Where did you get the figures in the "Probabilities" column? Are these figures arbitrary, i.e. according to one's own estimates? What operation did you do to get the figures in the "Utilities" column? How do you calculate the product (or what is P*U)?
Good questions. Thanks for asking. The Probabilities and Utilities are one's best estimates. P * U is the same as P x U, just take your estimate of P and multiply by your estimate of U. For example, in the A.1 row, P = 1, U = 80. P x U = 1 x 80 = 80. Maybe it was a mistake for me to use * instead of x? If so, I might edit the page and use both (* and x), and explain? Sorry for the confusion. Does this answer your questions? Thanks again.
Excellent. Thank you. It will be great to see what your numbers and conclusions are. And to read your opinion of this whole article and concept. Please let me know if you have other questions.
I will read it again tomorrow (where I live is now almost midnight and I have to wake up early 😊) and then I'll tell you.
But I want to say you in advance that the best way to fight the enemy (according to my INTUITION only) it is by not confronting it openly, at least in the first stages.
Sweet dreams, Carmen. I look forward to your future comments.
Your intuition appears to be wise. I am not sure we have to fight the enemy. We may be able to stop its ability to harm using other tactics. You may want to take a look at this, there are some great ideas there, and maybe you will share your own idea(s), and/or offer comments on the ideas presented? The comments are the most important part of what we are doing here. Thanks for participating.
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems
I ended up running 6 alternatives. Please see the ADDENDUM just added to the end of the article. Please consider downloading the spreadsheet and doing your own analysis. Thanks.
You are illustrating a great ability to reach the right answer with little effort. Thank you. But my hope here is to take this simple troll example to extend to a far more challenging problem.
HOW to stop our root cause enemy from harming humanity and the planet?
I have been attempting to use the type of probability analysis discussed in the article here since before 2020 when the enemy launched COVID. Dozens of alternatives and cases have been considered. The detailed results will not be shared on the enemy's internet at this time. Let's simplify it here...
HOW to stop our enemy from harming humanity and the planet? The three alternative given below seem inadequate, so there will probably be 5, maybe more. The probabilities and utilities are extremely challenging to decide upon.
A. Do nothing. God, Devine intervention, Q, or nature will take care of it. Get on with life. Live the best life possible.
B. Do things like this Solution Seeking Substack. Explore peaceful non violent means to accomplish the GOAL stated above.
C. Total ninja, all out bloody no holds barred warfare against the enemy and its minions. Using every means possible. With appropriate planning, strategic analysis, strategic planning, etc. Possibly done lone wolf, alone, with viable soft local targets first, then working up the enemy's command chain all the way to the cowardly, putrid, undisclosed, elusive top.
Of course there are more than 3 alternatives. Remember, here, we are only exploring the violent, non lawful alternatives to avoid them and show that the peaceful alternatives are better. But, when I do the type of analysis discussed in this article, the best option changes as I look at different perspectives, inviting more detailed analysis.
I would love to see YOUR analysis of this, done using something like what is disussed in the article, not just using your well developed abilities to jump to the best answer, but sharing the details, like I have shared in the much simpler article. But, please review this before considering sharing. Please carefully consider the risks to yourself and your loved ones. You are valuable. Please do not place your loved ones and/or yourself at inappropriate risk. Please consider reconsidering your morality and the associated priority allocations. Please consider discussing it with trusted loved ones before giving an answer like what I request. I wish I could share the details of my analysis, but it would tip off the enemy to valid strategies, it would be massive, and hardly anybody would bother reading it even if the enemy allowed it to be put on the internet.
I think we need to define the word UTILITY much better.
Just saying "good or bad" - is far too ambiguous
The UTILITY is actually how much a potential action can move us towards our stated goal.
If the stated goal is "HOW to stop our enemy from harming humanity and the planet?" I think the act of ignoring the troll actually has some/significant negative utility, at least in the worst case. because it allows the "trolls" to continue unabated, maybe destroying logical debate on that site.. that is my opinion.
the real question on AltC is if I take no action on the troll, then what are the "better" things I have to do with higher utility?
Plus, if C1 is best case, and C3 is worst case, why would the utility of any 3 outcome ever be higher than a 1 option ?
Another suggestion I have is that instead of using labels A, B, C, or 1, 2, 3 - define the outcomes in one word and use that as the reference:
Escalate-Best, Escalate-Likely, Escalate-Worst
Clarify-Best, Clarify-Likely, Clarify-Worst
Ignore-Best, Ignore-Likely, Ignore-Worst
Doing this consistently everywhere might have avoided what seems to be an error in the "C" utilities. plus make it a lot easier for a reader to follow.
Thanks. I just winged it. Far too quickly. And I was frustrated with Solution Seeking being stalled. It is surprising that it was not even worse? But risk taking is something many are adverse to, and I decided to take the risk, for taking risks is often the only way to get unstuck?
We need more participation and ideas like what you are providing.
I will specifically answer one of the details you offer... "the real question on AltC is if I take no action on the troll, then what are the "better" things I have to do with higher utility?" My answer is simple... Instead of wasting time with a troll, I would prefer to spend time on saving the planet, and I would prefer to not do that one troll at a time because I think there are more effective ways to do that. I have wasted hours with trolls and it never improved my day or helped to save the planet in any measurable way, and my time is short, so, I could list dozens of "better things to do", but hope the one listed here is adequate. Again, others will have a completely different perspective on this, there may be those who enjoy the interactions with trolls, and that is their choice.
I hear ya. I am not trying to advocate or push people into dealing with trolls. I am just trying to be solution orientated.. And doing nothing advances nothing.
Not only are we on the same side, we are also on the same track. I am all for people making their own decisions about which actions to take, and I think the purpose of this article is helping people make their own educated decisions about where to put their effort. The answer will be different for each person...
so, it is not possible for someone to "reach the right answer with little effort. " as told to Goddess Purpurea.
