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Jan 18, 2023
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[Reply to Cathy: "I just watched this interview..." Wed Jan 18 3:48 AM US Pacific Time]

Thank you. I put this on the list for a future publication... "Current Web Links Of Interest". My hope is to publish a date stamped list every so often for Solution Seekers to consider looking at.

What would help is if you could please provide a quick, 1-2 line, summary of what is discussed, written in a way that I can easily paste it into the "Current Web Links Of Interest", either with your name or without it, as you wish? If not, I might just publish the URL. I could not sleep so I got up and felt compelled to reply to your comment. Now I am getting tired again. It is 3:44 AM here now.

Thanks again.

Let's see if this comment gets put in the right place this time...

[PS. Edited a few minutes after sending the initial reply]

As of right now, this comment appears to have gone to the right place in the comment tree.

For future reference, the URL of this originating comment and the reply is:


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I am working through the video. Right now I think this video should be the very first in the "Current Web Links Of Interest". If you somehow find a transcript of this video, please let me know. Please consider writing a short summary of the main points of the video.

I tried to transcribe one chilling part of the video below. Right now I think this transcription should be included in the description of the video. The video indicates that the enemy has everything in place to escalate the war and plans to do that very soon. To me it shows that I need to double down further and do whatever I can to try to solve this nightmare. It is beyond disgusting that so many just follow orders and whistleblowers like this one are rare.

2:35. "5G is going to play a role in this. The towers, they've gopt them everywhere. These are medical warfare weapons. And I will just give you a quote from Dr. Robert Young. Humanity needs to know and understand the source of what is being referred to as a viral infection, is in reality transmissions of pulsating microwave radiation that can lead to pathological coagulation, oxygen deprivation, heart failure, and death. So all these cell towers, what we refer to as death towers, or weaponized death towers, are like having 300,000 plus microwave ovens on the top of a stick. And have them weaponized with 8-10 megatrons per cell tower, with a minimum of 3 mega watts per megatron times megatrons = 300 megatrons or 30 million watts of power to transmit. With a flick of a switch every living thing as (is?) direct energy weapons. Half would be fried like a frog in water, and cooked to death in a few minutes."

Edited after sending. Wow. For now at least, this comment appear to have gone to the right place.

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Jan 18, 2023Edited
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[Reply to Cathy 4:44 AM US Pacific time Jan 18 2023: https://www.bitchute.com/video/aFBxxdDXgRkA/ 7:00 Every...]

Thank you. Do I have your permission to post this as is, with an intro like:

"Important Information From Solution Seeker Cathy" ? Maybe with a title you suggest? Maybe in a post by itself or as the first post in the next "Web Links Of Interest"?

[Edited 4:46 AM]

For now it looks like this comment went to the right place under Cathy's initial comment, but it looks like this is a new thread or something, so it is not clear that this thread went to the right place in the overall comments, this should be checked later.

The URL for this sub thread for future reference is:


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Jan 18, 2023
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[Response to Cathy Jan 18 6:46 AM US Pacific Time: "Sorry, I should have said this..."]

Thanks Cathy. I really appreciate it. Double agents everywhere in the controlled opposition media? None of them are Solution Seeking and that is curious and telling. I grow weary of what they do. It was meaningful when COVID first hit, but the lack of solution seeking, supposed insider knowledge, Q is going to save the day, etc. no longer has a place in how I will spend my time. Watching them now seems like a complete waste of time to me. So here we are, doing the NSA and other intelligence agency's jobs for them, faced with idiotic comment thread errors.

"Fortunate enough" indeed? Controlled opposition double agents tasked with wasting people's time by telling partial truths and preventing people from Solution Seeking?

If all we accomplish is to get a few more people to do their own versions of Solution Seeking and allocate some time to it instead of avoiding it completely, this Solution Seeking has been a success even if they succeed in destroying it. Their nature is to start with things like comment thread errors and escalate from there. I wonder what is next? All kinds of ideas about how to go forward appear n my head. Maybe we need a WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE post and invite comments. I myself have had more than enough of this Substack comment reply placement error shell game.

