Here are two answers to: "HOW did they do that?". Answering to a young child as "dear". A child that loves learning new adult words.

1. A child appropriate version of what is presented here: https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/my-current-best-guess-at-the-best.

2. "Well, my dear, it was not easy. The cabal enemy of humanity had succeeded in taking control over almost every institution on the planet and had installed puppets to harm people. The cabal enemy succeeded in frightening people so they fought each other and harmed themselves due to the clever lies the cabal enemy told them. The cabal enemy had succeeded in planting its double agents in the controlled opposition, who tricked the people into doing things that were guaranteed to fail. The cabal enemy had succeeded in hypnotizing and brainwashing people to not seek the solutions that were needed. Some realized this and tried to get people to start thinking of innovative real solutions again. It was not easy. They discovered that no one solution worked, but, rather, the process of working together or alone to seek solutions was what was needed. There were many people all doing the HOW you ask about in their own ways. The cabal enemy could not handle all of the different solutions the people came up with and eventually lost the war. Then the people worked together to ensure that all life on the planet existed in a transparent, egalitarian way where nobody had power over others, and people continued to improve. Power Over Others was not allowed anymore. With this system in place and improving, we got to the beautiful world we now enjoy."

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it was ugly, barren & desolate for a long, long time Dear, but eventually the survivors disassembled & disposed of the 4IR tech in its entirely, allowing humans, animals, land, water, atmosphere to detox from an unnatural state of control.

Survivors were able to move forward as they now held a golden key to enter a time that more closely resembled the time before time:


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terrific pix and wordcraft Kitty! Such a skill with the simple stuff! Loved that dreamtime-valentine post! I don't know how I missed it. Substack doesn't seem to be sending me notifications from you for some time! Something appears amiss....

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I checked and discovered that I had been unsubscribed from your account! WTF?? Substack has been getting weird.... I am wondering if it has been infiltrated and the code is being messed with.

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have had lots of problems too! was also wondering about who’s behind Substack

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San Francisco wannabe Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, maybe? I dunno what is going on but I sent two emails last weekend because I could not post at all. Everything I wrote got stuck in drafts. I did not receive any notifications, my stats were telling me that I had gone viral - 155,000+ views!?! yet there was no evidence in changes of traffic or comments.

This week they sent me a form to fill in asking how I rated the way they had dealt with my report..... but..... but..... they had NOT dealt with my report(s) at all.

So I emailed that response and again, crickets.

This weekend things seem to be operational but I am still not receiving all the notifications of subscribers comments and those are the best thing about writing on Substack. The class of subscriber is so high - I want to read their comments.

I asked my techie son about it and he thinks their code has been messed with. Big time.

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Hello kitten seeking answers. This is so beautiful and positive. Thank you for the timeless and time-full timely time before time inspiration. It is the kind of thing that should last until time after time. A meaningful and beautiful key to unlock happiness and positive energy.

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People dscerned that the bible was written to docile any resistence. They were indoctrinated to believe in a nonsensical lie that "there is nothing we can do and we are going to a better place when we leave this earth."

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Good comment. Thanks. I think I agree. I myself have issues with passive approaches like thinking Q will save the day, Jesus will save the day, etc. I note Project Blue Beam.

But, I also will defend the right of anybody to their beliefs as long as they don't force those beliefs onto others or hide behind those beliefs to harm others. I note how our enemy has placed clever divide and conquer traps throughout society. My hope is to avoid religious divide and conquer here. So far it has been ok. Time may tell.

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Here is a new solution that was just shared with us. You are invited to read it and comment. Thank you.


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Good points, great discussion: just one point i would like to make. The idea that we may go to a better place/continuum of life/death is not imho incompatible with the call to action. There is nothing for me that is passive about it because when we realize that earthly material things, like life itself, are of less import than Truth, we can boldly face evil and win. There’s strength in it and the desire to right the wrongs in us and around us. You know, the ones stemming from corruption by money and power over others. Sadly, tyranny seems to be the default mode for humans if we blindly and faithlessly succumb to the forces of evil in us, before we strike out against the evil swirling so close around us.

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Hello Stevanovitch. Thank you for posting this insightful comment. I agree with what you have said.

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Jan 29, 2023
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Excellent comment. Thank you. How can we accomplish that, here in this Substack, and elsewhere? Can we improve how we set examples to others in everything we do each day? Can we attempt to replace the brainwashing with ideas like yours? How? This is a think tank. Brainstormed ideas are excellent. We are hopefully not trying to be perfect here, but, rather, honoring those who take risks by daring to submit innovative ideas for discussion and consideration. How many times did Edison try (I do not like the word fail in this context) before inventing the lightbulb? Thanks again.

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Jan 29, 2023
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Let's figure out how to prevent 1984 and replace it with something much better?

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Jan 27, 2023
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THAT'S what I call a HAPPY end !!!... (Good Sweet Night, every one in the EVENING parts of the clock!)

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Excellent story with a great ending. Thank you. There are so many stories that could be written. Can you think of others? We are at a point where there are many possibilities. Our enemy has its future in mind, it's writing of this story, we MUST prevent that future and replace it with a better future? My guess is that the enemy cabal excels at simulating several future possibilities and adapting. We have over 161 subscribers here right now (7:20 AM, Jan. 29, 2023, US Pacific time) in this Substack Solution Seeking. I would love to read more stories here. Maybe you can write some more, or maybe you can ask friends to write some? The way to victory may arise out of the stories. Thanks again.

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Strategically, maybe we can find a way of hacking the enemy's cyborg dogs, and it's AI, and turn some or all of that against the enemy? Perhaps we are doing that now to an extent in this Substack Solution Seeking think tank?

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Jan 27, 2023
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Here is a new solution that was just shared with us. You are invited to read it and comment. Thank you.


