Where Do We Go From Here? - An Invitation To Solution Seeking Substack To Participate in Self Reflection, Discuss What Has Happened So Far, Learn, Adapt, Improve, Plan, Set Goals, Etc.
First Version Written on January 20 2023.
This solution seeking think tank project launched on January 2, 2023. Much has happened since then. I have done my best to facilitate this think tank experiment as an equal partner who has experienced past success in somewhat similar engineering think tanks working on challenging projects. Please accept my sincere gratitude for reading the concepts, considering them, and participating in the discussions. Please consider the merits of reviewing the articles, reviewing the comments, thinking about what has happened in this Solution Seeking Substack so far, discussing it, and offering feedback, insights, suggestions, etc.. Please ask whatever questions come to mind.
In my successful engineering think tanks, we often asked similar questions, especially at the initial brainstorming, formative stage. Looking at it retrospectively, it appears that we often benefited from forms of self reflection. We studied self reflection in the AI and programming explorations, and similar concepts were included in our analytical programs, predictive programs, simulations, etc. We were able to learn from our experiences and mistakes, adapt, improve, and succeed. I also personally find that frequent self reflection helps me in my life.
At this time, my best suggestion is that we pause for a while and engage in open, relatively unstructured, brainstorming type self reflection. The following incomplete list is my best attempt to pose some questions that we might want to ask ourselves as part of this process.
1. What are our successes?
2. What are our learning opportunities (mistakes, challenges, failures, etc.)? How might we adapt to these learning opportunities and improve ( EG. how can we improve readability and participation, do we need a repository, do we need time stamped historical repositories, etc.) ?
3. What are all possible reasonable ways we can proceed from here?
4. How do we handle the comment thread reply errors we are experiencing?
5. Should some of you consider launching similar projects, sub projects, better projects, different projects, etc.?
6. Should we launch a challenge where we define our root cause enemy, with a goal likeā¦ AN ATTEMPT AT A COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF THE FULL RANGE OF POSSIBLE REASONABLE AND MEANINGFUL DEFINITIONS OF THE ROOT CAUSE ENEMY OF HUMANITY AND ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET? Discuss all the options? Work towards and publish a very professional Substack article with all options clearly defined, the pros and cons of each, try to reach a consensus of our suggestions (and publish information about how that went), learn from the experience, and then go forward from there? With clear time deadlines and goals?
7. Rather than 6 above, or many somehow at the same time, or otherwise, should be start tackling the challenge of creating a publication like the following? A COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF ALL (THE ENTIRE RANGE) OF POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS FOR THE PROBLEMS HUMANITY IS FACING. Do literature or other searches for all possible solutions. Consider the challenges of exploring and presenting unlawful and violent solutions in the best possible lawful ways online. Explore the pros and cons of each possibility. Explore different ways of presenting the entire range, maybe on a line with the most passive (peaceful) on one end of the line, and the most violent (unlawful) extremes on the opposite end of the line (maybe there are other better ways)? Try to discover new solutions, maybe hybrids, maybe something totally new? Maybe even try to rate the solutions (there are many possible ways to do this, but it is not clear whether this would be a good idea, I can see many sides to this). Set time limits and goals. The eventual goal might be to present a wide range of all the solutions we discovered or created in one place, with the pros and cons of each, and an open invitation to humanity to read this, consider their own situation and what solutions might work for them, and save the planet? There are at least two projects like this that come to mind. My current best guess and suggestion is that we do at least two similar projects as follows. 7.1: An Objective Disclosure And Analysis Of Known (and some new) Possible Solutions Of How To Stop the Cabal WENEMY From Destroying Humanity And All Life On the Planet. After 7.1 is completed and published, then we proceed to 7.2 An Objective Analysis Of The Entire Range Of Solutions For How To Create The Better Planet Our Children And All Life Deserve. Along with this, somehow, we also discuss whether 7.1 is needed, and whether there some versions of 7.2 solve 7.1. Or maybe we come up with a better idea through our dialogue or otherwise?
8. Maybe before 6 and/or 7, I should do my best to present a adaptation of the PROCESS that appeared to work for me in the past in solution seeking? This would take me some time. We could discuss that process, adapt and refine it, and use it here? It might improve our focus and productivity? Perhaps we should be focusing on HOW we can best seek solutions rather than jumping in first? Perhaps we can publish a full range discussion of what we discover, with the pros and cons, and the results of trying to reach a consensus of the best process(es) for us?
Like everything I have published here, this is rushed, it is raw, but I think it needs to be published now. Like everything I have published here so far, I invite respectful, well meaning, thoughtful, constructive criticism, dialogue, discovery, etc.
Please accept my apologies for not yet providing workable suggestions about how to handle the Substack comment thread issues. You may want to review the associated Solution Seeking pages for updates and ideas. I have devoted two days to it and so far I do not have much worth sharing. Please know that I did and am doing my best. As I re read this, I know that we do not want to rely on me to publish many things going forward, and hope better writers will volunteer to write up what we agree upon, we credit them (if they wish), we proof read it before publishing, and maybe it gets simultaneously published here and elsewhere?