1. There is no "right" answer
2. Reaching it with "little effort" was the exact opposite of the whole point here. The analysis was supposed to provide more critical ways of determining how to spend our resources, not jump to reactions in one word answers.
Great. Note how we are discussing things that were brought out by the analysis? How we are learning each other's perspectives and having a real, respectful, and informative conversation where we are each learning additional perspectives? Many highly intelligent and effective people, like Goddess, have had a lifetime of success reaching the right answers with little effort. My opinion is that attribute of theirs should be embraced and honored, hopefully we can benefit from their proven abilities, and, if they wish, they can also engage in the other ways we offer? I also put this loving kindness meditation in one of the labyrinth of comments here. Why? I am not Buddhist, and cannot be categorized into any religion or belief system. But it refreshes me. It asks for nothing but attempts to shower all beings on the planet with loving kindness. As such, it is refreshing. I think that if we sprinkle this kind of spirit in our writings, human intuition might be an important advantage for us, for many might be more influenced by how we honor them and value them as beings who have a right to a better planet for themselves, their loved ones, and all life. That will be in stark contrast to the well written and edited bullshit our enemy spews? This will not be easy but it can be done?
I just got this article and sent the following analysis in an email. And, I don't know where to put it in the labyrinths of comments here on Substack so I will put it here for now... Maybe there should be one of more Substack publications just to discuss triggers, this article, and how to get the 99% to solve the world's problems?
We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Nice article. But it has issues. It concentrates on triggers that are not required to make it's points? EG. It starts by putting forth the theory that the virus does not exist. While that may or may not be true, it will trigger many who have been brainwashed against things like this, causing them to turn off any critical thinking they are capable of, and rejecting the entire article as a conspiracy theory no matter how good the remainder of the points are? The following is a great point. Many will reject the entire article because of how they have been hypnotized and conditioned to reject conspiracy theories. Our enemy has succeeded in weaponizing language in clever ways that significantly restrict our ability to reach people. The more complex our argument, the more challenging it will be to deal with this conditioning of people and the weaponization of language though things like trigger concepts like "conspiracy theory".
– and that no such thing as a ‘pathogenic virus’ has ever been isolated, including in the instance of SARS-CoV-2. See, for example, Christine Massey’s exhaustive attempts to identify a health or scientific institution anywhere in the world that has isolated the ‘virus’: ‘211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever’.
Time For Actions, the challenges of this Substack comment thread navigation require me to again request that we establish direct email contact. If you have tried that, I have not received your email, I checked spam, etc. Time For Actions, I am again requesting your permission to send an email to the address Substack gives me in my Subscriptions. I am, for now, going to suggest that those few who are currently participating, each either use their real identities or create email addresses that they are comfortable with, and we continue via email. The limits of these comment trails are extremely frustrating. Substack's "Return to Thread" does not work properly. It's comment thread branches are a nightmare to navigate. Thanks.
agreed. feel free to send me emails.. My substack account is on an email address I do not check often. But I will start checking it more.
I have run into the substack issues about finding comments, and have a partial solution.
In the notifications, when trying to click on a new message, I find that if the current page in the browser is the same as the comment notification then the click does nothing... so, the solution is
1. Go to a substack main page (with no post or comment in the URL)
2. Click on the comment in the notifications from that main page URL
the click will open the exact comment in the notification, instead of it doing nothing.
EDIT: EASIER WAY - hold CTRL while clicking a notification will open a new tab in the browser directly to the new comment.
and.. even better, create new post for new topics.. the article review above could have been a new post.
Thanks. I will try those things. Really appreciated.
Here is another idea. Quick, no cost, viable. Not great for long term.
Each of the few current active participants either establish an email address for use in this or use the one the prefer. That way, anonymity can be maintained if people wish. We use simple email and the often forgotten REPLY ALL. This allows us to add attachments, a major weakness in Substack. I note that, often, the conversations done this way are different, often superior to what happens online. People act differently on email. With email, only very proficient hackers like the NSA and similar can read what you write. But, in Substack, anybody who has the URL can read what you wrote. I facilitate a group of the few participants who wish to do this. We do not quit doing the Substack thing, but have another tool in our toolkit.
Please offer feedback. We already tried Gab and some similar things and those did not work as well. Everybody has their own ideas about what one to use, and I found huge limitations in all of them. We could design our own website for doing this or use an off the shelf product, but that will probably cost money and has a learning curve, people are all busy, very busy.
I am doing this with several now, but most want to remain anonymous, and that means I need to redact info at times, and send separate emails, a massive inefficient time tax.
There are several other substack features that we should try out before trying any other app. Substack offers the ability to create more pages, and a chat feature.
Thanks for the kind words. I am working on an addendum. Extending the simple troll example to the following goal:
HOW to stop our enemy from harming humanity and the planet?
It looks like it is prudent to examine at least 5 cases. Even for me myself, after spending 60+ hours per week on this since January 1 2023, and most of the last 3+ years on it, the estimates very depending on how I think of it. In engineering we had some very sophisticated programs, actually system simulation look ahead predictive models, etc. to fill in all the cases. Doing that here is not viable. Rather, requesting that people do that themselves might get people thinking of how to solve our problem in different ways, and maybe some great new helpful tide turning ideas might be created.
Perhaps those with the intuitive ability to assess risk, and act decisively are the future of humanity- demonstrating survival fitness. Maybe the passengers on the bus aren’t destined to make it through this dark period, or if they do to become even more weakened and dependant.
What if intuitive decisiveness is the deciding factor in this battle?
Good points. I have considered similar, maybe almost identical points myself. What is particularly disturbing for me is the magnitude of the personality changes among friends. Decades ago many would have acted very differently. The adults should have the freedom to make their own choices, but when they take innocent children down questionable paths with them with little or not critical thinking or forethought it is particularly disturbing. It is what it is? We do our best?
We do our best. We call on our super powers to do what we can to make our best future. As we cross many paths and many threads we knit a different tapestry for our now into our future, and children are the reason we do it. It’s happening. WithIn our communities, people are building alternative underground networks for education, health and exchange of value. For the children.