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“ Well, my dear, there were some powerful books written, and some influential folks read and followed them. Books like Rules for Radicals, or the Communist Manifesto. These kinds of books were among the first to begin paving the road to tyranny. Any number of books, writings,cultural items like music, poetry, film and mass media influenced by people with excesses of wealth and power. They had the means to get around the rules by which we think normally, elect our leaders normally... until a tipping point is reached. A point of nearly no return at which the laws of our land become unsupported by those sworn to uphold them. Cultural censorship, shaming of those with based principled standards of living, through cancel culture, division of the populace over morally difficult issues meant to divide us. A culture that subverts truths we held as self-evident. Like the sovereignty of the individual. Making via advertising the Materialistic tendency greater than the spiritual one. Loss of the popularity of that which grounds us, unites us, humbles us. Loss of critical thinking happens in subverted government-controlled learning institutions at all levels. Plus the watering down of such ancient institutions as the Roman Catholic Church into a less powerful, but still influential heirarchy frowned upon for its nefarious activities throughout history being revealed, weakening its original message of hope and faith. Vatican 2, seen by many as an evil copout designed to keep inclusive of those who sought a convenient way out of historically strict standards of membership and personal actions. Satanism, some would say, entered the sphere of the heirarchy long ago.

Then there’s the culture of taking on the blame and shame of sins committed by one’s ancestors. The mob of dissent against the established views. Progressive views being promoted, surreptitiously, by the popular culture and schools. The environmental movement with its guilt-based and falsely held idea that we must depopulate the earth to save it from us, as parasites on Gaia.

At some point this collective guilt gets us to vote into power those who, with their false Mask of Compassion, pretend to keep us Safe from any number of ills, fabricated or real. And allow governments to gradually write into law some statutes we would never normally allow. Such is the control of our minds when an Emergency state can be perpetuated, evil normalized, words reinvented, language itself remade, freedom of speech becoming controlled, compelled speech. By law.

With anyone living or even thinking outside those stricter confines labelled as a domestic terrorist.

That, my dear, is the label i wear. It is the cost of your insistence on holding the truth. Your faith in God and yourself is your only shield in this, a war for your mind and soul. Will you, in weakness, sell those to the highest bidder? Now, i suggest you take a long walk alone, and ponder your choices, because you must make a decision. I can only offer you this advice, hoping we have raised you well.”

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Thank you. This is excellent. This process is potentially powerful. My hope is that we can get several short story endings and discuss them all. Thanks again.

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I say this and it will sound arrogant: You have to understand that many of these factors have been deliberately introduced. It's not as if the controlling powers were going to let things evolve organically. No. They were literally and definitely massaged into the mass confusion, collective guilt, 'progressive' views, and all of the other ruinations of society. We have been utterly and totally manipulated. The Human species is FAR TOO maleable and "innocent." I say this as a Starseed.

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Those who view truth as arrogance close themselves to learning opportunities? Thank you. We need this kind of participation.

Complex system theory, which has never been violated in any real experiments, shows that when any parasitic load scavenges from the rest of the system to a significant extent, the overall system gets compromised, and its efficiency and overall performance can never be optimal. It might be shown (a long time ago for me, hopefully we can still do that) that even the very top of the cabal would be better off as an equal partner in a better, fair, harmonious, loving world, where all available resources were devoted to the coherent harmonious benefit of all life, than as a holding cowardly scheming lying immoral shadowy sack of excrement, so cowardly that is uses every available resource to take everything for itself at the expense of everything else. Excrement is too good a term for it. It is obvious that whatever putrid scum (scum is too good a term) is at the top of the cabal is too brain damaged and inferior to possibly understand any of this. Those near the top of the cabal are not elites, they are cowardly parasitic inferior negative energy vortices.

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Hi Larry ~ Some very key things are raised in this post. Yes, of course the Cabal -- as every other person -- "would be better off as an equal partner ..." et seq -- but this supposes that they are 'regular humans', which they are not. There are two things to understand (at minimum) about the members of the Cabal:

First is that their religion is Satanism, and so you've already lost if you think they hold the same values. They have ZERO interest in "fair," "loving," or any such thing. In fact, they are considered anti-human and anti-life by all the folks who've studied them the longest. They regularly practice human sacrifice, and perform their most nefarious actions (if not all of their actions) on Esoteric "days of Power." The real story behind the fire at Notre Dame is a great case of subverting them before they could accomplish their intention a few days hence (YAY, Alliance!!) [let me know if you do not know what the Alliance is]. A super case in point was 9-11. Recall that George W. Bush was at an elementary school that day reading to children. The classroom teacher was leading the children in a chant of various words which were, in fact, an Incantation designed to lend power to the action. The teacher may have been an accomplice, or just a clueless normie human. It's quite fascinating to see them in action, once you understand what you are looking at. ;)

The second thing is that they have been inbred for generations. The result of this is that they are not terribly smart, and they exist in a bubble, one could say. This is also the reason that they behave in lying, immoral, and shadowy ways.

The third thing which originally I thought belonged in the first category, but from the standpoint of 'good writing', I decided to state separately, is that many or most of them are homosexual and transgender. They like switching the genders of their children, and the only reason I can surmise is that it ensures they are f'd up freaks. Examples: do you know that Victoria's Secret is that Queen Victoria was a man? Do you know that Greta Thunberg (sp?) was born a boy? So, so many examples. Many in Holly-Wood are trans -- for example, Jennifer Lopez, the Pretty Woman actress (can't think of her name), Jennifer Anniston, Megan Fox, hundreds probably. Then there are the born males like Tom Hanks who are extreme, violent pedophiles. In fact, Ben Fulford has said that he doesn't know how Hillary Clinton is still walking around free because the NY Police have VIDEO EVIDENCE of her torturing two young girls to DEATH.

So.... if all this is new to you ..... you are in this way over your head. :)

We are not going to convince the people to see 'the light." Will NOT happen. The best we can hope for, and the focus of our efforts, must be on The Minions who largely don't realize their roles as "Useful Idiots" who will be the first ones massacred.

Your ending statement is EXACTLY CORRECT: "Those near the top of the cabal are not eliltes, they are cowardly parasitic inferior negative energy vortices." Perfectly stated!

