Brilliantly written. One of their best weapons is coercive action against those in the 99% with moral skeletons in their closet. Live like Christ or any of the saints. This will reduce the leverage they have over you.
Suggestion. There is a huge problem of the trauma bonding many people might have with their abusers and may even exhibit a type of Stockholm syndrome. So providing the abused with contradictory information can immediately blow up in your face and they end up attacking or hating you. The term "It's not the messenger, it's the message", has validity as they often killed the messenger bearing bad news in ancient times. I can only suggest that one must understand this phenomenon very well before trying to approach those you want to help. Tread lightly. Meredith Miller explains this extremely well and how one might proceed cautiously
Thanks. Great video. This is complicated. I am trying it out and, so far, the majority of the times have gone quite well. But if you have a busy employee at a grocery store, maybe they are just being polite and will forget about it later. It is a simple one line truth. "Your life, and the lives of almost everybody else, can only be improved at the expense of the 1%, not at the expense of others in the 99%.". It should not really have contradictory information if the conversation is skillfully done in a way that avoids this? IE. The wealthy have YOUR money, you deserve more, they deserve less. The wealthy also have far too much of everybody else's money, so all the people who are struggling should not look at getting that money from each other, but, rather, from the wealthy.
At the beginning of the COVID propaganda efforts and the injection propaganda, the enemy published sophisticated guides showing how to fool people, flow charts, if the person says this, try that, etc. Maybe we need to develop something similar to that? We could really use the help of some psychologists here, but we will do our best.
Yes if you have a good seed for thought as most understand 'Cui Bono', who benefits or has benefited when digging deeper into something. Getting deeper into a conversation is the tricky and complicated part that one needs to be careful with. I guess some of the initial signals might be assessing how much team indoctrination the person is influenced by and will they defend certain team positions and slogans without any deeper thought, more of a quick brain response. This team indoctrination probably goes for team red or team blue people I suspect, but I notice it more on team blue personally.
Please note the sophisticated enemy directives on how to fool people into harming themselves as shown in this publication. This, and other guidebooks published by the enemy, and distributed to key minions, proved to be incredibly successful. People lined up to harm themselves after believing the sophisticated lies.
We can beat them. We have to beat them. It won't be easy. I keep hoping that somebody comes up with a silver bullet. I know this article is not a silver bullet and expected it to fizzle as it apparently has. Back to the drawing board. How many times did Edison try and fail before inventing the light bulb?
This article will remain up to the extent that is within my capability. Maybe its time will eventually come. I have done several edits and really hope some better writers will take these concepts and run with them.
Brilliantly written. One of their best weapons is coercive action against those in the 99% with moral skeletons in their closet. Live like Christ or any of the saints. This will reduce the leverage they have over you.
Suggestion. There is a huge problem of the trauma bonding many people might have with their abusers and may even exhibit a type of Stockholm syndrome. So providing the abused with contradictory information can immediately blow up in your face and they end up attacking or hating you. The term "It's not the messenger, it's the message", has validity as they often killed the messenger bearing bad news in ancient times. I can only suggest that one must understand this phenomenon very well before trying to approach those you want to help. Tread lightly. Meredith Miller explains this extremely well and how one might proceed cautiously
Thanks. Great video. This is complicated. I am trying it out and, so far, the majority of the times have gone quite well. But if you have a busy employee at a grocery store, maybe they are just being polite and will forget about it later. It is a simple one line truth. "Your life, and the lives of almost everybody else, can only be improved at the expense of the 1%, not at the expense of others in the 99%.". It should not really have contradictory information if the conversation is skillfully done in a way that avoids this? IE. The wealthy have YOUR money, you deserve more, they deserve less. The wealthy also have far too much of everybody else's money, so all the people who are struggling should not look at getting that money from each other, but, rather, from the wealthy.
At the beginning of the COVID propaganda efforts and the injection propaganda, the enemy published sophisticated guides showing how to fool people, flow charts, if the person says this, try that, etc. Maybe we need to develop something similar to that? We could really use the help of some psychologists here, but we will do our best.
Yes if you have a good seed for thought as most understand 'Cui Bono', who benefits or has benefited when digging deeper into something. Getting deeper into a conversation is the tricky and complicated part that one needs to be careful with. I guess some of the initial signals might be assessing how much team indoctrination the person is influenced by and will they defend certain team positions and slogans without any deeper thought, more of a quick brain response. This team indoctrination probably goes for team red or team blue people I suspect, but I notice it more on team blue personally.
Great points. Thanks.
Please note the sophisticated enemy directives on how to fool people into harming themselves as shown in this publication. This, and other guidebooks published by the enemy, and distributed to key minions, proved to be incredibly successful. People lined up to harm themselves after believing the sophisticated lies.
Now, contrast that to the pathetically simple and inadequate example conversation in the post I just attempted.
I think we have work to do?
Years of planning and practice and a lot of money dished out, I'd say they have a big head start and crime that pays, stays.
We can beat them. We have to beat them. It won't be easy. I keep hoping that somebody comes up with a silver bullet. I know this article is not a silver bullet and expected it to fizzle as it apparently has. Back to the drawing board. How many times did Edison try and fail before inventing the light bulb?
This article will remain up to the extent that is within my capability. Maybe its time will eventually come. I have done several edits and really hope some better writers will take these concepts and run with them.