Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023Pinned

Here are two answers to: "HOW did they do that?". Answering to a young child as "dear". A child that loves learning new adult words.

1. A child appropriate version of what is presented here: https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/my-current-best-guess-at-the-best.

2. "Well, my dear, it was not easy. The cabal enemy of humanity had succeeded in taking control over almost every institution on the planet and had installed puppets to harm people. The cabal enemy succeeded in frightening people so they fought each other and harmed themselves due to the clever lies the cabal enemy told them. The cabal enemy had succeeded in planting its double agents in the controlled opposition, who tricked the people into doing things that were guaranteed to fail. The cabal enemy had succeeded in hypnotizing and brainwashing people to not seek the solutions that were needed. Some realized this and tried to get people to start thinking of innovative real solutions again. It was not easy. They discovered that no one solution worked, but, rather, the process of working together or alone to seek solutions was what was needed. There were many people all doing the HOW you ask about in their own ways. The cabal enemy could not handle all of the different solutions the people came up with and eventually lost the war. Then the people worked together to ensure that all life on the planet existed in a transparent, egalitarian way where nobody had power over others, and people continued to improve. Power Over Others was not allowed anymore. With this system in place and improving, we got to the beautiful world we now enjoy."

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

“ Well, my dear, there were some powerful books written, and some influential folks read and followed them. Books like Rules for Radicals, or the Communist Manifesto. These kinds of books were among the first to begin paving the road to tyranny. Any number of books, writings,cultural items like music, poetry, film and mass media influenced by people with excesses of wealth and power. They had the means to get around the rules by which we think normally, elect our leaders normally... until a tipping point is reached. A point of nearly no return at which the laws of our land become unsupported by those sworn to uphold them. Cultural censorship, shaming of those with based principled standards of living, through cancel culture, division of the populace over morally difficult issues meant to divide us. A culture that subverts truths we held as self-evident. Like the sovereignty of the individual. Making via advertising the Materialistic tendency greater than the spiritual one. Loss of the popularity of that which grounds us, unites us, humbles us. Loss of critical thinking happens in subverted government-controlled learning institutions at all levels. Plus the watering down of such ancient institutions as the Roman Catholic Church into a less powerful, but still influential heirarchy frowned upon for its nefarious activities throughout history being revealed, weakening its original message of hope and faith. Vatican 2, seen by many as an evil copout designed to keep inclusive of those who sought a convenient way out of historically strict standards of membership and personal actions. Satanism, some would say, entered the sphere of the heirarchy long ago.

Then there’s the culture of taking on the blame and shame of sins committed by one’s ancestors. The mob of dissent against the established views. Progressive views being promoted, surreptitiously, by the popular culture and schools. The environmental movement with its guilt-based and falsely held idea that we must depopulate the earth to save it from us, as parasites on Gaia.

At some point this collective guilt gets us to vote into power those who, with their false Mask of Compassion, pretend to keep us Safe from any number of ills, fabricated or real. And allow governments to gradually write into law some statutes we would never normally allow. Such is the control of our minds when an Emergency state can be perpetuated, evil normalized, words reinvented, language itself remade, freedom of speech becoming controlled, compelled speech. By law.

With anyone living or even thinking outside those stricter confines labelled as a domestic terrorist.

That, my dear, is the label i wear. It is the cost of your insistence on holding the truth. Your faith in God and yourself is your only shield in this, a war for your mind and soul. Will you, in weakness, sell those to the highest bidder? Now, i suggest you take a long walk alone, and ponder your choices, because you must make a decision. I can only offer you this advice, hoping we have raised you well.”

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Please forgive me for that attempt, off the top of my head, done as if speaking to a teen-age or older child. No doubt i have left out much, and was occasionally inaccurate. But parenting we do from the heart, with often little preparation.

Thank you for the opportunity to think while writing. And for posing the question. A most clarifying experience.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Looking forward to this exercise in co-inspiration. Story endings as unique as your contributors. Alas, i fear the busy-ness of the struggle may inhibit what would otherwise be a tidal wave of works coming our way.

But, like the 2 Irishmen who Walked out of a bar, it Could happen...

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

You. Are. Ready.

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Jan 18, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Dear NSA and other alphabet agencies:

I know that for many decades, you have been functioning under a particular (non-American, non-Constitutional) system, and that you have acquiesced to this prevailing paradigm for a wide variety of reasons. From top to bottom, some of the more common reasons have varied from bribery, extortion or having been compromised, the seduction of idealogies/idealogues, confusion about what was really going on, limited information stemming from "need to know" and other forms of compartmentalization, the feeling that it was impossible to fight The Powers That Be, or even and most sadly the cases of those who believed they were aiding the Republic and upholding their Constitutional duties. This is (mostly) understandable, and except for the most egregious abusers -- those with full knowledge of their actions -- the American public stands ready to forgive you if you will simply cease and desist (in the case of those with more information), or if you will realize that the net effect of all the Alphabet Actions are negatively impacting the Republic and "switch sides."

Not just you, but around 75% of U.S. Citizens still need to come to grips with the fact that our lives are, at this point, built on lies; and that our very destruction is being brought about by the unquestioning acceptance of those lies. Hence, the importance of the idea expressed in a bumper sticker which reads, "Question Authority." Granted, the majority of people are occupied with their jobs and lives, and have (therefore) depended upon the Main Stream Media to decipher life, and provide meaningful and accurate news. The tragic and disgusting FACT is that the media organizations have been functioning as no more than what we once decried in this country as "propaganda media" or "state-controlled media." We have truly been "the pot calling the kettle black."