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Great insight. I agree that when it comes to stakeholders, individuals and entities do not stand on equal footing. When I undertake stakeholder ecosystem mapping for complex societal change programs, I include a)stakeholder influence: core, direct, indirect as one grouping, b) stakeholder interest: external and internal as another, and c) stakeholder RACI to determine how these stakeholders perceive ownership accountability responsibility contribution and who is informed - including how often engagement occurs. Bear in mind countless change professionals using this methodology are implementing these frameworks within institutional programs on a daily basis all across the world

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I always consider the questions could you? Would you? Should you? Implement proposed change solutions in the context of change programs. Just because one can doesn’t mean one should override legal or ethical concerns I when conducti g such programs. I have seen sales people proposed unethical and illegal solutions for various govt agencies in order to make life simpler for agents- rather than considering why such processes are currently complex or fail to share data (eg to fulfil legal privacy obligations or separation of regulatory investigation and enforcement

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This will not be easy. Much of what is successful currently is an adaptation to a perverse system of Power Over Others that needs to be changed? When one plays in the enemy cabal's casino, success often requires compromising with and playing along with immoral rules set up to ultimately benefit the cabal at the expense of others? Often, those who achieve these kinds of successes are not consciously aware of what I discuss here due to clever tricks like compartmentalization, Non Disclosure Agreements, oaths of secrecy, threats, and bribes? I have significant experience in this and others have confided several associated stories that I will not include here, in the interest of not placing them at risk. Replace this rigged global society wide system with a different system, and success might look very different?

I smell a Substack magical sporadic comment placement or other error setting up here. Let's see if this reply gets posted and, if so, where...

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Thank you, Curious Skeptic, for the incredible information. Do you have any suggestions about how we might realistically implement some of what you have done here, with our limited resources, in a short period of time? Would you say that some, many, or perhaps the majority of the "countless change professionals using this methodology" work for the enemy in propagandizing, implementing, strategically analyzing, and strategically planning the harm the cabal enemy is causing humanity? Can we adapt and use the enemy's tactics against it?

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It’s tough, it comes down to personal awareness and dare I say, age. I’m constantly shocked by chance designers like myself not seeing any problem with initiating the surveillance state. They are myopic with tunnel vision. The tunnel vision arises from the separation of ecosystem components in order to tame complexity. Recently I discussed with a colleague how many from nudge units were Kok h c our team, how woke many of them were, and thus why they had no issue with overeach in the name of a good cause. In particular digital bio security veterinary programs. So I would say that in my team, maybe 20% are alert and manage business was owner expectations. When it comes to presales big tech , the percentage is much lower because there are few presales change designers who have breadth of knowledge across many domains to question future state solutions , or they are remunerated like a presales engineer with a large opportunity on an account team . Commissions do corrupt and naiave designers don’t know what they don’t know,

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I found this awesome library of resources. https://www.campfire.wiki/doku.php?id=rounding_the_earth

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Some of what you say is indeed true , some I would disagree with in a way like this ; "The second thing is that they have been inbred for generations. The result of this is that they are not terribly smart, and they exist in a bubble, one could say. This is also the reason that they behave in lying, immoral, and shadowy ways." They are extremely cunning and skilled in manipulation and EXPERT at political pressure, Where they may not be as "smart" they are wealthy enough to to hire all the brilliant people foolish enough to take their money and do horrific things for them. This is how they control tech and science. If anything slips ahead of them they buy it , or put it out of business. They ARE smart enough to capture power hungry military people . THIS IS OUR GREATEST DANGER NOW . We will have to infiltrate as they have, or convince rebellion from within. SK

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This will not be easy. Much of what is successful currently is an adaptation to a perverse system of Power Over Others that needs to be changed? When one plays in the enemy cabal's casino, success often requires compromising with and playing along with immoral rules set up to ultimately benefit the cabal at the expense of others? Often, those who achieve these kinds of successes are not consciously aware of what I discuss here due to clever tricks like compartmentalization, Non Disclosure Agreements, oaths of secrecy, threats, and bribes? I have significant experience in this and others have confided several associated stories that I will not include here, in the interest of not placing them at risk. Replace this rigged global society wide system with a different system, and success might look very different?

I smell a Substack magical sporadic comment placement or other error setting up here. Let's see if this reply gets posted and, if so, where...

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Maybe we need to figure out how to get a critical mass of military and intelligence people to consider the concepts we are discussing here?

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Not only is that true and necessary BUT , the chemtrail spray programs, nano tech arms race, depopulation agenda and such are completely done with MILITARY creation and participation. If we cant stop that somehow , then we probably wont be successful with other solutions.

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I don't believe that Queen Victoria was a man. How did she manage to have so many kids? Yes, the Predator Class are inbred and often retarded but they are not at all religious. They are atheists and nihilists who exploit the religious. Satanism is rooted in the Abrahamic middle eastern religions and, as such, is just another control mechanism employed by the vestiges of the Roman Empire which never fell but relocated and rebranded to form the British Empire.

Victoria's secret was that she was head of a fraudulent Empire that was never her own. It was never even British. It was the result of the Venetian (Phoenician) Black Nobility expanding their Mediterranean monopoly towards global dominion.

I have written a lot about the way that history has concealed truth for example:


But there is so much more to this than one article could convey!

The QAnon profusion of 'drops' and Ben Fulford's cryptic 'sources' are there to ensure that the general public who are searching for the truth will get bogged down and confused by fake rabbit holes which lead them as far away from reality as any MSM fake news rag.

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Wow. I am overwhelmed. Thank you. I hope I get the main ideas.

Because I am always skeptical of everything, including the HisStory our enemy allows us access to, I have to wonder... Why would our enemy not create something like this as a false trail, a trap, with some elements of truth to it, but designed to guarantee failure for those daring to try to eliminate it? If I had all the money and power in the world and was a selfish immoral cowardly idiot, I would go to great lengths to create a false target. And make it challenging, so there are competing versions of false targets. A false target that is very convincing, and is the best possible description given what the "little people" like us are allowed to "know". I submit that the only way of knowing would be to take the intelligence agencies and devote their full resources to validating this all the way to the top, or modifying it?