Everybody has their own way of doing this and their own priorities and time allocation strategies. Some will side step the analytical techniques represented here and do it in different ways. My hope is that some will embrace these techniques, for they are potentially powerful, but I am not optimistic that will happen. Thanks for the learning opportunities here. Much of what I know of in the building of alternative parallel societies is great, but much of it is questionable, with leaders that do not allow questions, and followers not questioning, possibly enemy setup controlled opposition traps. Of course much of this cannot be discussed on the enemy's internet. Our enemy does much more complex and sophisticated analysis of the type I have tried to describe here and, in my opinion, that gives it a massive advantage. I did my best and, so far, it looks like I have failed to get people to consider embracing these techniques. To me, the children are the priority. My hope is that people will at least look at several alternatives and futures when planning for the children.
I ended up running 6 alternatives. Please see the ADDENDUM just added to the end of the post. Please consider downloading the spreadsheet and doing your own analysis. Thanks.
I like to get under the hood and am skeptical of canned solutions, especially these days. My opinion is that we need this kind of analysis urgently using what is available to us. Yes, let's see what others respond with. Thanks.
Hi Larry, thanks for taking the time to like and add a comment to my splurge of words on your site...here is another :)....I love what you are doing, and such is much needed, but I could never use this kind of spreadsheet numbers thing for myself...I spent 4 years at high school with a verbally abusive maths teacher and when confronted with numbers my brain switches off. I had to teach myself simple maths, percentages and so on after leaving school when I opened my own business way back. Haven't had time to do therapy re this, but as all else seems to work fine, I'll have to do as is.
I'm very imaginative when it comes to the future of humanity and years ago wrote about some of the ideas I mentioned...the wonderful thing is that over the years, somehow these ideas have spread and it's only since covid that I've seen this thanks to spending more time on the net. The Hundredth Monkey concept appears to work to some extent and I think for people with my kind of mentality the speaking of those ideas to inspire people is what the likes of us do best...various talents and approaches can be used to achieve what has now become very much needed, and quickly so, because I agree with you that there is a definitive amount of activity to reduce the population, by people so stupid they cannot see how harming the planet with more and more pollution and misery will not really serve them best, tho' I'm sure they think (that is the ones pulling the strings at the top) they have wonderful contingency plans to ensure their own survival, which may well be the case...they operate at the 'fight' level, the manipulate, coerce and use whatever mode of tyranny achieves their desires. I may well be wrong, but it seems to be that all which exists does so at different frequencies...and that emotions such as hate or love give off different vibrations...we can 'feel' such vibrations sometimes on entering a room filled with strangers, or walking down a dark street when our senses are more alert...which is why I dislike the use of the word enemy, because it conjures up a fight...more negative 'vibrations' as has been the case for centuries. We need to create a more positive approach to life...there's a really good statement someone made...'Where Attention Goes Energy Flows'...therefore...onwards with the solutions, but with love of life in our hearts, good intentions and the vision of that we wish to bring into being foremost in our minds...we 'know' there are nefarious people at work all over, we know just about half the population is fast asleep or so busy keeping their jobs going they cannot see in what they're involved and it's knock on effects, but 'They' are not what should be uppermost in all our minds, for those of us seeking solutions...uppermost needs be the Visions we desire to put into existence...whilst still keeping a beady eye on the dangerous idiots.
Thanks for writing this. I think we agree on most of it. The one thing I cannot agree with is love for our enemy. it has tortured, terrorized, poisoned, and murdered helpless children. If I come across somebody raping another, I will not feel love for the rapist, rather, I will use all required force to get them to stop, and if they get hurt, GOOD. Somehow our enemy has succeeded in getting much of humanity to view it differently, what is done nowadays, get out the cell phone, record it, and say how bad it is (I have seen this kind of thing happen with extreme un called for police brutality against peaceful protestors). I submit that our enemy has conditioned people this way and a few generations ago it might have been different. But it is ok. It is good to be using different approaches, they all add up. We are on the same side and we don't need to agree on everything. I believe our root cause enemy needs to be stopped from harming humanity with whatever means necessary, so I will consider the full spectrum of possibilities, and the pro and cons of all of them. That is what we tried.
It is sad that some have abused people and traumatized them with math. We are trying to create a simple program or website where you just plug in your estimates of the probabilities and utilities (how good or how bad) and press a button like CALCULATE and the answer pops out. I wonder if our enemy didn't do this on purpose to try to divide us, and, if possible, I intend on doing my best to overcome that. The most important thing that analysis showed me, when I plugged in my numbers then (the numbers would be different now), is that the MANY SOLUTIONS path is our best bet. Honor each other, and each proceed with what they think is best for them. This way, we can discuss the differences, understand them, some may change their minds, some new ideas may arise, but we do not need to agree on everything. That is extremely powerful.
I invite you to please consider reading this post and even creating your own solution(s).
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems
I too would fight back and possibly badly hurt if I had to, and probably not be able to love anyone who attacked me personally or any of my loved ones or even a stranger on the street...I don't think, with the current skills I possess, I'd be able to do other than get very angry and retaliate...As it is I preach as much to myself as to others the benefits of loving rather than hating...I believe it is a learning process, but definitely doesn't mean standing idly by when atrocities take place.
It is a spiritual exercise which I think we will all need to learn, and, if not love then at least compassion and respect for those of humanity who've suffered as children and grown into damaged, angry, hating, careless, desperate or unfeeling adults.
I may be wrong...I haven't completely convinced myself that I'm right, but we've (us humans) practiced all the negative emotions and actions it is possible to imagine over the centuries and knowing this should be proof enough that we need to change our mass mindset, apart from also finding solutions to the status quo.
Thank you. I follow James Corbett but was not aware of this conference until now. There is no way I can keep up anymore.
