enemy cabal then immortalized Gandhi in ways that prevent many from ever seeking to even consider violent, effective, offensive strategies. I do not care to debate whether this is true, as I do not trust even current versions of His Story our enemy allows on the internet, much less what happened with Gandhi. I see it as a possibility, and note that I studied martial arts so I understood and could implement violent strategies if required, and it was also a deterrent to those who use violence. I think we need to study the entire range of possibilities in all contexts and make personal decisions about what we ourselves do. Please offer you thought on this? Thanks again,.

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Larry, the question of platform arises because of the nature of self-censorship regarding the limitations of legal and non- legal. I wont bore you with quotations from Jefferson et al about civic duties in the face of tyranny. You get it.

Only truly open, uncensored dialogue can meet our objective of Solutions, whatever they may be. And the risk of speaking truths has or will become higher. Its not an invocation to activity outside what is legal but a realization that this concern can limit the sharing of ideas.

A hypothetical example: say POTUS( it doesnt deserve all caps imho) decrees that some extremely ridiculous, galactically stupid, humanly degrading, tyrannical policy is about to be invoked by exec order.

Gee, i think we’re there already!

Say that the actual solution is illegal becus potus has redefined what legal is, illegally, with no respect for constitutuonal rights.

Gee, i think we’re there already!

Does the concerned citizen just lie down and self-censor his/her ideas to correct it?

Does citizen just quietly go and enact the solution? A hero!

Without the academic rigour of sober forethought?

I do hate being a PITA but here we are.

In Chinada, any communication thus is soon going to be not legal. Doesn’t make for open discussion.

Not to be a stick in the proverbial mud, i suggest its a matter of forum chosen. Ideas on modes of communication? I have ruled out yelling out of windows(Network!) and walkie talkies.

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Thank you. I have considered similar things. Let's see what others say about this. Maybe we can solve this quickly and start acting appropriately? How do we balance the associated risks? What are the risks of not taking the appropriate risks and playing their rigged games in their rigged ways?

Let's see where this goes. Like others, I grow impatient with this process and would like to start really acting, physically, in ways that make strategic sense and have the highest probability of success.

Thanks again.

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I just made the comment in quotes below to a few Substacks. It is my current best guess about "where do we go from here". Perhaps it is in line with what you wrote?


It is war? It is time to consider all the options in a controlled manner so strategic planning and analysis can be conducted offline in the most meaningful ways? The limits of what can be done online have been reached by the Substack think tank experiment linked below? Nothing seems to work to stop the harm done by the cabal enemy of humanity through its criminally insane puppets installed at the top of most power institutions world wide? I invite you to look at what was done in the Substack solution thinking think tank experiment and start planning where to go next. The NSA and others have been invited to wake up and do the right things for their loved ones, themselves, their families, etc. and so far, no response? Now what? Just continue to gather information and complain about it? Continue to do things that have failed so far and continue to fail to correct the problems? Please start exploring real innovative solution possibilities in your own best ways, offline, with cell phones off and far away, out of the reach of technology, only with trusted friends or, if required, alone.

Please take a look at this think tank experiment and be very, very careful how you conduct yourselves online. This is the enemy's internet.



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Have a look at how Tessa Lena ("Tessa Fights Robots") has recently reorganized her substack:


That sort of categorization (her menus at the top are new: "COVID & the Great Reset," "Soul & Philosophy") needs to happen here, at Solution Seeking, in my opinion.

But there remains the question, is substack even suited to this project?

While just now clicking to her substack, I received a NoScript warning associated with this service:


That sort of background activity is central to how the WorldWideFish-in-a-barrel works, these days. Not sure how one escapes much of that controlling interference and tracking.

(I will spend some time looking at your recent link suggestion: https://createasecurewebsite.com/)

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Thank you for your excellent ideas and suggestions. My initial inclination is to offer your organizational proposal to Solution Seeking for discussion and then make a decision based on that. That would require participation from Solution Seekers. Which brings me to my next point.

For whatever reason(s), participation in this think tank has decreased significantly recently. I can see it clearly in the analytical tools Substack provides authors. We appear to have stalled? What factors could be involved? Is it temporary or is this as far as one can take this kind of thing in Substack, today's internet, or today's world? Would organizational improvements like what you suggest have a significant impact on this new apparent lack of participation? Should others now take over from me, as it appears I may be a big cause of this lack of participation?

No matter what, I do not view this Solution Seeking Substack as a failure but, rather, a learning opportunity. I would much rather participate as an equal partner in a similar effort somebody else was facilitating than to continue in the author/facilitator role if this lack of participation continues. To continue, we need to have the kind of diverse, active participation we have had in the past. Where did it go?