I find the study of exceptions in His Story to be fascinating. Things that don't add up. EG. His Story tells me that the Mongols destroyed all armies they conquered, often outnumbered 4 to 1 or more. His Story tells me that the Mongols destroyed the only remaining armies capable of stopping them from taking all of continental Europe in Hungary. His Story tells me that up until then, the Mongols always sent out messengers to those they conquered, either join us under our terms, or we will brutally destroy your entire society. But, His Story does not add up in the case of the Mongols defeating Europe in Hungary. His Story tells me that the Mongols went back to Mongolia to select a new leader and never really returned to Europe? Please forgive my skepticism. This is one reason I do not devote much time to studying His Story. What if, instead of what His Story tells us, the Mongols did send out their messengers to Europe, and said SURRENDER UNDER OUR TERMS OR WE WILL DESTROY YOUR CIVILIZATION. OUR TERMS ARE THAT YOUR LEADERS WILL BECOME PUPPETS, THEY WILL GET TO KEEP THEIR OPULENT CASTLES AND LIVES. BUT WE WILL RULE THROUGH ASSASINS INSTALLED AS COOKS, ETC., AND WE WILL WATCH EVERY MOVE. What if something like this happened and the absolute ruler is actually the heir descendent of Kahn, and all the other things like Black Nobility are true, but false trails guaranteed to divert from the real ultimate leader?

I invite our NSA, 5 Eyes, Russian, Chinese, and other intelligence agency partners to consider how they might resolve this if they did not have to take orders from the top of a command chain dedicated to destroying humanity, including destroying the intelligence agency employees and their families, etc.?

In my life I have been very gullible, falling for countless shell games, deceptions, lies, etc. From now on I question everything except true loving kindness. I question myself always.

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I again thank you, Frances Leader, for this incredible article. It is like several well researched and coordinate books in one. It makes sense and is valid. But my skepticism remains, as discussed in my previous comment. I did add this important article to the pinned comment in the latest Solution Seeking Web Links Of Interest and plan to publish in the next Web Links Of Interest very soon. It is am impressive work on an important topic.

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I find, after many years of researching, that the Predator Class suffers from two glaring psychological issues which we really should exploit to the hilt.

One is that they are incredibly vain. They totally love themselves and they will always make sure that we know about their successes. That is why the Black Nobility and all the clean parts of their family histories can be found online. You just won't find them all together in one place. They are scattered about and compartmentalised especially in Wikipedia.

The second psy-issue they suffer is their fear of being ridiculed. Which, let's face it, is more than warranted. There is much to be said for mockery and joviality. It conveys that the minions, peons, underclasses and useless eaters are HAPPY; are enjoying the spectacle of the Lords, Ladies and Dignitaries making total plonkers of themselves! That is insufferable to those who preen themselves for hours or have servants who do it for them.

Yes, let's bust their vanity with our mockery. It would be a great equaliser.

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Excellent , yes on most , but I do think it gets a bit more complicated in some areas , What your calling Black nobility go as far back as Radhanite Babylonian banking and trade route control families , then much later the brutal Khazar empire converting to Judaism , the mixing and infiltration of the very evil Sabbatean Frankists, the Jesuit/Vatican superstructure and more .Certainly Q and Fulford complete disinfo agents , but successful disinfo and cointelpro use about 80/20 % semi truths mixed with spin

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I have covered all those phases of Black Nob history in other articles. I can't put it all in one, nobody would read them.

TLDR - too long, didn't read is something I am well aware of!

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No arrogance detected; humility perhaps. Greatness is found in few places; humility is one of them.

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Truer words were never spoken. Thank you.

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Agreed , they definitely steered the 60 s attempted peaceful revolution with drugs, and economic warfare and corrupted progressive ism.

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I agree with many of your points except "collective guilt gets us to vote into power those who ...."

You must realize that elections have had fraudulent results for a number of years. Off the top of my head, I can't rattle off the number, but WE ARE **NOT** voting these people in. The Mantra you must place into your head is that leaders are "SELECTED, Not elected."

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Here is a new solution that was just shared with us. You are invited to read it and comment. Thank you.


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Hi Larry, as promised, herewith my best shot:


Well my dear, the Covid pandemic of the early 2020s and its aftermath, split humankind.

Terrified of maybe dying from a virus, by far the majority of people on the planet obeyed the Voice. They hid indoors, sprayed surfaces, got vaccinated, wore masks, showed their passes, avoided and condemned anyone unvaccinated.

In contrast, a small number whose intuition told them to stand back and question suddenly found themselves ridiculed and then singled out as a threat to society. They asked themselves: what can we do to ensure our integrity and human rights are preserved, and that we remain free against such impossible odds? The answer came to each in turn: I must preserve my humanity at all costs.

To do so, meant not dumbing down. It required taking responsibility by owning and not projecting their darkness onto other; as had been done to them. Their vigilance and insistence on truth confirmed their earlier intuitions that the world they once knew was imperilled by the Voice, and so in despair the few did what most everyone throughout the ages does in their hour of greatest need: they asked whether there was a God who could save them?

To answer their question they turned to the Scriptures where the answer was plain to see, namely, the prefiguring of all they were currently experiencing - betrayal, desertion, scapegoating - in the figure of Christ on the Cross. And so perhaps for the first time, what they had hitherto rationalised away, scoffed at or ignored, namely, the sacred, became real to them in the form of God’s voice within, telling each what to say and do next.

And so the Scriptures came to pass: the Second Coming of Christ born in the hearts and mind of man: first in the few, and then the many.


Note: the above interprets Jung, C.G. (1958). 'Answer to Job'. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, as in God not being the summum bonum (supreme good), but instead, quoting the theologian Meister Eckhart, ‘alone in his Godhead […] not in a state of bliss, but must be born in the human soul’ where God’s antinomy that ‘tears him asunder into opposites and delivers him over to seemingly insoluble conflict’ (p. 151) must be resolved.

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Thanks for sharing this incredible solution.

My suggestion is that somebody else consider creating something like this Solution Seeking for those who believe that Christianity contains and/or is the solution. I will be concentrating on other things, but would love to support such a group in mutually acceptable ways. There are over 435 subscribers in this Solution Seeking at this time (May 2, 2023) and my best guess is that a significant number might find meaning in a sister site like that, for Christianity based solutions. This Solution Seeking site is purposely not going to promote religious solutions, and concentrate on physical solutions instead. Many feel they have been harmed by religions, including Christianity, and get triggered with it, so I am doing my best to balance it as well as possible.