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Jan 14, 2023Edited
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Excellent comment. Thank you. These ideas of your are incredible and worth considering. At times I think that what you write is what I should be doing. At other times I think I should be doing something different, somewhat similar things. At other times I long for the peace of the deep mountain forest away from what remains of humanity, in deep nature. Not to hide. But to embrace nature. That has always been a dream. I have put that dream on hold to do my best in this war. And, yes it is a war. Buffet disclosed that it is a war, whether we choose to view it that way or not? Can we somehow walk through the battlefield of this war peacefully and prevail?

Let's work together as equals, along with who ever else wants to participate in good faith, and do our best to save this world? We win no matter what? No matter how this life goes? Visions within our minds are real, and might result in a better world manifesting somewhere else, maybe after ascension or physical death?

I just took a movie of what I typed. Whatever makes mistakes for me in Substack is unique. I have never seen anything like it since I have been on the internet, since 1993. How to share that movie. I cannot see how we can possibly do comment think tank analysis in Substack.

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Jan 14, 2023
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Great ideas. Thanks.

At the brainstorming stage we get to put all ideas out on the table, consider them all, and make the best decisions? I can't be bossed anymore.. I will neither lead or follow in what remains of my life. Me? I have a Master's degree in Mech Eng, after leaving the PHD program in disgust at how academia really works. In my career I was a solution seeker. I ran simulations, developed AI, created predictive models of the future (several possible futures, hardly ever just one model, usually at least a best case, worst case, and most likely case), developed programs to tune models so they better matched "reality" (whatever reality is). I worked in SCADA as defined in the following URL. My job was to provide the planning team information on the various possible future states of a complex system so they could make the best decisions of all possible futures, and then adapt to any surprises that occurred.

I retired in 2016. My dream was to get to a permaculture acreage and concentrate on my music hobby. But my health challenges led me to validate that what we are told about how power flows in this world is not correct. It was easy for me to see what was coming far before the enemy launched COVID around 2020. Much of what is in these two articles was already written in a different form before 2018.



I hope you will please share at least the equivalent information about yourself?

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Jan 14, 2023
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I can't wait to see where Substack puts this comment. Possibly anywhere but where it should go, as a reply to your comment. I just woke up, am groggy, and hope I remember to take a a screen grab before hitting the "Post" button.

Your experience and attributes, along with your communication abilities, courage, compassion, honesty, and intelligence, make you a valuable equal partner in this endeavor. At some stage we may decide it is best for you to facilitate some things somewhat independently and share. It is not clear the my think tank experience will help or hinder this process. Therefore, at this formative, brainstorming stage, I believe we need active participation from as many well meaning diverse equal partners as possible so we can discuss the merits of the different options for going forward as a group, and make the best possible decisions.

Further, I just responded to an insightful comment that gets to what is perhaps the crux of the matter. It is on another Substack that apparently does not suffer from the kinds of sporadic comment reply placement errors Solution Seeking Substack experiences. https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/crack/comment/11893749

Maybe you could reply on that thread or we could try to import that conversation here as a separate topic somehow?

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Hmmm i wouldn’t have considered that Mr Buffet was fighting anything. Except the remote possibility of his portfolio crashing.

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Mr. Buffet appeared to be spilling the beans to an extent? I was looking for information on Class War and could not find much except his quote, so I decided to use it. My belief is that his class, the 1%, has been waging a class war for a long time, and there are always exceptions to any rule. What do you think?

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Jan 7, 2023
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Thank you. Never did follow the guy, but he sure sounded awful geriatric when they asked him about crypto, CeFi, DeFi. May his portfolio crash harder than ours.

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The 1%, like those engaged 5GW, don’t likely identify a central figure, nor, for that matter, bother to think about it at all. Unless and until there’s an angry mob seeking a decent living wage.

Or, at a crucial election time?

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Concrete will give some protection. It is complex and depends on the situation. A meter is required to investigate any specific location. Most are surprised by what the meter reveals. This is the meter I use. I am not sure if you can order it from where you are. But the brand is a good brand, and there are some meters that look good but are completely useless, I made the mistake of buying a few of those. In the US, others have also bought from this place and all, so far, are happy with the results. I tried buying the same meter from Amazon and the customer service was horrible.


Here is a short video showing how easy it is to use this meter:


Here is Building Biologist Oram Miller explaining how to use the meter. It is time consuming but sometimes health is worth it.