My plan is to stop now and see how this goes. Of course if new ideas or events arise an article here or there might be published. It might be too early to make conclusions and adaptations. We are all busy. I am busy too.

What do you think?

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(For now, I'm going to address only one facet of the issues you raise: globalized censorship.)

According to how I've been perceiving things, recently, the attacks on us all using the top-down "tools" of the WorldWideFish-in-a-barrel have become more violating of our basic rights.

Here's what Tessa Lena recently shared regarding the phenomenon:


"...many of us have been dealing with our private emails from 'politically incorrect' domains getting rejected by recipient servers, occasionally disappearing without trace, etc.

"But the outgoing mail on my own domain (it’s a small hosting company, not any of those giants)? I thought it was crazy. It was a private email, not a newsletter, not a 'BCC,' just a regular private email that I wrote in response to something a reader had sent. And it wasn’t rejected by the recipient — it was rejected by my own hosting company’s mail server! How crazy is that?

"It wasn’t an isolated occasion, either. Recently, it started happening more often, sometimes, a couple of times a day. And I want to discuss it now, while censoring private communications still a nascent trend. It is important to be aware of this trend to and object to it in real time, or else we’ll end up living with it, which can barely be called 'life.'”

For years, I've been experiencing the sort of "disappearing without trace," as Tessa Lena puts it regarding certain e-mails that should have arrived in my Inbox. My attempts to track down the missing messages always reached a dead end.

There's also the phenomenon of being automatically unsubscribed from e-mail lists.

I like Tessa Lena's use of tongue-in-cheek humor:

"Siri, what does this do to the neuronal pathways of the people who are forced to even privately talk in ways that please robots? And, Siri, do you know who controls the algorithm? And what will happen if the centrally managed 'outgoing mail' algorithm starts banning certain medical information in private communications? Or flirting? Or swearing? Or any contrarian discussions about 'climate'? Or anything else?"

These are obviously very thorny challenges.

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Wow. Thanks. I could write a book on similar things I experienced. Maybe we should make a post and ask readers to share and discuss their experiences? I really wish somebody had started these kinds of Solution Seeking attempts a decade or more ago. But, it is what it is. I placed a comment on the website you suggested,. https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/censorship-of-private-communications

It is the enemy's technology, software, and internet. Now maybe 70%+ (probably 100%) of the world's population is also dealing with enemy technology growing inside their bodies? Should any of this be a surprise? Where do we go from here? For me, the deep forest mountain hermitage I always dreamed of beckons. Possibly in a place where the steep valleys and tall mountains block out even satellite internet, miles from the nearest neighbor. I will keep an open mind about my possible futures.

Thanks again.

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Rummball .. Biteshoot.. ProtunMale .. TutaNitum email .. also deleted content or echo-chambered posts or emails .. I am into instrumented diy experiments with video or photo results proof to avoid false antidotes .. Not into long texts .. Best modell imo ..La Quinta Columna and the couple in Morocco interviewed by Maria Zeee recently. Have duplicated their vids and gone beyond. With Instrumented antidotes vids.

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Fascinating comment. Thanks. I will suggest CDS (chlorine dioxide solution). It worked for me and has worked for others. Have you done your own experiments?

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Worked for which of the varied pathogens? Yes..have done over 30 trials to save my old self with a too old thymus.

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Good questions. For me, it worked on everything I could identify and on some unexpected things as well. I could write a book but do not have the time. But others more experienced than me have already done that. Links provided below.



And, then there is this...



Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Dec 21, 2022


Hi Larry, we have worked with Dr Andreas Kalcker. The CDS dissolves the rouleaux. We worked to dissolve the ribbons and it took 6 months in an incubator. EDTA 30 minutes according to patents and I have seen EDTA clear blood within 1 day after infusion. I don't know if Comusav has done more studies on this, but for our group it did not dissolve the ribbons from vaxxed people fast enough.


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And this...

A reader just supplied the valuable web link summarized below (Jan 22, 2023).. It adds to what is presented in this article. Time is short. I will just present the update immediately below… Dr. Kalcker and COMUSAV investigate Bluetooth and MAC addresses in the COVID injected. 15:45. Fernando is taking CDS and nothing shows up. Others who are taking CDS do not broadcast Bluetooth MAC Addresses. [I have been on CDS myself and plan to remain on it. The right kind of EDTA chelation might also be important for some who have are victimized by advanced nano tech growth? All life is now infested with the quantum dots and some degree of nano tech growth? The diagram at 17:53 showing the consequences is insightful?]


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I only trust my own tests using multiple instruments.

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I am like that too. But I do not have the time, ability, or expertise to set up my own tests with multiple instruments.

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