This crude analysis, and many other discussions, in person, in emails, etc., supports my belief that the Many Solutions strategy is best. A critical mass of people, each working on their own best strategies in their own best ways, is our best hope. This is in need of a rewrite, the analysis I discuss in the the Addendum.


My acreage search is still ongoing and is challenging. Our enemy does not want people on acreages. It wants them concentrated in urban areas for more efficient processing.

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Fair comment. Thank you. Not sure however that I’m promoting a Christian solution but can understand how a reader might conclude as much. That said, I did want to honour your foresight, courage and labour clearly evident in your multiple responses to respondents by first posting here what will hopefully with some modifications underpin what I hope to do as part of my own Substack presence, namely, come to a spiritual understanding of post-human forces at war with life as we know it on our planet. As for the powers be in the US at war with homesteaders: think Africa ;-). It’s still pretty hectic and untamed in this part of the world. All strength to your arm Mr/Dr Larry Druhall. Keep well.

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I am also not sure if you are promoting a Christian solution or not. Your references to Jung made me wonder, but I will also leave it to others to study scripture and advise me on physical actions we should consider due to what insights they find there. We are all doing our best and I hope we can consider working together and sharing. I am also working with others and seeking breakthroughs in several ways away from these Substack pages and today others are onto something that might be significant. Our enemy has successfully weaponized language and religion in ways that make this extremely challenging to balance. I hope that we keep in touch and continue sharing. Thank you for what you have shared with me and taught me.

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Please forgive me for that attempt, off the top of my head, done as if speaking to a teen-age or older child. No doubt i have left out much, and was occasionally inaccurate. But parenting we do from the heart, with often little preparation.

Thank you for the opportunity to think while writing. And for posing the question. A most clarifying experience.

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Thank you for having the intelligence, compassion, and courage to take some risks and offer your valuable and incredible work. There is no need for me to forgive but, rather, try to do my best to express my sincere gratitude. We are in the preliminary brainstorming session here. It by sharing our best ideas in their most human and raw forms that we can possibly share, understand other perspectives, and possibly discover how to save this planet? Fear of failure appears to be a control technique that the enemy has successfully installed into my subconscious mind, and maybe others. Another topic is self hypnosis, which, interestingly, has been recently replaced with watered down and more limited things like Mass Formation Psychosis. If done properly in an optimized individualized form where the person writes their own script, self hypnosis can overwrite the subconscious scripts placed there by nefarious manipulators. There are so many topics. Risk taking is a moral imperative for some of us and my belief is that we should thank and honor those, like you, who have taken those risks. Thanks again.

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Thank you , Larry. Here in Chinada, as elsewhere, the Army forms, as surreptitiously as the evil that necessitates it. 5th Gen W.

I do remind myself often of this fact: It matters not, in the Big Picture, what happens on this good earth but what lies outside of it and after it. What counts is, i feel, the process, the effort, the trials and tribulations met along the journey of this ephemeral physical existence. And what we learned and experienced from the doing, the being, the sharing and dedication to the battle for truth.

And, paradoxically, the mindful recognition of that realization is the source of the greatest courage we can imagine. The conquest of valour over the inherent weakness of evil.🙏🏽

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Beautiful and meaningful words. Thank you. I was born in Calgary and taught collage in Kamloops. It is so sad to the the jab stats and what has happened in Canada lately, the truckers, the destruction of freedoms and criminal police state, etc. I am just across the border, so I can listen to the CBC and the propaganda is very sophisticated and deep.

One can conjecture about ultimate reality. Perhaps starting from Descartes, Brain in a Vat, reasonable Solipsism. Consciousness is an unsolved mystery. Upon physical or maybe ego death, consciousness is freed from the body and the confines of this world to be potentially put to better use elsewhere. This knowledge, (for me it is more than a belief) replaces the need for courage. If whatever controls this planet succeeds in turning it into a toxic electrosmog prison planet where it tries to play God over all life and achieves immortality for itself, it will be far worse off than if it realized that complex system theory proves that even it itself would be better off as an equal partner in a harmonious world optimized for all life. Upon immortality and enslavement of everything, it will have trapped itself in an eternal hell of its own making, far worse than anything Dante described. But, upon death, I am no more, and my consciousness is freed to potentially be put to better use elsewhere. Perhaps this entire life is a simulation, purposely impossibly challenging, to get us to design the next one, which might be better. The visions of a better world are real, they exist, and they are important?

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Important... nay...Crucial! Vision leads, never follows. Consciousness put to other mysterious (but likelier even more positive) use in the other realm. Realm of Actual Reality, this realm being subordinate to it; the testing ground? Like spirit itself, that Actual Realm holds great promise as that which approaches, or embodies, Truth.

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Also reasonable creative skepticism. Of everything. Especially myself. I ran simulations for a living. Some went bad, but I ran some out to the end anyhow, to learn how to avoid that situation in the future. Maybe that is what this world is? It is so important for me, in my life, to envision the best possible world, and then do what I can to move towards it. We may be designing that world right here, right now?

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Looking forward to this exercise in co-inspiration. Story endings as unique as your contributors. Alas, i fear the busy-ness of the struggle may inhibit what would otherwise be a tidal wave of works coming our way.

But, like the 2 Irishmen who Walked out of a bar, it Could happen...

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Good comment about the size. In my engineering think tanks, the optimum size was 2-7. If it grows too big, I suggest splitting it into groups like that, and then strategically sharing. There might be better ways to handle it. I can't wait for the enemies trolls, infiltrators, and other attempts to destroy it from within. Stay tuned, it may get very interesting from here. And, if the enemy shuts the whole thing including the internet down, I still have a printer, lots of ink, some paper, and two solar generators that are fully charged.