As I look at the charter, it appears they have a different focus. What we discovered here is that our focus should be HOW to urgently stop our root cause enemy from harming humanity. We have discovered that this needs to come first before all the other wonderful things can be achieved. Some of us are convinced that a parasitic and predatory undisclosed entity or small group has dictatorial control over most or all countries and organizations world wide and they are extremely predatory. If you have not already done so, I invite you to read Gadaffi's Green Book, and then consider what our enemy did to Libya. Many of the ideas Gadaffi was implementing in Libya are, to me, quite similar to the charter in the URL you provided. To me it appears that our enemy is not going to tolerate the things in the charter. We have discovered a very well planned powerful set of criminal activities to harm humanity, going back decades, with the pieces fitting like a puzzle or advanced chess strategy. So, in some ways, we may be taking a more direct approach than what they appear to be taking.
Hi again Larry, Here's some of my take on what you mention...It is probably necessary to have activity on many fronts...in life there are always many options open to us, therefore with ones heart in the right place, meaning to do no harm (though harm is almost inevitable in some instances as with the harm done to weeds, slugs or snails, but that harm exists probably because we haven't thought through to the number of other options open to us to deal with the problem confronting us.) we will achieve what we wish. What I've found in life is that one arrives at ones goal by always holding in ones mind the existence of our aim as a 'fait accomplis', (I think that's what 'they' do?) whilst doing all that needs be done to get there.
You have put an enormous amount on your plate, and it's so very easy to do that, so please don't spread yourself too thinly...I have to tell myself the same thing quite often...You've started a ball rolling it is already gathering it's own momentum and I believe each of us is drawn towards that for which we have the most talent...IF we listen to our heart, not our fears.
As to Gaddafi (Gadaffi?) and in Africa other good leaders here and there, they were murdered by the actions of the powers that should not be, I demo'd (did no good at all) against British involvement in war on Iraq and it's non existent weapons of mass destruction...the travesties go on and on perpetrated by those who have always and still are, carried away by the demented power they possess; the harm they are doing to life on earth is akin to an extinction event. And yes, there appears to be a need to make changes fast!...covid brought that home to me and to many others...it's been an eye opening blessing, creating the needed momentum...The work facing us all is to envision and create a different 'event'...What more can I say?...I certainly don't have all the answers for all of us, we each have to find our own path and mine appears to be to remind people to keep their hearts free from hate whilst also spreading what I consider to be important info, something I've been doing all my life...the info bit that is...it's taken me since 2020 to realise that I have to stop hating, for a start it saps ones energy and some say sends energy in the wrong direction. Fear also, has to be kept within reason and panic should not take place, but work, work, work. and determination. We are many and we need to look after each other and nurture the planet that sustains our lives instead of mass murdering its life..
Thank you for the beautiful words. Most of my time is spent in loving kindness types of energies. I would never advise anybody to hate anything, even our enemy. If you have the ability to work for a better world, at taking away our enemy's ability to harm others with love only, I admire that, and would like to learn about how you accomplish that. I can not do that all the time. At times I find it best to just let my hatred for the enemy arise organically, and then transfer that energy into negative reinforcement that results in additional focus and resolve. Martial arts fast bag and weight training are a good ways for me to transfer that hate energy to more positive things and keep negative energy from persisting. We teach have our own best ways.
A bigger challenge for me is embracing the 99% of humanity our enemy has victimized with loving kindness even when they attack me for not being like them. Our enemy is adept at divide and conquer, and getting groups to hate each other. Real people, including me, encounter this every day. It is usually in the form of passive/aggressive comments or almost complete avoidance of being human or real in interactions, identify the other as belonging to a group you have been conditioned to hate, a group that does not treat you well, and avoid them and get as far away from them as soon as possible. At least in the US where I live, this is at levels I have never seen before. Left vs Right. Christian vs non Christian. Jabbed vs Un Jabbed.
I am NOT Buddhist, but this loving kindness meditation, done daily, helps. When doing it, I include our enemy in the wishes for loving kindness, along with all beings on the planet. Days when I do this or something like it almost always work out better than days where I neglect this.
Any chance I can add my curve balls to the mix. A virus that is predestined to unlock compartments as the seeds in neural stem cells grow to infect the bio-computers with hope, logic, and tools of resistance to narratives, dialogism built in to teaching how to communicate the massive energy that Wii, all the awakened "I"s can tap to alter the course of a real-I-Tea that I do not agree with, and became a WIB, energy of Soul incarnate to change that when these times came to be. All is planned better than humans think, but still there is the challenges and what makes this game so great, the Light Brigade arises at the last second, the White Hats in the Calvary just over the hill are glowing hot, ready for our assault. Transparency and Tribunals for the World... such is how Wii see the Victory unfold. A virus zipped up ahead of time, planted in like candy, seeding grey cells all around the world to then unzip and create a form of Unity that no one can believe exists. It does. Wii are here to material-I-ze it. Mii, working with all of you to form the Wii that will make Wibblry and WUB possible. A fantasy that can get by the guards that be at every cyberdoor. A cartoon, nothing more to see here. Obi Wan.
Where did you get the figures in the "Probabilities" column? Are these figures arbitrary, i.e. according to one's own estimates? What operation did you do to get the figures in the "Utilities" column? How do you calculate the product (or what is P*U)?
Thank you.
Good questions. Thanks for asking. The Probabilities and Utilities are one's best estimates. P * U is the same as P x U, just take your estimate of P and multiply by your estimate of U. For example, in the A.1 row, P = 1, U = 80. P x U = 1 x 80 = 80. Maybe it was a mistake for me to use * instead of x? If so, I might edit the page and use both (* and x), and explain? Sorry for the confusion. Does this answer your questions? Thanks again.
Thanks for your answer. Yes, now I understand it better. I'm going to make my own calculations and then I will comment to you.
Excellent. Thank you. It will be great to see what your numbers and conclusions are. And to read your opinion of this whole article and concept. Please let me know if you have other questions.
I made some edits to the post to try to explain it more clearly. Are the edits good or do you have other suggestions?