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EMF is higher outside cities? Seems counterintuitive. Do buildings of concrete effectively protect cityfolk.

Like a oldie on the radio, someone’s gonna turn it up.

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Good catch. Thank you so much. I tried to make the correction just now. My EMF brain damage at work?

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I nominate you, Larry, for the office of President of Immunity to BS.

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I will neither lead or follow in what remains of my life. Within reason. I just "followed" somebody on Gab, but don't view it as following, it is just an unfortunate use of the term? We are coerced into so many compromises. I am almost 65 so, for me, the compromises are over with now? This society requires compromises? Deep rural nature far from the nearest human now beckons strongly.

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Jan 14, 2023
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I understand that what you report is not really a Substack software error, but, rather, the time honored SUBMIT vs OK vs YES vs CHECK.MARK confusion ambiguity in progrmming?

I also did plenty of software testing, beta and otherwise. At some stages I provided bug lists to software developers. So perhaps we create a repository of user issues in Substack and submit them to

Substack support through me, and I make all of it transparent to our group in posts? If Substack is indeed trying to create the best possible platform, it should work with us as partners to help improve its platform? If it is doing something else, we can document it and share it with other?

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Jan 14, 2023
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You awaken the canoeist/naturalist in me. Like you, seeking what is most real and beautiful, immersing in its glory, I’ve lived.

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Thank you, friend.

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Following. Such a shitty term for something akin to “seeking more of” or “communicating meaningfully with” .

I am accused of being verbose but therein lies accuracy, meaning and clarity. This modern tendency to brevity comes at a cost I’m not willing nor too impatient to pay.

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These pathetic attempts at brainwashing and subconscious conditioning due to hypnosis and similar tactics are everywhere. We may need to coin new words or even create a new language. The could have used "Sharing", "Subscribing", "Joining"? Or just make a new word and start using it. Of course we will have enough challenges so maybe the new words come after we win and start to create the better world?

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What EMF reader do you use? I need to get one. I waited as long as I could but had to get a new phone but I try to keep the 5G off, unless I can’t get wifi. Still probably doesn’t help much but better than having the 5G zapping me 24/7. I know wifi is probably just as bad. I’ll check out some of your links. Thanks and stay strong!

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Good question. Thanks. I just made the comment below to Stevanovitch and will repeat it here. Sorry if some of it is out of context. The basic information hopefully addresses your question. Please let me know if you have other questions. It links to the meter I use and some tutorials showing simple operation and more detailed operation. Thanks again.


Concrete will give some protection. It is complex and depends on the situation. A meter is required to investigate any specific location. Most are surprised by what the meter reveals. This is the meter I use. I am not sure if you can order it from where you are. But the brand is a good brand, and there are some meters that look good but are completely useless, I made the mistake of buying a few of those. In the US, others have also bought from this place and all, so far, are happy with the results. I tried buying the same meter from Amazon and the customer service was horrible.


Here is a short video showing how easy it is to use this meter:


Here is Building Biologist Oram Miller explaining how to use the meter. It is time consuming but sometimes health is worth it.



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I like this solution but it takes time and is being opposed all the way....


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Thank you. I like that solution too. I looked but did not find details about HOW to accomplish what you suggest.

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There is one major clue... read Gadaffi's Green Book!

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That is an incredible book. I have read it, but that was a few years ago, before this COVID war started. It might be insightful to review it now. It has been added to Solution Seeking web links of interest with an invitation to study it with an open mind.

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As for the Ecocide Law. Jojo Mehta is hitting brick walls. She attended WEF at Davos this year in the hope of attracting some support. Apparently they shoved her in a side room and hardly anyone attended her talk!

The Predators don't want to be legislated into behaving themselves!

One of Gadaffi's speeches at the UN was fantastic and would fit well with the Ecocide Law. I will try to find it and cobble it all together somehow - when my brain is firing on all channels. Atm it is a sleepy slug! xx

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Sweet dreams. If we are lucky we will have more from you about Gadaffi. I know I am not the one to do that. Thanks for everything.

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pretty much sums it up. i have nothing against violence if that is what is necessary to get rid of parasites. this is not an invitation to discuss what a parasite is; if people don't know yet wtfu.

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