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They keep heavily and spastically "MOPPING" our "tidal wave" FOR us, here, Stev' ! ... Hope THIS one stays nice and TSUNAMI-tall, THIS time around, as a minimum of 3 immediately PRIOR ones glibly met with aggressively assailful bescramblement -- without the slightest of "profilement-removal-underlying EXPLANATIONS" to accompany the jolly "deboostification" and "super-silent profile-bescrapment" associated event(s)... Yet, as the proverbial saying goes, -- "Whatever TOTALLED us NOT, made us more VICTORIOUS"!... For SURE! Cheers, bro' ! (LOVE your comments, throughout, BTW!)

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You. Are. Ready.

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I AM the shrill Sound of VICTORY that ushers in the Light; -- AND -- I AM the Light that elevates the PULSE-RATE of the Sound! My name is-- BioPhoton!

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Dear NSA and other alphabet agencies:

I know that for many decades, you have been functioning under a particular (non-American, non-Constitutional) system, and that you have acquiesced to this prevailing paradigm for a wide variety of reasons. From top to bottom, some of the more common reasons have varied from bribery, extortion or having been compromised, the seduction of idealogies/idealogues, confusion about what was really going on, limited information stemming from "need to know" and other forms of compartmentalization, the feeling that it was impossible to fight The Powers That Be, or even and most sadly the cases of those who believed they were aiding the Republic and upholding their Constitutional duties. This is (mostly) understandable, and except for the most egregious abusers -- those with full knowledge of their actions -- the American public stands ready to forgive you if you will simply cease and desist (in the case of those with more information), or if you will realize that the net effect of all the Alphabet Actions are negatively impacting the Republic and "switch sides."

Not just you, but around 75% of U.S. Citizens still need to come to grips with the fact that our lives are, at this point, built on lies; and that our very destruction is being brought about by the unquestioning acceptance of those lies. Hence, the importance of the idea expressed in a bumper sticker which reads, "Question Authority." Granted, the majority of people are occupied with their jobs and lives, and have (therefore) depended upon the Main Stream Media to decipher life, and provide meaningful and accurate news. The tragic and disgusting FACT is that the media organizations have been functioning as no more than what we once decried in this country as "propaganda media" or "state-controlled media." We have truly been "the pot calling the kettle black."

The history of this goes back quite a long way. If one is prepared to accept an Extraterrestrial ("ET" and also "Alien") component, I will tell you that this began some 11,000-13,000 years ago. The figures vary, some even 6,000-8,000 years, but the POINT still is that our current situation has been a VERY long time in the making. If one wants to discount or disregard a possible Alien connection, then on a historical level, one could say this began around 1911 in the U.S. This, unfortunately, means that it is VERY WELL entrenched.

The fight which we are in is against a group of individuals who are of certain bloodlines, some of which may very well have an ET origin and connection. Leaving that possible connection aside, the fact remains that a group of families -- often referred to as "the 13 ruling families" or "the Phoenecians" , and early in the "conspiracy theory" community as the "Illuminati" and more recently as the "Cabal" -- have found ways to EXPLOIT the natural characteristics of Humanity while simultaneously bribing and extorting world governments and particularly in the financial sector. There is FAR too much history here for me to even summarize in this comment. If anyone would like assistance in how to begin researching, you may contact me. It's more difficult to find true information online, compared to even the early 2000s, and through loss of hard drives, I do not have the documents which I read in years past, but I do have an archive of a certain amount of information.

I do not, at this juncture, have a handle on what Larry does or does not know -- has read or has not read -- but I have been at this 'game' for over 30 years. Because of this, I question whether there was more that I could have done in years past, and frankly I have been startled in the past few years by the rapid "tightening of the noose." If you have not been at this a while, you might not think of this situation in those terms, but I'll bet that some of you reading this do in fact express surprise over the years since about 2018-19. Perhaps I should even say 2001, because I have read that the Patriot Act was the destruction of the Constitution where it was replaced by a Nazi 'constitution'. This saddens me greatly because this happened "under My watch." I feel like a soldier who has failed her mission.

Oh my God, there is SO MUCH MORE that I can say. I have SO much in my head, so much I have read and deduced, so much I have watched occur in utter disbelief ...

I call upon you Servants (YES, CONSIDER YOURSELVES A SERVANT!!!!!) in the 3-letter agencies to STOP. STOP being in fear because YOU are an ETERNAL SOUL and Nothing that happens to you on this planet and to your physical body makes a DAMN. What matters is doing what is RIGHT. What matters is your pursuit of TRUTH. What matters is, what will become of the Human species. Is it to become some Borg assimilation, a la Star Trek?? Is it to become the Slave Race that the Cabal has been trying to create? Even the "vaccine" technology has now developed to the point where they can Seriously interfere with what a Human even is, and make us into a creature with no free will and no ability to resist "the System." Is this what you want?? I really beg you to think about where your loyalties lie. Namaste'

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Beautiful. Thank you.

It is so close to what I could have written. Years ago many close friends and I used to discuss such things. Now most of them avoid me because I am a conspiracy theorist. It is good to know there are others in the world like you.

One theory of many that I think might be true, that, for me, appears to explain almost everything, is that our planet is an experiment run by an technologically advanced alien race. Due to the sun's 12,000 year mini nova and the magnetic pole shift (predicted in the 2030's), this race often experiments with different versions of life, including humans, and sets up major mutations just before this 12k year galactic current sheet and sun triggered mass extinction event? Perhaps it is testing our current version to see if we have the capability of figuring out how to solve this situation? Perhaps if we fail to solve this situation and allow the shadowy undisclosed entity it set up to control all the harm puppets world wide to test us, this alien race will continue to go forward with another mutation experiment, and has gifted the cabal with what it needs to carry this out? Perhaps this is all a simulation? Perhaps there are nested simulations, our entire life is a dream, and we wake up upon death, and then there is another nest after that, it is recursive?

Perhaps you and I have now done as much as we can do and it is now up to the rest to take it from here (I will probably continue to do my best in some capacity)? Perhaps there is more we can do?