I will read it again tomorrow (where I live is now almost midnight and I have to wake up early 😊) and then I'll tell you.
But I want to say you in advance that the best way to fight the enemy (according to my INTUITION only) it is by not confronting it openly, at least in the first stages.
"See" you later.
Sweet dreams, Carmen. I look forward to your future comments.
Your intuition appears to be wise. I am not sure we have to fight the enemy. We may be able to stop its ability to harm using other tactics. You may want to take a look at this, there are some great ideas there, and maybe you will share your own idea(s), and/or offer comments on the ideas presented? The comments are the most important part of what we are doing here. Thanks for participating.
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems
Option A3: Don’t concern yourself with banned trolls.
Say no to giving energy of any kind to such inappropriate trolling
I ended up running 6 alternatives. Please see the ADDENDUM just added to the end of the article. Please consider downloading the spreadsheet and doing your own analysis. Thanks.
You are illustrating a great ability to reach the right answer with little effort. Thank you. But my hope here is to take this simple troll example to extend to a far more challenging problem.
HOW to stop our root cause enemy from harming humanity and the planet?
I have been attempting to use the type of probability analysis discussed in the article here since before 2020 when the enemy launched COVID. Dozens of alternatives and cases have been considered. The detailed results will not be shared on the enemy's internet at this time. Let's simplify it here...
HOW to stop our enemy from harming humanity and the planet? The three alternative given below seem inadequate, so there will probably be 5, maybe more. The probabilities and utilities are extremely challenging to decide upon.
A. Do nothing. God, Devine intervention, Q, or nature will take care of it. Get on with life. Live the best life possible.
B. Do things like this Solution Seeking Substack. Explore peaceful non violent means to accomplish the GOAL stated above.
C. Total ninja, all out bloody no holds barred warfare against the enemy and its minions. Using every means possible. With appropriate planning, strategic analysis, strategic planning, etc. Possibly done lone wolf, alone, with viable soft local targets first, then working up the enemy's command chain all the way to the cowardly, putrid, undisclosed, elusive top.
Of course there are more than 3 alternatives. Remember, here, we are only exploring the violent, non lawful alternatives to avoid them and show that the peaceful alternatives are better. But, when I do the type of analysis discussed in this article, the best option changes as I look at different perspectives, inviting more detailed analysis.
I would love to see YOUR analysis of this, done using something like what is disussed in the article, not just using your well developed abilities to jump to the best answer, but sharing the details, like I have shared in the much simpler article. But, please review this before considering sharing. Please carefully consider the risks to yourself and your loved ones. You are valuable. Please do not place your loved ones and/or yourself at inappropriate risk. Please consider reconsidering your morality and the associated priority allocations. Please consider discussing it with trusted loved ones before giving an answer like what I request. I wish I could share the details of my analysis, but it would tip off the enemy to valid strategies, it would be massive, and hardly anybody would bother reading it even if the enemy allowed it to be put on the internet.
I hope to provide the spreadsheet I will use for download in an ADDENDUM that describes this.
I think we need to define the word UTILITY much better.
Just saying "good or bad" - is far too ambiguous
The UTILITY is actually how much a potential action can move us towards our stated goal.
If the stated goal is "HOW to stop our enemy from harming humanity and the planet?" I think the act of ignoring the troll actually has some/significant negative utility, at least in the worst case. because it allows the "trolls" to continue unabated, maybe destroying logical debate on that site.. that is my opinion.
the real question on AltC is if I take no action on the troll, then what are the "better" things I have to do with higher utility?
Plus, if C1 is best case, and C3 is worst case, why would the utility of any 3 outcome ever be higher than a 1 option ?
Another suggestion I have is that instead of using labels A, B, C, or 1, 2, 3 - define the outcomes in one word and use that as the reference:
Escalate-Best, Escalate-Likely, Escalate-Worst
Clarify-Best, Clarify-Likely, Clarify-Worst
Ignore-Best, Ignore-Likely, Ignore-Worst
Doing this consistently everywhere might have avoided what seems to be an error in the "C" utilities. plus make it a lot easier for a reader to follow.
Thanks. I just winged it. Far too quickly. And I was frustrated with Solution Seeking being stalled. It is surprising that it was not even worse? But risk taking is something many are adverse to, and I decided to take the risk, for taking risks is often the only way to get unstuck?
We need more participation and ideas like what you are providing.
I will specifically answer one of the details you offer... "the real question on AltC is if I take no action on the troll, then what are the "better" things I have to do with higher utility?" My answer is simple... Instead of wasting time with a troll, I would prefer to spend time on saving the planet, and I would prefer to not do that one troll at a time because I think there are more effective ways to do that. I have wasted hours with trolls and it never improved my day or helped to save the planet in any measurable way, and my time is short, so, I could list dozens of "better things to do", but hope the one listed here is adequate. Again, others will have a completely different perspective on this, there may be those who enjoy the interactions with trolls, and that is their choice.
I hear ya. I am not trying to advocate or push people into dealing with trolls. I am just trying to be solution orientated.. And doing nothing advances nothing.
Not only are we on the same side, we are also on the same track. I am all for people making their own decisions about which actions to take, and I think the purpose of this article is helping people make their own educated decisions about where to put their effort. The answer will be different for each person...
so, it is not possible for someone to "reach the right answer with little effort. " as told to Goddess Purpurea.
1. There is no "right" answer
2. Reaching it with "little effort" was the exact opposite of the whole point here. The analysis was supposed to provide more critical ways of determining how to spend our resources, not jump to reactions in one word answers.