The history of this goes back quite a long way. If one is prepared to accept an Extraterrestrial ("ET" and also "Alien") component, I will tell you that this began some 11,000-13,000 years ago. The figures vary, some even 6,000-8,000 years, but the POINT still is that our current situation has been a VERY long time in the making. If one wants to discount or disregard a possible Alien connection, then on a historical level, one could say this began around 1911 in the U.S. This, unfortunately, means that it is VERY WELL entrenched.

The fight which we are in is against a group of individuals who are of certain bloodlines, some of which may very well have an ET origin and connection. Leaving that possible connection aside, the fact remains that a group of families -- often referred to as "the 13 ruling families" or "the Phoenecians" , and early in the "conspiracy theory" community as the "Illuminati" and more recently as the "Cabal" -- have found ways to EXPLOIT the natural characteristics of Humanity while simultaneously bribing and extorting world governments and particularly in the financial sector. There is FAR too much history here for me to even summarize in this comment. If anyone would like assistance in how to begin researching, you may contact me. It's more difficult to find true information online, compared to even the early 2000s, and through loss of hard drives, I do not have the documents which I read in years past, but I do have an archive of a certain amount of information.

I do not, at this juncture, have a handle on what Larry does or does not know -- has read or has not read -- but I have been at this 'game' for over 30 years. Because of this, I question whether there was more that I could have done in years past, and frankly I have been startled in the past few years by the rapid "tightening of the noose." If you have not been at this a while, you might not think of this situation in those terms, but I'll bet that some of you reading this do in fact express surprise over the years since about 2018-19. Perhaps I should even say 2001, because I have read that the Patriot Act was the destruction of the Constitution where it was replaced by a Nazi 'constitution'. This saddens me greatly because this happened "under My watch." I feel like a soldier who has failed her mission.

Oh my God, there is SO MUCH MORE that I can say. I have SO much in my head, so much I have read and deduced, so much I have watched occur in utter disbelief ...

I call upon you Servants (YES, CONSIDER YOURSELVES A SERVANT!!!!!) in the 3-letter agencies to STOP. STOP being in fear because YOU are an ETERNAL SOUL and Nothing that happens to you on this planet and to your physical body makes a DAMN. What matters is doing what is RIGHT. What matters is your pursuit of TRUTH. What matters is, what will become of the Human species. Is it to become some Borg assimilation, a la Star Trek?? Is it to become the Slave Race that the Cabal has been trying to create? Even the "vaccine" technology has now developed to the point where they can Seriously interfere with what a Human even is, and make us into a creature with no free will and no ability to resist "the System." Is this what you want?? I really beg you to think about where your loyalties lie. Namaste'

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Wow. Thank you. I have studied this in some ways similar to you, and in some ways very different. I admit I do not know about the Alliance. Can you please educate me? Some of the other things you discuss are familiar but you have put a different twist on some.

Many of the cabal attributes you discuss appear to be significant weaknesses that we might be able to exploit to our advantage?

Again, I do not have absolute beliefs. To me everything is a probability until after I measure it in such a way that its degree of certainty can be raised. To me some or all of the explanations of the cabal could be the cabal putting out somewhat believable cover stories that lead to false trails that lead nowhere.

For example, His Story would have us believe that the Kahn funeral party taking his body to an undisclosed grave was murdered so nobody could locate his body. I am skeptical. Why would somebody do that? My guess is that it is probable that Kahn faked his murder and got the funeral party murdered to destroy the evidence. Dead men are not targeted. Kahn could have ruled after his death if he set that up properly.

Similarly, the cabal's writers, spin doctors, and psychologists could be cleverly lying about any or all of the many stories about what the cabal is and its attributes.

What are my estimates of the odds of these things? I admit I do not know enough about them to try to guess. But, definitely my guess is that the odds of anything we write is not 100%, hence, everything is a probability.

But all information is useful information. Know thy enemy. The information should be analyzed and discussed for its potential tactical usefulness?

I think that the cabal's behavior does indicate significant cognitive and personality issues that we should be able to exploit to our advantage. I do not know how the other things you discussed might be used to our advantage. Do you have any ideas about how the things you discuss might be used to our advantage?

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Method 1: enforcement of transparency of policy sponsorship of all politicians and vetting prior to embarking in campaigns .

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Method 2. Statutory limits on Congress Speaker of the house

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Method 3: Wherever there is journalistic activity, sponsors and advertisers and extent of investment of publications must be transparent

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Triggers for democratic concerns or grievances to be fully aired without condescension- and a process to support it

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Requirement for non partisan journalism (with full disclosures and without editorial point of view ) for controversial topics. This doesn’t necessarily mean an end to partisan editorials- but these must be transparently presented as such

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Legislation to prevent Social media companies from fact checking subscriber opinions

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Minority policy development must be transparent and balanced to uphold policies that support majority points of view

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Financial interests and objectives must be transparent for foreign actors that fund or influence movements of political change

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Larry Druhall

Public news organisations must be required to communicate news that both supports or opposes public govt positions or mandates along with reference evidence . Eg ABC in Australia should be required to publish Australian all cause mortality statistics when they are above baseline

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