I ran simulations of complex systems for a living. Looking at all possible futures. Looking at the worst so it could be avoided. Looking at the best so it could be attempted. Looking at the most likely so it could be planned for. Etc. The objects I created for the simulations came to life in a way. Some of them told me, through my measuring of what they revealed, how I could improve the design of the simulation being run. Sometimes, no matter what they told me, I ran a bad simulation out to its bitter negative end just to see how bad it could get and then make improvements on the next simulation. Perhaps that is what this life is all about? Perhaps, no matter how bad it gets, if we continue to hold beautiful visions of the better world that will exist in harmony where all resources were used for the coherent optimization of all living things, that world will come to fruition somewhere, sometime, maybe not in this lifetime? Perhaps some of will do everything we can to try to make that manifest in this lifetime?

I am not sure where I go from here, where this group goes from here, or where this planet goes from here. This is a bifurcation point, where small changes in any one thing can cause massive system wide changes.

There are too many factors for me to explain them properly. I may not be the best facilitator of a group like this. I guess time will tell. It looks possible that we are being sabotaged. It is a lot more trouble to create the sporadic bad comment trails than to just continue to keep it working properly.

If we weren't on the right track, or if they weren't worried that we might discover something important here, why would they bother ruining the comment trails in this Substack?

Yes, I should discuss one point maximum per comment, and do a better job of sticking to that point. Had I made scattered communications like this in engineering I would have been reprimanded. Time is short. Sleep was inadequate. Please bear with me. I have so many other things to try to do and could use some help somehow it trying to facilitate this.

Thanks again.

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Larry ~ Again, you raise a lot of great points here. Some of them are similar to what I believed for a while, so I would like to offer my recent 'refinements' of my belief system for your consideration.

First, I would like to state that, sadly, the "New Age Movement" is considered by many investigators to have been a CIA operation. I can't prove this, but it HAS served to make me very careful about accepting these beliefs unexamined, and isolated from other facts.

I used to believe that Humans are an experiment. Well, actually -- according to James C. Horak, who I think has now left this Realm -- that is true in the respect that Humans are the ONLY species in the Universe having "Split Consciousness." This is referring to the split hemispheres of the brain. It is what gives the human species its creativity, but also most of its problems; AND, critically, allows humans to be Hypnotized. James stated that he had tried with several individuals to teach them Unified Consciousness, but no human was able to learn it.

The whole idea of Earth as a "testing ground" has also come under suspicion and rejection for me based on things which I have subsequently learned. This was probably part of the CIA program. It's a great concept for excusing a wide variety of experiences that we have.

So, regarding "technologically advanced alien race": According to Alex Collier, a self-described lifelong contactee of the Andromedan race, visitors from MANY different Star Systems came to Earth and set up colonies. He has the entire list, including dates. This is the answer to why we have around 20+ different physical types. [By the way, "Adam and Eve" were not 1 couple/2 individuals.] The investigations/examinations of some individuals have led to the theory, shall we call it, that indigenous Earth species existed alongside E.T. species on Earth and were taught great numbers of things from advanced civilizations. Humans did not devise metalurgy, agriculture, jet propulsion, you name it. It is ridiculous to accept that humans made the leaps in technology that have been attributed to the species. Lucicrous.

So, really, what I am about to say next should be its own, highlighted post.

Nevermind -- this is already too long. And this site is taking up an incredible amount of my time. But I'll hang in there for a bit. However, I must state that I am not one to waste my time. I have already said that I don't put a lot of faith in humans. What I will write next will be about what individual humans need to do because there is no other way for your species and civilization to advance, once you have thrown off the Cabal -- if you succeed in that.

.... because I will tell you.... when you have succeeded in that, your REAL WORK will be JUST BEGINNING.

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I would politely suggest Alex Collier is disinfo agent but with a really good script that operates on 80% truth, 20% spin , he has been very incorrect on many things , and totally fell short on his "inner earth" expedition after taking money from many. I know of this by direct experience. IN THE ABOVE you say "your species" as if your another Do tell . SK

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Direct experience is always appreciated! I have come to the point where there is no truther, etc., that I trust as I once did. This whole mess seems to get more convoluted and corrupted by the day. Yes, I say "your species" because I am a starseed. I have an earth body at the present time, but this is not my home.

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This is also not my home. I prefer to be inependent and not associated with any group or category. Why? I found that saying I was part of any category was restrictive and often led to people making errors about what I am and what to expect from me. Reasonable Solipsism and ego death dream merging of my consciousness back to the universe give meaning, but it is beyond words, and beyond my ability to understand when I awaken from the dream, so it cannot be explained. Many assign credibility on the basis of labels. I do my best to honor people, attempt to get to really know them better, and hope for open discussions where egos are not hurt when one explores the fullest possible ranges of many explanations and solutions.

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If your here in a human body with human DNA then you are the same species, if you have different DNA or are really from elsewhere ,then perhaps you could offer some real suggestions for solving this human extinction level agenda WE are in , or perhaps call home for some real assistance . We are all REALLY starseed but left home long ago and forgot the way back. Do you have the map and portal location? Do share .

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There is a difference between earth humans that are descended from the Ones who came here long, long ago and who are still working out their incarnations here, and what are termed Starseeds, who are here now -- some perhaps only for this present life, perhaps others will be here longer. No one can tell you Your way back home, and you needn't be concerned anyway, because when the time comes you will go there.

The "real suggestions" would largely echo the purported activities of what you may know as "Q," "the Earth Liberation Alliance," "the White Hats," etc. If this is what is *Actually* being done, then it is highly likely to succeed at neutralizing the "Existential Threat" posed by the Cabal/Satanists. Then of course the actual work starts, and boy will you have your work cut out for you. [This work is not mine; I have a different task and reason for being here at this 'time'.] However, if it's all been simply a way to keep Patriots and Conservatives "calm," if it all has been simply "hopium," then at this juncture humans are well and truly screwed. The problem, as I'm sure you've heard, is Humans have been asleep for way too long, have become accustomed to hiring people to deal with things every 2 years and 4 years, grumbling, and proceeding to watch movies (so They can 'predictively program' you) and Sunday night football. You get my point. The U.S. Founding Fathers and subsequent early Patriots made no secret of the responsibility for the work required by Citizens. If you say, 'No, I don't accept that we're screwed', then you must begin at your local levels to root-out all the Soros "leadership" training graduates -- and frankly, string them up. J/K. This is just one prong of several that have to be simultaneously prosecuted (e.g., actively done). Humans will have to become radically different creatures in a big fucking hurry. It starts with you. It starts inside. Besides, never forget that your body is just the 'car' you're currently driving. So, Be Brave. Namaste'

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LOVE will be their REAL quest, Anne! They currently don't apply the L-O-V-E of the ORIGINAL Central Source to their cohabitation in our midst!... Therefrom -- ALL their CURRENT "disappointments" and "travails"... (!!!)