Great. Note how we are discussing things that were brought out by the analysis? How we are learning each other's perspectives and having a real, respectful, and informative conversation where we are each learning additional perspectives? Many highly intelligent and effective people, like Goddess, have had a lifetime of success reaching the right answers with little effort. My opinion is that attribute of theirs should be embraced and honored, hopefully we can benefit from their proven abilities, and, if they wish, they can also engage in the other ways we offer? I also put this loving kindness meditation in one of the labyrinth of comments here. Why? I am not Buddhist, and cannot be categorized into any religion or belief system. But it refreshes me. It asks for nothing but attempts to shower all beings on the planet with loving kindness. As such, it is refreshing. I think that if we sprinkle this kind of spirit in our writings, human intuition might be an important advantage for us, for many might be more influenced by how we honor them and value them as beings who have a right to a better planet for themselves, their loved ones, and all life. That will be in stark contrast to the well written and edited bullshit our enemy spews? This will not be easy but it can be done?
yup. I was just reading below in the labyrinth that Goddess was advocating for using intuition, which I didn't get before.
IMO, Human intuition is an advantage.. it also can be a risk, if it is actually just emotions, instead of intuition.
I agree about the learning/perspectives/discussion :)
Oops. I forgot the Loving Kindness meditation. If you haven't tried it, you may want to try it and, if so, tell me how it effected you? https://archive.org/details/ALovingKindnessGuidedMeditation
I just got this article and sent the following analysis in an email. And, I don't know where to put it in the labyrinths of comments here on Substack so I will put it here for now... Maybe there should be one of more Substack publications just to discuss triggers, this article, and how to get the 99% to solve the world's problems?
We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Nice article. But it has issues. It concentrates on triggers that are not required to make it's points? EG. It starts by putting forth the theory that the virus does not exist. While that may or may not be true, it will trigger many who have been brainwashed against things like this, causing them to turn off any critical thinking they are capable of, and rejecting the entire article as a conspiracy theory no matter how good the remainder of the points are? The following is a great point. Many will reject the entire article because of how they have been hypnotized and conditioned to reject conspiracy theories. Our enemy has succeeded in weaponizing language in clever ways that significantly restrict our ability to reach people. The more complex our argument, the more challenging it will be to deal with this conditioning of people and the weaponization of language though things like trigger concepts like "conspiracy theory".
– and that no such thing as a ‘pathogenic virus’ has ever been isolated, including in the instance of SARS-CoV-2. See, for example, Christine Massey’s exhaustive attempts to identify a health or scientific institution anywhere in the world that has isolated the ‘virus’: ‘211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever’.
Time For Actions, the challenges of this Substack comment thread navigation require me to again request that we establish direct email contact. If you have tried that, I have not received your email, I checked spam, etc. Time For Actions, I am again requesting your permission to send an email to the address Substack gives me in my Subscriptions. I am, for now, going to suggest that those few who are currently participating, each either use their real identities or create email addresses that they are comfortable with, and we continue via email. The limits of these comment trails are extremely frustrating. Substack's "Return to Thread" does not work properly. It's comment thread branches are a nightmare to navigate. Thanks.
agreed. feel free to send me emails.. My substack account is on an email address I do not check often. But I will start checking it more.
I have run into the substack issues about finding comments, and have a partial solution.
In the notifications, when trying to click on a new message, I find that if the current page in the browser is the same as the comment notification then the click does nothing... so, the solution is
1. Go to a substack main page (with no post or comment in the URL)
2. Click on the comment in the notifications from that main page URL
the click will open the exact comment in the notification, instead of it doing nothing.
EDIT: EASIER WAY - hold CTRL while clicking a notification will open a new tab in the browser directly to the new comment.
and.. even better, create new post for new topics.. the article review above could have been a new post.
Thanks. I will try those things. Really appreciated.
Here is another idea. Quick, no cost, viable. Not great for long term.
Each of the few current active participants either establish an email address for use in this or use the one the prefer. That way, anonymity can be maintained if people wish. We use simple email and the often forgotten REPLY ALL. This allows us to add attachments, a major weakness in Substack. I note that, often, the conversations done this way are different, often superior to what happens online. People act differently on email. With email, only very proficient hackers like the NSA and similar can read what you write. But, in Substack, anybody who has the URL can read what you wrote. I facilitate a group of the few participants who wish to do this. We do not quit doing the Substack thing, but have another tool in our toolkit.
Please offer feedback. We already tried Gab and some similar things and those did not work as well. Everybody has their own ideas about what one to use, and I found huge limitations in all of them. We could design our own website for doing this or use an off the shelf product, but that will probably cost money and has a learning curve, people are all busy, very busy.
I am doing this with several now, but most want to remain anonymous, and that means I need to redact info at times, and send separate emails, a massive inefficient time tax.
There are several other substack features that we should try out before trying any other app. Substack offers the ability to create more pages, and a chat feature.
Amazing information! I hope I get to use it soon...as they say you only catch troll flack when over the truth 🌋
Thanks for the kind words. I am working on an addendum. Extending the simple troll example to the following goal:
HOW to stop our enemy from harming humanity and the planet?
It looks like it is prudent to examine at least 5 cases. Even for me myself, after spending 60+ hours per week on this since January 1 2023, and most of the last 3+ years on it, the estimates very depending on how I think of it. In engineering we had some very sophisticated programs, actually system simulation look ahead predictive models, etc. to fill in all the cases. Doing that here is not viable. Rather, requesting that people do that themselves might get people thinking of how to solve our problem in different ways, and maybe some great new helpful tide turning ideas might be created.
Thanks again.
Perhaps those with the intuitive ability to assess risk, and act decisively are the future of humanity- demonstrating survival fitness. Maybe the passengers on the bus aren’t destined to make it through this dark period, or if they do to become even more weakened and dependant.
What if intuitive decisiveness is the deciding factor in this battle?
Good points. I have considered similar, maybe almost identical points myself. What is particularly disturbing for me is the magnitude of the personality changes among friends. Decades ago many would have acted very differently. The adults should have the freedom to make their own choices, but when they take innocent children down questionable paths with them with little or not critical thinking or forethought it is particularly disturbing. It is what it is? We do our best?
We do our best. We call on our super powers to do what we can to make our best future. As we cross many paths and many threads we knit a different tapestry for our now into our future, and children are the reason we do it. It’s happening. WithIn our communities, people are building alternative underground networks for education, health and exchange of value. For the children.