I sense that time is short and will take the risks associated with putting this out there in its raw form. The cabal WENEMY is doing some surprising things and the situation is evolving quickly. I sense that we should up our game and start moving towards real goals, and soon.
Thank you all for reading this, for all you have done, and for what you might do in the future.
My Current Best Guess At The Best Way To Solve The World's Major Problems
Some thoughts that arose after writing this article are given in this pinned comment.
Judging from the drop in the participation in the comments, Solution Seeking here has stalled. There is one big associated factor that stands out at this time (Jan. 24, 2023).
1. Avoidance of discussing violent solution options so that violence can be avoided by coming up with better alternatives.
Here is an attempt to explain why I started and persist in solution seeking. It is an attempt to explain why I will go on alone if required. Maybe we should be seeking the PROCESS and not one solution? Maybe the process is required so that people can engage and develop their own best solutions? Maybe that is the best solution we can discover here, doing something(s) that result in more people seeking new, better, solutions? I recently made the comment below to a Solution Seeking subscriber in another article written by another author.
I will be even more explicit. Anger is exploding. Violence is being considered. Just avoiding discussing the violence people are considering will not, in my opinion, avoid it. My feeling is that, by giving the anger a voice, and exploring it, better, innovative, peaceful solutions might be uncovered, as a group, together, in a think tank type environment, or, maybe, in personal, more private, discussions, for even in personal creative visualizations, etc. I grew up with the original Captain Kirk not being satisfied with the options they knew of and attempting to get people together to continue seeking a better alternative. So, I continue to seek that alternative. If I seek it alone, so be it. I will not lead nor follow, so I am not trying to be Captain Kirk in some way. My hope is to seek a better alternative with others as an equal diverse partner. But this idea and spirit of this still lives on within me. https://youtu.be/2S-0vIBIp4Y?t=175
Several martial arts masters explained to me that a major reason for studying martial arts is the avoidance of violence. By studying violence, and how to handle it, and becoming proficient, you can avoid violence by showing aggressors that they might get hurt if they do not refrain from violence. Our enemy understands this and is using those who require that violence not be discussed to its advantage? Avoidance of discussing violent solutions may be inviting the explosion of violence by allowing the emotions to build up, never given a voice, never discussed? And our enemy has planned for that.
I have had conversations with some talented authors who will avoid any discussion of violent solutions. Some of these authors even suggest going with the flow of the great reset and seeing how wonderful it might be? I note that the discussions with these authors ended when I asked the to address what we know about the undisclosed unaudited entity that will become world wide wireless master of everything in this Trans Humanist SCADA Slave system. I conclude that the avoidance of the discussion of violence is a major part of the problem.
Violence need to be discussed so it can be avoided? Where and how? One can always think about it themselves? Perhaps in small groups where all are known and trusted, with no cell phones, away from all spying electronics, and see how that changes the conversation? Perhaps online here, with some daring to take the known risks?
We may decide to split into groups and share the load? I can no longer keep up with everything. My apologies for that. For now, my hope is that we can learn much through our participation, dialogues, and explorations. But I sense we need to move quickly and it is not yet clear to me, and maybe others, where the best balances are.
For now, I recommend that you discuss Solution Seeking with as many people as possible. I submit that the cabal WENEMY has succeeded in preventing most people from even considering evaluating solutions and it might have cooked up its own solutions that are guaranteed to fail and distributed them. I recommend evaluating more than one solution and actively trying to invent your own. Who knows. Maybe a child, not yet hypnotized, brainwashed, mind controlled, etc. might solve it for us. EG "HOW ABOUT THIS SOLUTION...?"
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Larry, the question of platform arises because of the nature of self-censorship regarding the limitations of legal and non- legal. I wont bore you with quotations from Jefferson et al about civic duties in the face of tyranny. You get it.
Only truly open, uncensored dialogue can meet our objective of Solutions, whatever they may be. And the risk of speaking truths has or will become higher. Its not an invocation to activity outside what is legal but a realization that this concern can limit the sharing of ideas.
A hypothetical example: say POTUS( it doesnt deserve all caps imho) decrees that some extremely ridiculous, galactically stupid, humanly degrading, tyrannical policy is about to be invoked by exec order.
Gee, i think weāre there already!
Say that the actual solution is illegal becus potus has redefined what legal is, illegally, with no respect for constitutuonal rights.
Gee, i think weāre there already!
Does the concerned citizen just lie down and self-censor his/her ideas to correct it?
Does citizen just quietly go and enact the solution? A hero!
Without the academic rigour of sober forethought?
I do hate being a PITA but here we are.
In Chinada, any communication thus is soon going to be not legal. Doesnāt make for open discussion.
Not to be a stick in the proverbial mud, i suggest its a matter of forum chosen. Ideas on modes of communication? I have ruled out yelling out of windows(Network!) and walkie talkies.