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I would say your on track but add its not just experimental , its an attempt to stop our quantum leaping potential of going right past them , then they can no longer feed off the energy of our struggle or strip us in the light review upon passing from this plane to the next. And keep us reincarnating in a limited perception of the simulation. SK

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Yes, this is certainly a circulating view and has a lot of credence; and the split hemisphere allows humans to have their wild, frequent emotions, which is quite a luxurious buffet for the feeders. ;)

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One more thing before I forget in my sleep deprived stupor. In the Snowden post available for reading, I invited Edward Snowden to join us (in his Substack), hoping that would being the Russian intelligence agencies here too. Maybe the Chinese are also already here, if so, welcome. I have not yet figured out how to invite them. A little friendly competition among these types of organizations might be a good thing.

Hello so called intelligence agencies, hopefully world wide... Thanks for being here. Read all of this, that is your job, it was set up partly so you would do that, maybe considering some of these things for the first time. Then review the Bezmenov concept of the useful idiot and realize it is a model the cabal has used again and again, and it will be used on your loved ones and you, it is a private club and you are not in it. Then review the World War 1 article. Then figure out what you should do. Then do it. Take control of your organization, use all of its resources to hunt the top of the cabal, all the way to the top, and bring it to justice, thereby saving your loved ones, yourselves, and this planet. If I worked for you I would be doing this, but, unfortunately, this typing I am doing now is the closest I can come to doing that. Time is short. It won't be easy. It will require risks, but if you do not do something like this, after the cabal you are supporting has taken care of me, and others, it will take care of you, Bezmenov Useful Idiot style.

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That is very good .

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Excellent and again agree in most parts but the 11,000 to 13,000 year figure was another wave of what goes back even further, yes your outlining a pathway for internal rebellion and flipping from within. SK

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Yes, quite likely, much further back. 11,000 - 13,000 seems to be the top of the range of figures that people are prepared to accept. ;) And yes, a pathway for internal rebellion - I love it!

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You'd be amazed!... The former (prior-to-2004) boss of the Rooskies' "Cosmodrom" Space Agency (Gen'l Petroff) has recorded an extensive (9.5-hour) "final summary confession' of what HE PERSONALLY had been aware of, prior to getting seriously and savagely "physically totalled by the [Khaz...Maf...], right in the middle of his nocturnal sleep at home" -- and in that recording, he states that "[(t h e y)] have actually been doing this to us for 36,000--36,500 YEARS, to date"... (!!!!)

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Wow. Thank you. I have studied this in some ways similar to you, and in some ways very different. I admit I do not know about the Alliance. Can you please educate me? Some of the other things you discuss are familiar but you have put a different twist on some.

Many of the cabal attributes you discuss appear to be significant weaknesses that we might be able to exploit to our advantage?

Again, I do not have absolute beliefs. To me everything is a probability until after I measure it in such a way that its degree of certainty can be raised. To me some or all of the explanations of the cabal could be the cabal putting out somewhat believable cover stories that lead to false trails that lead nowhere.

For example, His Story would have us believe that the Kahn funeral party taking his body to an undisclosed grave was murdered so nobody could locate his body. I am skeptical. Why would somebody do that? My guess is that it is probable that Kahn faked his murder and got the funeral party murdered to destroy the evidence. Dead men are not targeted. Kahn could have ruled after his death if he set that up properly.

Similarly, the cabal's writers, spin doctors, and psychologists could be cleverly lying about any or all of the many stories about what the cabal is and its attributes.

What are my estimates of the odds of these things? I admit I do not know enough about them to try to guess. But, definitely my guess is that the odds of anything we write is not 100%, hence, everything is a probability.

But all information is useful information. Know thy enemy. The information should be analyzed and discussed for its potential tactical usefulness?

I think that the cabal's behavior does indicate significant cognitive and personality issues that we should be able to exploit to our advantage. I do not know how the other things you discussed might be used to our advantage. Do you have any ideas about how the things you discuss might be used to our advantage?

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Oh dear - so sorry -- I just stumbled on this tonight, and right as I was about to leave!

Briefly - for now: I can't swear the Alliance exists, but if it does, it is the white hat part of the US Military, certain few world leaders, a cohort of E.T., and possibly 4th Reich/Dark Fleet people that switched sides. It is said that they have been involved with rescuing children from DUMBs and attempting to destroy the K.M. [spoiler -- Ukraine is Khazaria]

The Cabal have many attributes of weakness and they Are being exploited, IF the Alliance is real. Starting from their being inbred, to their unreal-insular world, their mentally and spiritually unhealthy lifestyle, their utter belief that they rule by destiny and cannot be opposed, and that their vast wealth has resulted in a belief that everyone can be bought. I'm sure I missed a few. ;)

The fat man playing golf is not Trump, and neither is the vaxx pusher

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Thanks. It brings to mind a question... IF this Alliance DOESN'T exist, maybe it is up to us to create it? If so, HOW do we do that?

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Method 1: enforcement of transparency of policy sponsorship of all politicians and vetting prior to embarking in campaigns .

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Method 2. Statutory limits on Congress Speaker of the house

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Method 3: Wherever there is journalistic activity, sponsors and advertisers and extent of investment of publications must be transparent

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Triggers for democratic concerns or grievances to be fully aired without condescension- and a process to support it

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Requirement for non partisan journalism (with full disclosures and without editorial point of view ) for controversial topics. This doesn’t necessarily mean an end to partisan editorials- but these must be transparently presented as such

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