Everybody has their own way of doing this and their own priorities and time allocation strategies. Some will side step the analytical techniques represented here and do it in different ways. My hope is that some will embrace these techniques, for they are potentially powerful, but I am not optimistic that will happen. Thanks for the learning opportunities here. Much of what I know of in the building of alternative parallel societies is great, but much of it is questionable, with leaders that do not allow questions, and followers not questioning, possibly enemy setup controlled opposition traps. Of course much of this cannot be discussed on the enemy's internet. Our enemy does much more complex and sophisticated analysis of the type I have tried to describe here and, in my opinion, that gives it a massive advantage. I did my best and, so far, it looks like I have failed to get people to consider embracing these techniques. To me, the children are the priority. My hope is that people will at least look at several alternatives and futures when planning for the children.
I ended up running 6 alternatives. Please see the ADDENDUM just added to the end of the post. Please consider downloading the spreadsheet and doing your own analysis. Thanks.
Personally, I would utilize risk management from the Project Management Institute myself. But just my 2 cents as I am a PMP.
I would love to see the results of that with the 6 solutions described in the Addendum. Is that possible?
I don't think that one is in my wheelhouse... prefer to see what others respond with....
I like to get under the hood and am skeptical of canned solutions, especially these days. My opinion is that we need this kind of analysis urgently using what is available to us. Yes, let's see what others respond with. Thanks.
I am also PMP and PMBok. Working with commercial risk management frameworks for innovation. Nice to know we share common backgrounds
Larry, I put together a template/example for what could be a post per solution / idea:
Hi Larry, thanks for taking the time to like and add a comment to my splurge of words on your site...here is another :)....I love what you are doing, and such is much needed, but I could never use this kind of spreadsheet numbers thing for myself...I spent 4 years at high school with a verbally abusive maths teacher and when confronted with numbers my brain switches off. I had to teach myself simple maths, percentages and so on after leaving school when I opened my own business way back. Haven't had time to do therapy re this, but as all else seems to work fine, I'll have to do as is.
I'm very imaginative when it comes to the future of humanity and years ago wrote about some of the ideas I mentioned...the wonderful thing is that over the years, somehow these ideas have spread and it's only since covid that I've seen this thanks to spending more time on the net. The Hundredth Monkey concept appears to work to some extent and I think for people with my kind of mentality the speaking of those ideas to inspire people is what the likes of us do best...various talents and approaches can be used to achieve what has now become very much needed, and quickly so, because I agree with you that there is a definitive amount of activity to reduce the population, by people so stupid they cannot see how harming the planet with more and more pollution and misery will not really serve them best, tho' I'm sure they think (that is the ones pulling the strings at the top) they have wonderful contingency plans to ensure their own survival, which may well be the case...they operate at the 'fight' level, the manipulate, coerce and use whatever mode of tyranny achieves their desires. I may well be wrong, but it seems to be that all which exists does so at different frequencies...and that emotions such as hate or love give off different vibrations...we can 'feel' such vibrations sometimes on entering a room filled with strangers, or walking down a dark street when our senses are more alert...which is why I dislike the use of the word enemy, because it conjures up a fight...more negative 'vibrations' as has been the case for centuries. We need to create a more positive approach to life...there's a really good statement someone made...'Where Attention Goes Energy Flows'...therefore...onwards with the solutions, but with love of life in our hearts, good intentions and the vision of that we wish to bring into being foremost in our minds...we 'know' there are nefarious people at work all over, we know just about half the population is fast asleep or so busy keeping their jobs going they cannot see in what they're involved and it's knock on effects, but 'They' are not what should be uppermost in all our minds, for those of us seeking solutions...uppermost needs be the Visions we desire to put into existence...whilst still keeping a beady eye on the dangerous idiots.
Thanks for writing this. I think we agree on most of it. The one thing I cannot agree with is love for our enemy. it has tortured, terrorized, poisoned, and murdered helpless children. If I come across somebody raping another, I will not feel love for the rapist, rather, I will use all required force to get them to stop, and if they get hurt, GOOD. Somehow our enemy has succeeded in getting much of humanity to view it differently, what is done nowadays, get out the cell phone, record it, and say how bad it is (I have seen this kind of thing happen with extreme un called for police brutality against peaceful protestors). I submit that our enemy has conditioned people this way and a few generations ago it might have been different. But it is ok. It is good to be using different approaches, they all add up. We are on the same side and we don't need to agree on everything. I believe our root cause enemy needs to be stopped from harming humanity with whatever means necessary, so I will consider the full spectrum of possibilities, and the pro and cons of all of them. That is what we tried.
It is sad that some have abused people and traumatized them with math. We are trying to create a simple program or website where you just plug in your estimates of the probabilities and utilities (how good or how bad) and press a button like CALCULATE and the answer pops out. I wonder if our enemy didn't do this on purpose to try to divide us, and, if possible, I intend on doing my best to overcome that. The most important thing that analysis showed me, when I plugged in my numbers then (the numbers would be different now), is that the MANY SOLUTIONS path is our best bet. Honor each other, and each proceed with what they think is best for them. This way, we can discuss the differences, understand them, some may change their minds, some new ideas may arise, but we do not need to agree on everything. That is extremely powerful.
I invite you to please consider reading this post and even creating your own solution(s).
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems
Thanks for your great comments.
Thanks for calling my comments great!
I too would fight back and possibly badly hurt if I had to, and probably not be able to love anyone who attacked me personally or any of my loved ones or even a stranger on the street...I don't think, with the current skills I possess, I'd be able to do other than get very angry and retaliate...As it is I preach as much to myself as to others the benefits of loving rather than hating...I believe it is a learning process, but definitely doesn't mean standing idly by when atrocities take place.
It is a spiritual exercise which I think we will all need to learn, and, if not love then at least compassion and respect for those of humanity who've suffered as children and grown into damaged, angry, hating, careless, desperate or unfeeling adults.
I may be wrong...I haven't completely convinced myself that I'm right, but we've (us humans) practiced all the negative emotions and actions it is possible to imagine over the centuries and knowing this should be proof enough that we need to change our mass mindset, apart from also finding solutions to the status quo.
Nite, nite...It's bedtime.
To me it looks like we agree quite closely. Sweet dreams.
ANOTHER SOLUTIONS BUNCH: https://substack.com/notes/post/p-120007160 ❤
Thank you. I follow James Corbett but was not aware of this conference until now. There is no way I can keep up anymore.
As I look at the charter, it appears they have a different focus. What we discovered here is that our focus should be HOW to urgently stop our root cause enemy from harming humanity. We have discovered that this needs to come first before all the other wonderful things can be achieved. Some of us are convinced that a parasitic and predatory undisclosed entity or small group has dictatorial control over most or all countries and organizations world wide and they are extremely predatory. If you have not already done so, I invite you to read Gadaffi's Green Book, and then consider what our enemy did to Libya. Many of the ideas Gadaffi was implementing in Libya are, to me, quite similar to the charter in the URL you provided. To me it appears that our enemy is not going to tolerate the things in the charter. We have discovered a very well planned powerful set of criminal activities to harm humanity, going back decades, with the pieces fitting like a puzzle or advanced chess strategy. So, in some ways, we may be taking a more direct approach than what they appear to be taking.
Please share your views on this.
Thanks again.
Hi again Larry, Here's some of my take on what you mention...It is probably necessary to have activity on many fronts...in life there are always many options open to us, therefore with ones heart in the right place, meaning to do no harm (though harm is almost inevitable in some instances as with the harm done to weeds, slugs or snails, but that harm exists probably because we haven't thought through to the number of other options open to us to deal with the problem confronting us.) we will achieve what we wish. What I've found in life is that one arrives at ones goal by always holding in ones mind the existence of our aim as a 'fait accomplis', (I think that's what 'they' do?) whilst doing all that needs be done to get there.
You have put an enormous amount on your plate, and it's so very easy to do that, so please don't spread yourself too thinly...I have to tell myself the same thing quite often...You've started a ball rolling it is already gathering it's own momentum and I believe each of us is drawn towards that for which we have the most talent...IF we listen to our heart, not our fears.
As to Gaddafi (Gadaffi?) and in Africa other good leaders here and there, they were murdered by the actions of the powers that should not be, I demo'd (did no good at all) against British involvement in war on Iraq and it's non existent weapons of mass destruction...the travesties go on and on perpetrated by those who have always and still are, carried away by the demented power they possess; the harm they are doing to life on earth is akin to an extinction event. And yes, there appears to be a need to make changes fast!...covid brought that home to me and to many others...it's been an eye opening blessing, creating the needed momentum...The work facing us all is to envision and create a different 'event'...What more can I say?...I certainly don't have all the answers for all of us, we each have to find our own path and mine appears to be to remind people to keep their hearts free from hate whilst also spreading what I consider to be important info, something I've been doing all my life...the info bit that is...it's taken me since 2020 to realise that I have to stop hating, for a start it saps ones energy and some say sends energy in the wrong direction. Fear also, has to be kept within reason and panic should not take place, but work, work, work. and determination. We are many and we need to look after each other and nurture the planet that sustains our lives instead of mass murdering its life..
Thank you for the beautiful words. Most of my time is spent in loving kindness types of energies. I would never advise anybody to hate anything, even our enemy. If you have the ability to work for a better world, at taking away our enemy's ability to harm others with love only, I admire that, and would like to learn about how you accomplish that. I can not do that all the time. At times I find it best to just let my hatred for the enemy arise organically, and then transfer that energy into negative reinforcement that results in additional focus and resolve. Martial arts fast bag and weight training are a good ways for me to transfer that hate energy to more positive things and keep negative energy from persisting. We teach have our own best ways.
A bigger challenge for me is embracing the 99% of humanity our enemy has victimized with loving kindness even when they attack me for not being like them. Our enemy is adept at divide and conquer, and getting groups to hate each other. Real people, including me, encounter this every day. It is usually in the form of passive/aggressive comments or almost complete avoidance of being human or real in interactions, identify the other as belonging to a group you have been conditioned to hate, a group that does not treat you well, and avoid them and get as far away from them as soon as possible. At least in the US where I live, this is at levels I have never seen before. Left vs Right. Christian vs non Christian. Jabbed vs Un Jabbed.
I am NOT Buddhist, but this loving kindness meditation, done daily, helps. When doing it, I include our enemy in the wishes for loving kindness, along with all beings on the planet. Days when I do this or something like it almost always work out better than days where I neglect this.
Starting yesterday, I can not edit any of my Substack comments. I wonder if it is just me, or if that happened to you as well?
Just came across this as a target for thoughts...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkzpGTl4SWs&t=74s
Inspirational video. Thanks.
Any chance I can add my curve balls to the mix. A virus that is predestined to unlock compartments as the seeds in neural stem cells grow to infect the bio-computers with hope, logic, and tools of resistance to narratives, dialogism built in to teaching how to communicate the massive energy that Wii, all the awakened "I"s can tap to alter the course of a real-I-Tea that I do not agree with, and became a WIB, energy of Soul incarnate to change that when these times came to be. All is planned better than humans think, but still there is the challenges and what makes this game so great, the Light Brigade arises at the last second, the White Hats in the Calvary just over the hill are glowing hot, ready for our assault. Transparency and Tribunals for the World... such is how Wii see the Victory unfold. A virus zipped up ahead of time, planted in like candy, seeding grey cells all around the world to then unzip and create a form of Unity that no one can believe exists. It does. Wii are here to material-I-ze it. Mii, working with all of you to form the Wii that will make Wibblry and WUB possible. A fantasy that can get by the guards that be at every cyberdoor. A cartoon, nothing more to see here. Obi Wan.